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35 Cards in this Set

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Plug Flow

•Occurs during flow acceleration


Parabolic Flow

•Occurs during diastole

•Wider spectrum of flow


•Fluid resistance to flow

•Friction between layers/walls

•Proportional to hemarocrit

Reynolds Number

•Describes when turbulence is likely to occur(R# >/= 2000)

Reynolds Formula

•Flow × Density × Diameter / Vis


•Occurs distal to max stenosis


•Resistance to change in direction or speed

Poiseuille's Law

•Predicts flow in a cylinder

•P = Q(flow) × R

Poiseulle's and Ohms

•Ohms: E = I(current) × R

•Pois: P = Q × R

Bernoulli's Law

•TE at Pt A = TE at Pt B

•TE = PE + KE

Applied Bernoulli's Effect

•75% area reduction = velocity increase and distal pressure decrease

Effects of Stenosis

•Measuring increase in velocity can estimate stenosis


•Single layer of endothelial cells

•Permeability, antithrombogenic, vasoreactive


•Smooth muscle, allows rhythmic changes in size during cardiac cycle


•Connective tissue and collagen

•Contains vaso vasorum

Vaso Vasorum

•Vessels that supply artery wall

LE Blood Flow Controlled By

•Cardiac output, wall resistance and compliance, vasoconstriction/dilation in distal beds

Extremity Blood Flow

•Ruled by demand

Low Demand

•Distal vasoconstriction

•AV shunting in muscle cap beds

•High resistance from AO to arterioles


•Creates demand for flow

•Muscles need O2, metabolites and waste removal

Vasodilation Triggers

•Low oxygen tension in tissue

•Increased CO2, lactic acid, K ions


Arterioles Vasodilate

•During exercise, ischemia, chemical-emotional stimulation

Most Important Factors for Flow

•Cardiac output and distal resistance

With Exercise

•Flow volume increases to LE vascular beds

Normal Post Exercise Flow

•⬆️Q × ⬇️R = No pressure change

•Ankle pressure remains about the same as pre exercise

PAD Risk Factors

•Family/genetics, high cholesterol, HTN, DM, obesity, elevated triglycerides

Other PAD Risk Factors

•LDL > 160mg/dl, depressed fibrinolytic system, tobacco, LDL oxidation

Mild Art Disease Symptoms

•Patient ASX

•May have abd bruit, mild decrease in ankle pressure PE

Moderate Art Disease Symptoms

•ASX at rest

•Intermittent claudication, relieved by rest

Severe Art Disease Symptoms

•Night pain in feet/toes, relieved by dependency

•Dependent rubor

Dependent Rubor

•Redness in foot when hanging in dependent position

Other Severe Disease Symptoms

•Ischemic rest pain in feet/toes

•Non healing wounds

•Ulceration on lower leg/foot

•Tissue necrosis/gangrene

Buerger's Disease

•Small vessel thrombosis

•Fixed occlusive disease

Raynaud's Syndrome

•Small vessel vasospasm

Entrapment Syndromes

•Structures extrinsically pinch arterial flow

•Pop A, nutcracker, thoracic outlet, SMA syndrome