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37 Cards in this Set

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Breaths per minute and respirations per minute
Spell out: 16 breaths per minute.

If dictated:
Respirations: 20/min
D: FEV1 to FVC was 60%
T: FEV1-FVC was 60%
D: She was put on oxygen at a flow rate of 3 liters per minute.

D: The patient received 2 liters via nasal cannula.
T: She was put on O2 at a flow rate of 3L/min.

T: The patient received 2L via nasal cannula.
Sleep Stages
REM, Non-REM plus 5 stages

sleep stage 1
sleep stage 2
sleep stage 3
sleep stage 4
sleep stage 5
Physiologic parameters monitored during sleep study.
EEG, EOG, EMG, and Respiratory Function EKG
Depression inventory used to assess sleep study patients?
Beck Inventory for Depression
Assess airway for ease or difficulty of intubation?
Mallampati-Samsoon - assess what is visible

class I - uvula, pillars, and soft pallate

class II - pillars and soft pallate

class III - soft pallate

clas IV - hard pallate
Describes patient's capability of dozing or sleeping during normal activities? Filled out by the patient.
Epworth Sleepiness Scale

0 - never
1 - slight chance
2 - moderate chance
3 - high chance

Score Totals:
0-7 normal
8-10 mild
11-15 moderate
16-20 severe
21-24 excessive

The patient's Epworth Sleepiness Scale score is 16.
Respiratory Mechanics Symbols - Primary Symbols
C - concentration
F - fractional concentration in dry gas
P or p - pressure or partial pressure
Q - Volume of blood
V - Volume of gas
D - diffusing/diffusion capacity
R - Resistance or gas exchange ratio
S - Saturation
sG - specific conductance
Secondary Symbols for Gas Phase
A - alveolar
B - Barometric
E - Expired
ET - End-Tidal
I - Inspired
L - Lung
T - Tidal
Secondary Symbols for Blood Phase. (immediately follow the secondary symbol for gas phase)
aw - airway
b - blood
a - arterial
c - capillary
f - ideal
p - pulse oximetry
v - venous
Gas Abbreviations (last element of the term)
Use capitals:

Combined Pulmonary and Respiratory Physiology Terms
PCO2 - partial pressure CO2
PaCO2 - partial pressure arterial CO2
PO2 - partial presure O2
PaO2 - partial pressure arterial O2
V/Q - ventilation-perfusion ratio

Above may be used without expansion, even at first mention.
Liters of oxygen
T: She was put on O2 at a flow rate of 3L/min.

The patient will be started on oxygen 2L via nasal cannula.
Tube thoracostomy
Chest tube passed through skin opening in chest to continuously drain a pleural effusion.
thoracoscopy (thorascopy)
Visual exam of chest via small incisions and use of endoscope.
Surgical punture to remove fluid from pleural space.
endoscopic visual exam of mediastinum.
V/Q (ventilation-perfusion) scan
records radioactivity in lung after injection of radioisotope or inhalation of radioactive gas. Identifies areas in lung not receiving adequate air flow (ventilation) or blood flow (perfusion).
PET (positron emission tomography) scan of lung
radioactive substance injected, images reveal metabolic activity in lung. Identifies malignant tumors.
pulmonary aniography or arteriography
x-ray images obtained after injection of contrast. PA visualizes pulmonary circulation to locate obstruction such as pulmonary emboli.
rare malignant tumor arising in pleura; associated with asbestos exposure.
pleural effusion
abnormal accumulation of fluid in pleural sacs.
collection of air in pleural spaces.
pulmonary fibrosis
formation of scar tissue in the connective tissue of the lungs.
small nodules or tubercles develop in lungs, lymph nodes, and other organs.
Treated with corticosteroids.
TB (tuberculosis)
Caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (bacilli).

Detected with PPD skin test.
abnormal condition caused by dust in the lungs, chronic inflammation, infection and brochitis. Coal miners, asbestos, glass grinder.
Hyperinflation of air sacs, destruction of alveolar walls. Strongly associated with cigarette smoking.
chronic dilation of bronchus secondary to infection in the lower lobes.
"whooping cough", affects pharynx, larynx and trachea. Bordetella pertussis.
acute infection of throat and upper respiratory tract caused by diphthereia bacterium (Corynebacterium).
pleural "rub" or "friction" rub
scratchy sound, pleural surfaces rubbing against each other.
rale (crackle)
fine crackling sound heard on inspiration; fluid in alveoli.
rhonchus (pl. rhonchi)
Loud rumbling sound heard on auscultation of bronchi obstructed by sputum.
Strained, high pitched, loud sound made on inspiration; obstruction of larynx or trachea.
continuous high-pitched whistling sound heard durin inspiration and expiration