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80 Cards in this Set

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what kind of moxa for ab pain?
ginger - ab pain is cold, ginger is warming.
what moxa for scrofula?

-scrofula is is a tuberculous infection of the skin on the neck .
what moxa for early stage of skin ulcer?
what moxa for tuberculosis
what moxa for poisonous insect bites?

-pun...use garlic to fight vampires. so use garlic to fight against poisonous insect bites!!!
what moxa for abandoned stroke?
what is an abaondoned stroke?
what moxa for acute ab pain acompanied by dysentery?
what moxa for pain around the umbilicus?
what moxa for pain caused by hernia?
what moxa for porlonged dysentery?
what moxa for skin ulcerations that resist healing?
fu zi
what moxa for yin abscesses and carbuncles where the pus will not disperse?
fu zi!
what moxa to restore the yang from collapse: excessive sweating?
salt! (not fuzi)
what moxa for undetectable pulse : restoring the yang from collapase?
what moxa for arthritic pain?
what moxa for local numbness and stiffness?
what moxa for ezcema?
mud plaster
what moxa for skin diseases?
mud plaster
holding a moxa stick half an inch from the skin is used to treat what 2 things?
-pain associated w/ blockage
-obstruction disorders (analogous to ahritipci pain)
what 2 fx are for the warm needle technique?
-warms the meridians
-promote free flow of qi blood... to help treat painful joints d/t cold damp. and numbness with cold sensation. * and paralysis.
circular motion moxa treats what 3 things?
-tx of blockage of pain over large surface area
-soft tissue injuries
-skin disorders
sparrow pecking moxa does what?
facilitates heat penetration: used when strong stimulaion s desired.... (if a real sparrow came and picked my skin, that is mad strong stimulatoin!
what 2 points should scarring moxa not be used at?
bladder 1, st 9.
the deep branch of the ____ meridian goes to the ROOT of the T.
the _____ meridian TRANSVERSES the ROOT of the tongue and spreads over its _______ surface
spleen, lower (surface)
the _____ meridian termintes at the root of the T.
deep red T
extreme heat conditions,
-in vasions of yin and xue by heat,
-yin xu leading to hyperactiivty of fire
blue-purple T
stag of blood, which is related to either cold or heat
swollen T - larget than normal, deep red in color occupying entire space of mouth
excessive heat in HT and SP.
thin and pale: smaller and thinner than normla T, that is less red than normal T.
xu of qi and blood
thin, dry and deep red T
hyperactivity of fire d/t xu of yin, where the body fluid is consumed. (yin xu fire)
crack and deep red T (irreg streaks or crakcs on T, and deep red)
excessive heat consuming body fluid
thorny and red T
accumulation of pathogenic heat in the interior: the more severe the pathogenc heat, the more enlarged and profuse the thorns will be.
Rigid tongue ....describe it.
lakcs flexibility and is difficult to protrude, retract or roll.
Rigid T indicates.....
heat disease: - in vasion of P by heat
-retention of turbid ph in interior
-excessive pathogic heat consuming body fluid
-wind stroke
-early signs of wind stroke
flaccid T - weak on motion - indicates what....
-extreme xu of qi and blood
-consumption of yin fluid depriving the T of nourishment.
flaccid and pale means...
xu of qi and blood.
flaccid and deep red
collapse of yin
thick coating..indicates what 4 things?
-food in interior
-inward transmissino of pathogenic factor from the exterior
Slippery Coating indicates
upward flooding of harmful water and cold damp
sticky coating indicates
syndromes from:
-retention of turbid damp
-retention of food
granular coating indicates
-excessive yang heat bringing turbid qi in the ST upwards.
-syndromes cauesd by:
-retention of turbid phlegm
-retention of food.
-geographic tongue coating indicates
consumption of qi and yin of st. ( ST yin and Qi XU)
white T coating can be what 3 things?
-ext. syndromes
-cold syn.
thin , white coating?
present in ext cold syn
thick white coating
interior cold syn
yellow coat is what 2 things
-interior syn
-heat syn
deeper yellow coat
more severe pathogenic heat
grey coating
interior syndrome
grey coat that is yellowish n dry
consumption of body fluid d/t excessive heat
grey coat that is whitish and moist
-retention of cold damp in interior
-retention of phlegm
-retention of fluid
black coat
-extreme heat
-excessive cold
black coating that is yellow n dry (possible thorns)
consumption of body fluid d/t extreme heat
pale black and slippery coating
excessive cold d/t yang xu
glossy T coating - entire coating peels off leaving mirror look
-exhaustion of st yin
-severe damage of st qi.
P- superficial, large, weak indicates what?
-prolonged endogenous disease (internal)
-outward floating of yang qi
-critical sign!!!
-possible cancer, anemia
deep pulse
interior syn
deep and forceful indicates
interior syn of excess type
deep and weak indicates
interior syn of the xu type
slow pulse is how many beats?
less than 4 beats per breath, and less than 60 beats per min.
-indicates cold pattern
slow and forceful
interior syndrome of excess type caused by retention of yin cold in the interior. (full-cold)
slow , weak indicates
interior syndrome of xu type d/t xu of yang qi.
what is a rapid P
quick, more than 5 beats per breath, more than 90 per min.
-heat syn
rapid and forceful indicates
excess heat in interior and anti-pathogenic qi still strong. (full-heat)
rapid, weak indicates
xu of yin in prolonged illness (empty heat from yin xu)
rapid, large, weak and empty pulse means what
outward floating of xu yang
xu type pulse
- general term for all forceles pulses felt on 3 regions nad 3 depths.
-xu of qi and blood causing xu type syn.
excess type p
excess qi adn blood cauesd by strong antipathoc qi sgainst the hyperactive pathogenic factor
surging pulse means
excessive heat
describe a surging p
broad, large and forceful like roaring waves which come on powerfully and fade away
describe a large P
surging p that lacks the momentum of roaring waves
thready P
-xu d/t overstrain and stress
-xu of qi and blood
-found in weak cats with weak body consitution in prolonged illness manifesting as yin xu and blood xu
-aka thin pulse
rolling p....
-ph and retained fluid
-retention of food
-excessive heat

(-feels smooth and flowing like pearls rolling on a dish)
hesitant pulse feels like what
feels rough and uneven
hesitant pulse indicates?
-stag of qi and blood
-essence is impaired
-blood is xu , not enough

hesitant aka choppy
hesitant and forceful indicate
stag of qi and blood
hesitant and weak
-essence is impaired
-blood is xu
string-taut pulse meeans
-disorders of lv and gb
-painful syn
-ph and retained fluid
tense p means
-retention of food