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86 Cards in this Set

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is a relatively permanent change in behavior that is brought about by experience
Ivan Pavlov
Salivating dogs classically conditioned them to salivate at the tone of a bell for food.
John B Watson

CC little albert to become afraid at the sight of any white furry thing... by pairing it with a loud noise
created an irrational fear and PSTD.. never was desensitized
previously conditioned response decreases in frequency and eventually disappears
Spontaneous Recovery
reemergence of an extinguished conditioned response after a period of rest with no further conditioning.
occurs when a conditioned response follows a stimulus that is similar to original CS

ex) social norms
occurs when 2 stimuli are similar and one evokes a response and one does not
ex) can opener
John Garcia
biologically prepared to avoid foods that taste/smell like something that made us sick before.

Operant Conditioning
reward and punishment learning.
learn by reinforcements
B F Skinner
Skinner box
Thorndike law of effect
response lead to satisfying consequences more likely to be repeated
process stimulus increases likelihood preceding behavior will be repeated
Positive Reinforcement
stimulus ADDED to environment that brings and INCREASE in preceding response

(take away negatives)
Negative Reinforcement
unpleasant stimulus whose REMOVAL leads to INCREASE in prob that a preceding response will be repeated.
Schedules of reinforcement
>fixed ratio- given only after a specific number of responses

>variable ratio: occurs after a varying number of responses

>fixed interval: provides reinforcement for a response only if a fixed time period has elapsed.
(over all rates are relatively low)

>variable interval: time between reinforcement varies around some average rather than being fixed
Stimulus control training
behavior is reinforced in the presence of a specific stimulus but not in absence
ex) ppl are different around certain ppl in their lives
Discriminative Stimulus
sigs the liklihood reinforcement will follow a response

ex) keeping the kleenex out patients are more likely feel the need to cry
not natural
teaching complex behavior by rewarding closer and closer

ex) animal training-- circus chicken
Cognitive Learning Theory
learning is best understood in terms of cognitions and ppl develop expectation of reward after a repsonse
Observational Learning
learning through imitation
-albert bandura: children bobo dolls and violent rxns

>mirror neurons
fire when one observes a person carrying out a behavior
a process in which one encodes, stores and retrieves info
taking in 7 +/- 2 #s at one time easier to remember in chunks

ex) credit cards are chunked in groups of 4
Three System Memory Theory
>sensory memory: lasts seconds
>short term memory: a little longer.. but stores the important info into
>long term memory ^
Sensory Memory
>iconic: reflects into from the visual system

>echoic: stores auditory info from ears
Short Term Memory
>rehearsal: elaborative repeats and info is stored in same fashion
>mnuemonics: memorizing techniques and org strategy

>working memory:
set of temp memory stores actively manipulate and rehearse info
central execuative processor
visual store
verbal store
episodic buffer
Long Term Memory
declarative memory
-factual info
-semantic and general knowledge
-episodic memory..events
-procedural memory
skills and habits
ex) wake up routine and driving
Longtime potentiation
certain neuropathways became easily excited while new responses are being learned
been exposed to a stimulus previously or asked to indentify from a list of alt.
Levels of Processing Theory
suggests that the amounts of info processing occurs when determining how much info is remembered.
Explicit Memory

Implicit Memory
continuously known

not easily brought into conscious awareness
related to specific traumatic event- vivid rep of a snap shot of experience

Germinal Period
zygote... fertilized egg first 2 weeks
Embyrotic period
week 2-8
Fetal Period
week 8-birth
age of viability
avg 22 weeks and a child can survive prematurely
sensitive/critical period = easier to learn a lang.
Development of senses
-visual abilities grow rapidly after birth
Parenting styles


authoritative *

Piagets Cog. Development
1. sensorimotor stage
object permanence
2. pre op stage
egocentric though and principle conueration

3.concrete op stage
reversable thinking, no abstract thought.

4. formal op stage
abstract and formal logical thinking
info processing
thinking about how we think
G- Factor
>general factor for mental ability
>underlie performance in every aspect of intelligence
>recently it is viewed as a mulitdimensional concept
Fluid Intelligence
>street smarts
>info processing capabilities reasoning and memory
Crystalized Intelligence
>accumulation of skills info and strategies, book smarts

ex)chick with 2 PhDs didn't know how to change her own oil
Binet IQ test
>chron age
>intelligence quocient
>deviation iq scores
>bell shape distribution
>iw score = ma/ca X 100
Freud and Pyschodynamic
personality theory
idea that personality is motivated by inner forces and conflicts
ppl have little awareness and control

>unconscious= part of personality that contains memories and inner desires
raw unorganized inborn part personality
-primitive drives food,sex, sleep
-pleasure principle "need it now"

>need to deal with reality

>strives to balance the two. the mediator moral principal
Pyschosexual stages
Oral- baby's mouth is focal point of pleasure
fixation on: eating, sucking

Anal- retention and expulsion of feces feels in control

Phallic-discovers and focuses on genitals
oepidal conflict with parents

Latency-until puberty looses interest in sex and genders

Genital- until death focuses on mature adult sexual issues... intercourse, finding a partner
Defense Mechanisms
-unconscious strategies that ppl use to reduce anxiety by concealing its source
Karen Horney
Neo Freudian
>women's issues
>personality develops in context of social relationships between parent and child
ex)lack of father figure resulted to her sexual attachment issues
The Big Five
Erogenous Zones
areas that increase nerve receptors that are particularly sensitive to touch
Virginia Johnson and
William Masters
1. Excitement phase
arousing stimulus begins a sequence prepares genitals for sex

2. Plateau Phase
body's prep for orgasm, biological reason for orgasms

3. Resolution Stage
back to resting stage reverses change brought on by arousal

4. Refractory Period
unable to develop an erection and unable to ejaculate
Kinsey Continuum
0 exclusively hetero
1 primarily hetero/homo incidents
2 primarily hetero/more occurances
3 equally hetero/homo
4 primarily homo/ hetero incident
5 primarily homo/ more occurrences
6 exclusively homo
goal is to release hidden unconscious thoughts and feelings in order to reduce their power

-free assoc
-dream anaylsis
Behavioral Treatment
make the fundamental assumption that both abnormal and normal behavior are LEARNED by good/bad consequences

CC= aversive conditioning, systematic desensitation, exposure treatments

operent= token system, constingency contract, observational learning
Cognitive Treatment
therapists attempt to change the way ppl think as well as their behavior
-highly structured and focused on concrete probs

ex) depressed chick who wrote nice things in her notebook
Humanistic Treatment
group therapy.... helps put issues into perspective
Social psych
study of how people's thoughts and feelings and actions are affected by others
Research design for cause and effect- experimental
investigation of relationship between 2 or more variable by deliberately producing a change in one variable in a situation and observing the effects of that change.
Correlation method
two sets of variables is examined to determine whether they are associated or "correlated"
Natural observation
research in which an investigator simply observes some naturally occuring behavior and does not make a change in the situation
cross sectional and longitudinal designs
compares ppl of different ages at the same point in time

investigates behavior as participants age
quasi- experimental design
like experimental design, but lacks the random assignment
range of correlation score
pos, neg, zero
parts of the neuron
cell body
terminal buttons
nervous system
central nervous system
-spinal chord... relfex and sensory motor
ex) jerking hand away from burner

peripheral nervous system
-somatic... VOLUNTARY
eating, working out, scratching
>sympathetic... acts to prepare the body for action- fight or flight EXPENDS ENERGY

>parasympathetic... calms body after crisis back to normal state
what is an axon?
the cylindrical part of the neuron that impulses travel through
pos and neg charge- all or nothing principal
brain imaging tools
eeg- waves and spikes

fmri- picture

pet- detailed brain

tms- 3d image
limbic system
amygdala and hippcampus

controls eating, agression, and reproduction.

basic needs
neo cortex
newest part of cerebral cortex- ability to think and reason and make complex judgements

-frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital
the difference between sensing and perceiving
activation of sense organs by a source oh physical energy

sorting out, interp, analysis and integration of stimuli carried out by the sense organs and the brain
parts of the eye
optic nerve

cones and rods
bones in the inner ear
hammer- vibrates against anvil

anvil- carries sound to stirrup

stirrup- causes a membrane covering the opening the inner ear to vibrate
what are natural pain killers?
what percent of people believe in ESP?
over half the us population
stages of sleep
1- transition between wakefulness and sleep- rapid low amp brain waves

2- deeper, slow reg. sleep spindles

3-slow waves, great peaks and valeys

4-deepest stage least responsive to outside stimuli

rem- dreaming and paralyzed body
sleep problems
insomnia- inability to fall and stay asleep

sleep apnea- stop breathing during sleep

night terrors- in children very violent screaming don't remember

narcolepsy- randomly falling asleep

sleep talking and walking
biopsych reasons for sleep
sleep deprivation results in death

conserve energy at night

repair brain cells
latent and manifest content of dreams
"disguised" meaning of dreams hidden by obvious subjects

the apparent story line of dreams
why is it so difficult to retrieve a memory from long term memory?
levels of processing theory

set of generalized beliefs and expectations about a group and its members

typical highly reped samples of a concept
means end
repeated testing for differences between desired outcome and what currently exists
difference between sex and gender
gender is an assumed role that society decides what is appropriate.
alfred kinsey
sexual survey, masterbation: solitary sex
sexual self stimulation

the kinsey continuum
3 ways to comm better
-Make a list of health-related concerns before you visit a health-care provider.
-Write down the names & dosages of every drug you are taking.
-Take along an advocate to help you communicate better.
reducing discrimination
-Increase contact between the target of stereotyping & the holder of the stereotype.
-Make values & norms against prejudice/discrimination more apparent to others.
-Provide reasoning/info behind behaviors others might find puzzling.