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34 Cards in this Set

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Core Competency

The of pooled knowledge and that allows a business to be unique and competitive in the workplace.

Self-managed Teams

A small group of employees whose members determine, plan, and manage their day-to-day activities and duties under reduced or no supervision.

Game-Changing Talent Strategy

Business strategy that guides purpose-driven organizations by: (1) supporting strategic and operational superiority, (2) being globally scaled yet locally relevant, (3) fostering a collective culture yet enable people to thrive as individuals, and (4) having policies endure yet are agile and open to revitalization

Game-Changing Organization

Purpose-driven, performance-oriented, and principles-led. Talent strategies guide and drive business strategy.

Work System

An organization's system in which employees and/or machines produce products/services for customers.

Social Contract

The mutual obligations and expectations between workers, employers, and their communities; underlying context in which the employment relationship is situated

Mass Production

A company being able to produce a large amount of products in a short amount of time

Simple Structure

Low departmentalization; an organizational form in which the owner/manager makes all major decisions and monitors all activities, while the staff serves as an extension of the manager's supervisory authority

Functional Structure

Organizes employees around specific knowledge or other resources

Divisional Structure

People are organized according to what the organization produces

Matrix Structure

Employees are temporarily assigned to a specific project team and have a permanent functional unit

Organizational Formalization

The degree to which organizations standardize behavior though rules, procedures, formal training, and related mechanisms

Organizational Specialization

The degrees to which organizational tasks are divided as separate jobs

Cross-Functional Teams

A group of people with different functional expertise working toward a common goal

Organizational Structure

Defines how activities such as task allocation, coordination, and supervision are directed towards the achievement of organizational aims

Organizational Culture

A set of basic assumptions that have developed as a consequence of the organization's attempt to adapt to internal and external probems

Strong Organizational Culture

The organization's basic assumptions are widely shared and deeply held by members

Knowledge Marketplace

A mechanism for distributing knowledge resources.

Talent Marketplace

Jobs created to fit employees and not vise versa. The most productive employees can pick and choose the projects and assignments that are ideal for them.

Symbolic Analysts

A worker who is a problem identifier, a problem solver, or an innovator who can visualize new uses of technologies

Independent Contractor

A person who contracts to do work for another person according to his or her own processes and methods; not subject to another's control except for what is specified in a mutually binding agreement for a specific job


Working for different companies at different times rather than being permanently employed by one company.

Temporary Workers

The employer has the right to determine what length of time the employee has the right to work

Itinerant Profession

Moving from place to place to find a job

Lattice Career

Replacement of the traditional "corporate ladder". Adds horizontal "steps".

Internal Labor Market

The system by which a company looks inside its own organization to find a suitable person for a senior job, instead of giving the job to someone outside the company


An organization obtaining goods or services from an outside or foreign supplier

Flat Organization

An organization that has an organizational structure with few or no levels of middle management between staff and executives


Pyramidial command structure

Organizational Silos

An attitude in some organizations that occurs when several departments or group do not want to share information or knowledge with other individuals in the same company.

Organizational Standardization

The extent to which similar work activities are performed in a similar way

Organizational Complexity

Number of activities or subsystems in an organization

Organizational Decentralization

Decision making authority is dispersed throughout the organization

Organizational Hierarchy

Who reports to whom and the span of control of managers.