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20 Cards in this Set

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Herman Hollerith
Created the first punch cards as a solution to the census of 1890
Bicentennial Punch Card
a punch card introduced by IBM which had 96 columns and very tiny small holes
Jacquard loom card
a card controlled by a set of punched cards bound together into a ‘program.’
Type 83 Card Sorter
used a metal brush to detect the position of the hole in the column being sorted
Type 26 Printing Keypunch
became the standard workhorse of the punched card office
can read two stacks of sorted punched cards and merges them into a single sorted stack
Social Security card
form that contains the social security card each employee received, and the data that was sent back to the office to be processed
Time Clocks
recorded employee working hours; were made by the International Time Recording Company
Accounting Machines
electromechanical data processors that could read punched cards, compute sums and subtotals, and print report
Endicott school building
IBM schoolhouse that opened in 1933; apart of the IBM education department
during this time, IBM helped the united states fight Germany
Operator at sorter
these Powers-Samas machines, designed for smaller punched cards, looked like miniature versions of IBM equipment
40-column Punched Cards
these cards recorded the data for the Atlas of the British plant atlas
Printing card punch
was used to produce the Atlas of The British Flora in 1962.
Model 406 Card Sorter
This sorter could handle more than 300 cards a minute.
40-column Powers-Samas card
These cards recorded data such as species name, location, and habitat. The Botanical Society of the British Isles continued to use them into the 1970s.
a device used to manipulate numbers
Punch Card
A card used to record and manipulate data
Hollerith electric tabulating system
used in the 1890 census to record datal; the solution to the higher population and winner of the contest
Tabulating machine company founded by Herman Hollerith in 1895