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11 Cards in this Set

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A dissociative episode characterized by a period of brooding followed by an outburst of violent, aggressive, or homicidal behavior directed at people and objects. The episode tends to be precipitated by a perceived slight or insult and seems to be prevalent only among males.
An idiom of distress principally reported among Latinos from the Caribbean but recognized among many Latin American and Latin Mediterranean groups. Commonly reported symptoms include uncontrollable shouting, attacks of crying, trembling, heat in the chest rising into the head, and verbal or physical aggression. A general feature of (WORD) is a sense of being out of control.
ataque de nervios
The underlying cause of these syndromes is thought to be strongly experienced anger or rage. Symptoms can include acute nervous tension, headache, trembling, screaming, stomach disturbances, and, in more severe cases, loss of consciousness.
bilis and colera
A syndrome observed in West Africa and Haiti. This French term refers to a sudden outburst of agitated and aggressive behavior, marked confusion, and psychomotor excitement. It may sometimes be accompanied by visual and auditory hallucinations or paranoid ideation. These episodes may resemble an episode of Brief Psychotic Disorder.
boufee delirante
A term initially used in West Africa to refer to a condition experienced by high schoool or university students in response to the challenges of schooling. Symptoms include difficulties in concentrating, remembering, and thinking. Additional somatic symptoms are usually centered around the head and neck and include pain, pressure or tightness, blurring of vision, heat, or burining. "Brain tiredness" or fatigue from "too much thinking" is an idiom of distress in many cultures, and resulting syndromes can resemble certain Anxiety, Depressive, and Somatoform Disorders.
brain fag
A folk diagnostic term used in India to refere to severe anxiety and hypochondriacal concerns associated with the discharge of semen, whitish discoloration of the urine, and feelings of weakness and exhaustion. Similar to jiryan (India), sukra prameha (Sri Lanka), and shen-k'-uei (China).
These episodes occur primarily in southern United States and Caribbean groups. They are characterized by a sudden collapse, which sometimes occurs without warning but sometimes is preceded by feelings of dizziness or "swimming" in the head. The individual's eyes are usually open but the person cliams an inability to see. The person usually hears and understands what is occuring around him or her but feels powerless to move. This may correspond to a diagnosis of Conversion Disorder or a Dissociative Disorder.
falling out
A preoccupation with death and the deceased (sometimes associated with witchcraft) frequently observed among members of many American Indian tribes. Various symptoms can be attributed to (WORD), including bad dreams, weakness, feelings of danger, loss of appetitie, fainting, dizziness, fear, anxiety, hallucinations, loss of consciousness, confusion, feelings of futility, and a sense of suffocation.
ghost sickness
A Karean folk syndrome literally translated into English as "anger syndrome" and attributed to the suppression of anger. The symptoms include insomnia, fatigue, panic, fear of impending death, dysphoric affect, indigestion, anorexia, dyspnea, palpitations, generalized aches and pains, and a feeling of a mass in the epigastrium.
hwa-byung or wool=hwa-byung
An unreasonable expectation, communicated to others, that one is special and deserves favored treatment.
The excessive love or investment in oneself with the corresponding inability to love another or be empathetic to their concerns.