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40 Cards in this Set

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what three meds cause interstitial lung disease?
…bleomycin, amiodarone and methotrexate…
Egg shell calcifications?
Honeycomb lung?
…idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis…
what type of tumors cause DVT?
gestational age capable of breathing?
…25 weeks…
resp lining derived from?
Complications of Neonatal resp. distress (5)?
…bronchopulmonary dysplasia, retinopathy (from oxygen therapy), PDA, intraventricular cerebral hemorrhage, NEC…
how does heparin work?
Complexes with ATII to increase inactivation of II, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII
what system of coag is effected by heparin?
…intrinsic (PTT) just like hemophelia..
Hemophilia acts like what drug?
chronic bronchitis causes Hypoxia by?
…decreasing the diameter of the conducting airways…
what happens to the right ventricle in COPD?
…right ventricular afterload is increased ue to chronic pulmonary HTN…
the initiation of translation in prokaryotes requires what?
… a specific N-formylated methionin-tRNA that is used to incorporate the initial methionine residues into all proteins. Mehtionine is coded for by AUG…
what forms the prokaryotic initiation complex?
…binding of the 30s ribosomal subunit to mRNA and an N-formylated methionin tRNA, facilitated by initiation factoes and energy from GTP hydrolysis which also brings the 50 s ribosomal subunit to the complex resulting in the formation of 70s subunit……
how do AMinoglycosides like streptomycin work?
…binds to the 30s ribosomal subunit and distort its structure impairing the initiation of protein synthesis and inhibiting formation of the complex…
ribosomes have 3 sites for attachment: A, P, E. during translation?
…the A site binds incoming aminoacyl-tRNA, which is then transferred to the P site after incorporation into the peptide chain. The amino acid is cleaved from the tRNA moleule and the empty tRNA is then shifted to the E site….
What component of the 50s ribosomal subunit is necessary for the transfer of amino acids from the A to the P site for the formtation of peptide bonds?
how does chloramphenicol work?
…inhibits the 50s ribosomal subunit enzyme necessary for the transfer of amino acids from the A site to the P site for the formation of peptide bonds…
during translation ribosomes move in what direction?
…the 5 to 3 direction on the mRNA molecule in a process known as translocation…
clinical manifestation of pneumocystis?
…interstitial pneumonia in an aids patient..
Tx of a mixed flora abcess?
The AD marfans syndrome results in?
…abnormal fibrillin-1 monomers disrupting polymerization and preventing formation of microfibrils in the interstitial connective tissue…
Fredericks ataxia?
…the frataxin gene codes for a mitochondrial protein important in respiratory fxn and Iron homeostasis, is mutated. Here a GAA repeat disrupts transcription…
dead space corresponds to?
…regions of ventilation that do not engage in gas exchange due to low perfusion…
methacholine challenge diagnostic for asthma?
…a decrease in FEV1 more than 20 percent…
how does the normal CFTR channel work in a sweat gland?
…when it is first produced eccrine sweat is isotonic with the extracellular fluid but as it travels through the eccrine duct to the skin surface, chloride is resorbed via the CFTR and sodium follows, thus the cftr facilitates production of hypotonic sweat in healthy individuals…
patients with CF produce eccrine sweat that is?
…isotonic to the plasma while normal individuals make hypotonic eccrine sweat, therefore excessive sweating in patients with CF may cause intravascular volume contraction due to excessive loss of isotonic fluid…
negative predictive value equals?
… d/(c + d)…
emphysema tends to increase what?
…TLC and RV…
frequent clenical manifestation of the shipbuilding insulators lower lobe asbesotis caused mesothelioma?
…dyspnea, chest pain and HEMORRHAGIC PLEURAL EFFUSIONS…
gold standar for diagnosis of mesothelioma is?
…EM showing tumor cells with numerous, long slender microvilli and abundant tonofilaments, these findings help differentiate mesothelioma from adenocarcinoma which have short plump microvilli…
bronchoalveolar carcinoma is a variant of what?
bronchocarcinoma is a variant of adeno carcinoma and always arises?
…at the periphery of the lung and has a characteristic distribution along the alveolar septa without vascular and lymphatic spread…
Small cell carcinoma usally comes from?
…the major bronchi…
squamous cell carcinoma like small cell carcinoma comes from what?
…the major bronchi…
what lung cancer ahs chromogrannin, and synaoptophysin markers?
…small cell carcinoma that arises from the bronchi…
what is omalizumab?
…an anti-IgE antibody thst inhibits IgE from binding to mast cells, long term use of this drug lowers IgE levels and significantly relieves allergen-induced bronchial constriction…
characterize asbestosis?
…formation of fibrocalcific plaques on the PARIETAL SURFACE, with ferruginous bodies coated with iron and protein…
Clinically asbestosis manifests with?
…dyspnea and reduced lung volumes (restrictive pattern)…
used in rubber industries?
…beta napthyline as well as used in analine dyes causes bladder carcinoma…