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77 Cards in this Set

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Sex is a oneness exercise

It had been an awkward moment, but the pure rapture they had experienced as each stepped away from innocent virginity to oneness with each other left an indelible imprint on their hearts.

Sex is a oneness exercise

I felt such a closeness and oneness with her. Finally, when she relaxed and sighed, I knew we had a first successful attempt.

Pursuing Oneness

Togehter We are one—hot, wet, soft, sweet, wonderful oneness!

Wonderful Oneness

I have never felt her hotter or wetter than she is right now. It feels incredible.

Wonderful Oneness

God has blessed our marriage with sexual oneness that we both enjoy.

Wonderful oneness

What a beautiful bed sheet evidencing our renewed oneness in the flesh for all the rest of our lives together!

Wonderful oneness

What a beautiful Godly wife! What a wonder God to create such intimacy for us!

Wonderful Oneness

They remembered it was a good thing to long for marriage and oneness when they were single, for that is how the Lord created them.

Wonderful Oneness

With each passing measure I felt my own soul melting into hers, sort of a mental precursor to the oneness of flesh we were soon to enjoy together

Wonderful Oneness

I didn’t understand and honestly did not appreciate how much he needs sex and oneness with me and that not getting it affects everything he does.

Wonderful Oneness

Articulated eloquently in a moment of sexual unity and oneness of body and spirit. How I love this woman, God’s great gift who is my wife.

Wonderful Oneness

I was so full of love for my wife that I felt a “oneness” between us that is so precious and dear to me, that it made my masculine heart soften and open to her affections.

Wonderful Oneness

"Oh don’t tease me please just enter me, come into our magical ONENESS."

Pursuing Oneness

We are looking forward to more freedom, oneness and love at this time of our life and beyond.

Magical Oneness

As she led my penis into her warmth, my mind caught a flashback of those many chaste hugs where this oneness was my greatest unfulfilled desire.

Wonderful Oneness

I cannot imagine any pain yet beautiful oneness with the man I love.

Wonderful Oneness

I continued riding him like this and didn’t want it to stop. Such pure oneness and marital ecstasy.

Wonderful Oneness

What a tremendous blessing and honor I have to be loved and cherished by my man like this. I adore this part of our love making—the innocent and honest naked oneness of our marriage.

Wonderful Oneness

Such bliss and intimacy. Such romance and beauty. Such pleasure our flesh and spirit grant to one another in this mysterious fashion.

Wonderful Oneness

We both enjoy that feeling of oneness & try to savor it as long as we can.

Sex is a oneness exercise

Licking her in her most secret place and tasting her most secret fluids is like a compact of the eternal acceptance of our inviolable oneness that only I have a right to read.

Wonderful oneness

she felt him gently open her legs, and then pure warmth as she felt him slip into her, joining her in blissful oneness.

Wonderful Oneness

The world outside vanished, and we reached a level of oneness people call ecstasy in general.

Wonderful oneness

Then the moment of “oneness” came, our simultaneous orgasms brought the deepest of sexual pleasure as we embraced tightly,

Sex according to design

Sex is God’s design for husband and wife to have oneness together.

Wonderful Oneness

Dear Marriage Heat friends: I hope this encourages you in some way to realize the singular oneness that you have with your spouse. Be content with God’s gifts.

Marriage is such blessing.

The Oneness was amazing.

Wonderful Oneness

Our climax was so amazing that I can’t even put into words how wonderful it was. The oneness with my husband and God; the closeness, the love, the joy, the excitement….it was so overwhelming!

Wonderful Oneness

What a blessing it was to still enjoy intimacy and oneness with my beloved in a unique, erotic way.

Pursuing Oneness

We did not make love that night but the intimacy and the oneness was something I still have trouble describing.

Wonderful Oneness

But there was oneness. The oneness we had been missing on Tuesday nights – and every night, for a long time.

Pursuing Oneness: Living for your wife

Putting myself first too many times had taken its toll on our oneness. We had become like unfamiliar roommates. We were two now.

Pursuing Oneness

She is close—he wants to let go but waits to come with her, to experience that oneness.

Wonderful Oneness

I was truly lost in the moment and forgot we shared a room with my parents. My body was melting into his, his into mine.

Wonderful Oneness Exercise

My body was fully melted, and I didn’t care about anything in that moment.

Foreplay: Honoring your wife

I sucked and sucked on his dick until I could think of nothing other than how badly I wanted my husband inside me. “I want you in me now,

Wonderful Oneness

My whole body melted away in pleasure. Both of us were hot and sweaty.

Pursuing Oneness

Our hearts are one – and they are pounding.

Women are aroused slowly

After the slow *******, my wife will let me know that she wants it hard and fast. We clasp our legs in a way I can’t describe and we are off. It is pounding time!

Wonderful Oneness

"Her pussy causes a friction on my cock and my cock on her pussy that we both admit is the best sensory feeling in this world."

He who finds a wife finds a good thing.....

"I don’t care what is normal for other people , I only know that I am so connected to you, so “one” with you that I want to make love every day. "

He who finds a wife finds a good thing....

" I need it as I need air to breathe or eight hours of sleep each day. Insatiable lust, unparalleled desire, we have so much chemistry together that “normal” has been redefined."

Live for your wife now .....

- By coming to bed clean and smelling good for my wife.

- Make this a habits. ( This will nourish both of you in marriage )

Pursuing Oneness

"Seeing my wife in pleasure brings me pleasure. "

He who finds a wife finds a good thing .....

Orgasm is about letting go.

Wonderful Oneness: Sex is deep

With the pressure of an O off, my wife and I enjoyed sex.

Sex is deep :

Sex is about spouses connecting deeper and coming together.

He who finds a wife finds a good thing ....

What joy we take in discovering the pleasures of each other’s bodies.

Wonderful Oneness

We now were able to experience the closeness physically that we had been feeling emotionally for so long. It was glorious.

Learning is living: Live for your wife ....

"It was as if they were learning to enjoy each other, and themselves, all over again, in new ways."

Pursuing Oneness

But what made that day memorable was realizing how much pleasure we could give one another when we let go.

Pursuing Oneness

If you really want her to let go and let her wild side unleash, you have to give her permission to not worry about what she’ll have to do after she climaxes.

Women who are super orgasmic. ..

They remain at a Alphawave during four cycles of arousal during sexual pleasure.

A relaxed state of mind.

It is a two way street my wife cannot become ...

A sexgoddess automatically I have to perfect her because that is my duty.

Oneness is....


The world outside vanishes when ....

Both of you have reach that level of oneness where your body, spirit and mind becomes one.

Indescribable oneness can even

Take place without orgasms being enjoyed.

Sex is a...

Bonding agent.

The true experience of oneness ....

Is amazing.

The intimacy and oneness....

When experienced words are not enough to describe the experience.

While massaging your wife....

Play binaural beats music to help her relax.

Pursuing Oneness

Can two walk together unless they agree?

To take her where she has never been before sexual you have to speak her sexual love language.

Sex is .....

To know and to be known.

Sex is ...

An expression of intimacy.

Pursuing Oneness

" I sometimes can’t help my behavior and the noises that I make at what he does for me in the bedroom. "

Pursuing Oneness

"I have never been around a man that I actually craved so much in my life."

Pursuing Oneness ( her likes )

"I like to do it best…. there is something about oral sex, that just cant be described well… but I love the “giving” of it, knowing that I have satisfied him beyond all words."

Pursuing Oneness

Being honest about our likes and dislikes.

Pursuing Oneness (giving oral )

"If you really want her to let go and let her wild side unleash, you have to give her permission to not worry about what she’ll have to do after she climaxes."

Pursuing Oneness (giving enjoyable oral )

"Lift her legs higher, wider or in other directions until you hear her respond. This will help her get out of her head and release any tension that might prevent her from finishing."

Pursuing Oneness

The orgasms should not be the goal and this could help her to get out of her head.

Pursuing Oneness

Explore her body without expecting her to orgasm for you.

Orgasm should not be the goal.

Pursuing oneness

To be known is to be loved.

Pursuing Oneness :

To help your partner let go during sex, you have to be present.

Pursuing Oneness

A husband should carefully treat his wife with gentle affection and patient tenderness, just as if he were caring for a loving and pleasant female deer.

Wonderful Oneness

"I need to be in an environment where I can let go and experience the most complex orgasm a woman can experience. It's vital to my art, my craft, and my livingness."

Sex is good : Closeness
