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137 Cards in this Set

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Airway patency depends on
Large airways -- cartilage

Small airways --traction from surrounding parenchyma
Atmospheric pressure
760 mmHg
1000 cm H20
Elastic recoil due to
tissue forces from fibrous networks

surface tension from air fluid interface
Tissue forces of elastic recoil increased/decreased in
Interstitial lung disease

Surface forces of elastic recoil decreased/increased
Decreased -saline filled lungs

Increased - surfactant deficiency
Measure of elasticity of lung
change in volume/change in pressure
Depends on intrinsic characteristics of the lung and lung volume
Normal compliance value
100 ml/cm H20

ARDS may be <20
Airflow requires

Pressure difference

Inspiration-- mouth pressure has to be greater than alvelolar pressure
Expiration-- alveolar pressure has to be great than mouth pressure

Determinants of airway resistance
Change in pressure/flow

Nose, pharynx, tracheobronchial tree contribute
Varies w/ lung volume
Small airways make SMALL contribution to resistance
Distending pressure
pressure inside - pressure outside of a wall
Passive Expiration
Force provided by lung elastic recoil
Driving force decreases as lung vol decreases (slowing flow)
Flow stops when Palveoli = Patm
Flow limitation
Increased expiratory effort produces no further increase in expiratory flow

Occurs because of airway collapse
Airway collapse is a fnc of
Airway characteristics
Transmural pressure
Critical closing pressure
Transmural pressure at which airway collapses
P>0 airway tends to collapse
P<0 airway has some rigidity
Determining Maximal Expiratory Flow
Flow max = (Palv - Pcollapse)/Rupstream

Mechanisms of expiratory flow limitation
Decreased elastic recoil

Increase Pcrit (increased VSM tone)

Increase in Rupstream
Air trapping
Air left in lung despite maximal respiratory effort (increase RV)

RV reached when Pelastic = Rcrit
disordered breathing
breathlessness, shortness of breath

best- sensation associated with increased work of breathing
Central medulla - hypercapnia

Carotid body - hypoxemia
Mechanoreceptors for dyspnea
Upperairway and face -- sense lack of flow, mouthpiece

Lung-- inflation, irritants, interstitial congestion, dynamic airway compression

Chest wall (joints, tendons, muscles) -- distension, alteration
Neurophysiologic model of dyspnea
Efferent impulses from brain don't match the mechanical (ventilatory) response
Two psychological responses to dyspnea
Cognitive -- threat to health

Emotional-- distress
Consequence of dynamic hyperinflation of COPD
Elastic loading
Shortening of longitudinal diaphragm fibers
Dyspnea in recumbent position
Orthopnea causes
obstructive airway disease
respiratory muscle weakness
increased abdominal load--(obesity/ascites)
anterior mediastinal mass
paraoxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

awakening from sleep 2/2 dyspnea

usually CHF
also obstructive airway disease
Measuring dyspnea
Questionnaires mostly
Treatment of dyspnea
Underling disease
Pulmonary rehab
Inspiratory muscle training
define and function
explosive expiration

Fncs to clear airway and protect and against aspiration
Chronic cough causes and sites of stimulated receptors
Asthma - large airways
GERD - lower esophagus
Post Nasal Drip - Nose/sinus - CNV, oropharynx (CNIX), larynx (CNX)
Mechanics of cough
Inspiratory phase
Compression phase -- closure of glottis, contraction of expiratory muscles, sudden opening of glottis

Expiratory phase
Expectorated secretions from lower respiratory tract

2/2 infection (yellow/green) or inflammation (clear/gray)
Expectoration of blood

Causes - infection, neoplasia, trauma, mitral stenosis, pulmonary infarction, goodpastures
Pain of bronchoconstriction
Tightness retrosternally
Subject breathes into a closed system w/ recordings of volume change and time

Can measure Tital volume, inspiratory reserve, expiratory reserve
Vital capacity, inspiratory capacity
Tidal volume
breath size during normal quiet breathing
Total lung capacity
Total volume in lungs at maximal inspiration
Residual volume
Volume left in lung after maximal expiration
Vital capacity
TLC-RV -- maximum breath one can take
Inspiratory capacity

Breath take from FRC
Inspiratory reserve

Volume of breath take from peak of tidal volume
Volume at rest
Factors decreasing expiratory flow rates
Decreased elastic recoil
Decreased lung volume
Increased airway resistance
(Decreased expiratory muscle tone)
FEV1 in pulmonary fibrosis

Even though the lung has increased elastic recoil---it operates a significantly lower volume and this effect dominates
PFT profile for obstructive lung disease
Decreased/normal FVC
Decreased FEV1
Decreased FEV1/FVC ratio

Examples COPD, asthma
PFT pattern in restrictive disease
Decreased FVC
Deceased FEV1
Normal or increased FEV1/FVC ratio

ex-- weak respiratory muscles
Distinguishing combined from purely obstructive disease on PFTs
All three values (FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC ratio)

Must be differentiated by TLC
Residual volume in obstructive disease
Increased -- air trapping
Methods for measuring TLC
Helium dilution and boyle's law
Body plethysmography
Nitrogen washout
Restrictive Lung Defect
Neuromuscular disease
Chest wall problem
Pleural disease
Loss of lung
Insterstitial lung disease

Affected by
Diffusing capacity
Measured as amount of CO transferred to bloodstream

CO in bloodstream (smoking)
Total SA for exchange
Thickness of the alveolar membrane
Lung volume
Obstruction + low DLco

Restriction + high FEV1/FVC + low DLco
Interstitial lung disease
Major obstructive airway disorders
Chronic bronchitis

All have increased resistance and decreased expiratory pressure/flow
Airway of less than 1 mm diameter
Simple columnar epi, few goblets, ciliated
Greatest cross sectional area of lung

Spiral smooth muscle layer controls resistance
Obstructive airway disease
Not fully reversible
Associated with abnormal inflammatory response to inhaled particles
Chronic bronchitis
Chronic persistent irritation
Recurrent infections
Strongly associated with smoking
Chronic asthmatic bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis plus intermittent bronchospams and wheezing
Pathogenesis of bronchitis
Mucus increased in vol and viscosity
Mucosal goblet cell metaplasia
Cilia decreased in number and damaged

Reduced ability to clear pathogens
Pathologic findings of chronic bronchitis
Small airways w/ inflammatory cells
Airways w/ lymphoid folicles
Thinkened bronchiole wall
Luminal mucus plugs
Submucosal gland hypertrophy
Mucosal squamous cell metaplasia (preneoplastic)
Reid index
Measuring submucosal gland hyperplasia (increased in chronic bronchitis)

Submucosa depth/epithelium--cartilage depth <0.4 is normal
Permanent enlargement of airspaces distal to the terminal bronchioles w/ destruction of their walls
Centrilobular emphysema
Enlarged respiratory broncioles and spared distal acini
More severe in upper lobes
Associated w/ smoking

W/ progression entire acinus may become involved
Panacinar emphysema
Entire acinus (from respiratory bronciole to terminal alvelolus involved)

More sever in lower lobes

Associated w/ A1AT deficiency
Paraseptal (distal acinar) emphysema
Distal aspect of ascinus
Upper lung fields adjacent to pleura
Associated w/ bullae and spontaneous pneumothorax
Unclear pathogenesis
Compensatory emphysema
Not true emphysema

Overinflation of remaining lung tissue after a resection
Obstructive emphysema
Not true emphysema

tumor/foreign object resulting in air trapping
Senile emphysema
Not true emphysema

voluminous lungs w/ over distension, increased diameter of alveolar ducts and small alveloli
--no destruction of tissue
Irregular emphysema
Not true emphysema

Irregular patter of destruction and enlargment

Ex scar emphysema
Emphysema pathogenesis
Imbalance in protease/antiprotease

Stimulus drawing PMNs, macros will result in increase of proteases
---smoking has this effect
Why is panacinar associated w/ A1AT and centrilobular w/ smoking?
A1AT deficiency leaves whole ascinus equally vulnerable to PMN damage, lower lobes are better perfused so more easily get PMNs in

Smoking bombards small airways the most, and damage starts there
Hyperresponsiveness of tracheobronchila tree to various stimuli leading to episodic reversible bronchoconstriction and inflammation
Extrinsic asthmas
Allergic--initiated by a type I hypersensitivitiy rxn
Genetic component, usually starts in childood
Allergic pulmonobronchial aspergillus
Instrinic asthmas
Non allergic
Respiratory tract infections (not genetics)
Excercise, cold, ASA, stress--triggers
Pathologic findings in asthma
Hypertrophic smooth muscle
Inflammatory infiltrate w/ eosinophils
Submucosal hyperplasia
Mucus plugs
Mucus of asthma can contain
Charcot Leyden crystals -- degranulated eosin membranes

Curschmann spirals--whorls of shed epis
Acute phase and slow phase in asthma are mediated by?
Acute phase -- mast cells and IgE
-bronchostriction, mucus
Late-- leukocyte mediated, most tissue destruction
Necrotizing bronchitis and bronciolitis w/ abnormal permanent airway dilatation

Overlaps w/ other COPD
Causes--obstruction, CF, necrotizing pneumonias
Pathologic findings of bronchiectasis
Peribronchial pattern
Destructive inflammation
+/- microabcess, squamous metaplasia, peribronchial fibrosis
Two ways that PMNs and CD8s get you to airflow obstruction
Small airway disease (airway inflammation and airway remodelling)

Parenchymal destruction (loss of alveolar attachments and decreased elastic recoil)
Clinical diagnosis
Productive cough on most days for a minimum of 3 months a year for not less than two successive years
Three mechanisms of airway obstruction in copd
mucus hypersecretion-- luminal obstruction
mucosal and peribronchial inflammation and fibrosis -- obliterative bronchiolitis
disruption of alveolar attachments -- emphysema

Reduce elastic recoil
Bronchial smooth muscle constriction
Phenotypes of COPD
Blue bloater--
productive cough, hypoxemia/cyanosis, pulmonary htn

Pink puffer--
breathless, adequate SO2, cachexic
Genetics and COPD
1 in 5 smokers get COPD

Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency is a rare recessive condition that predisposes to COPD (its a serine protease inhibitor)
Effects of smoking in emphysema pathology
Provides lung irritant for inflamatory process--attracting PMNs

Inhibiting Alpha1 antitrypsin -- decreasing the antiprotease abilities of the tissue
Spirometry in COPD
Decreased force dexpiratory flow rates

FEV1/FVC - low (usuall <70%)
Severity based on FEV1 % predicted

Operating at higher lung volumes at rest
Diseases of airflow obstruction
Cystic fibrosis
RV ?
FRC is increased emphysema and normal in chronic brochitis
RV is increased in all COPD (air trapping)
TLC is increased in emphysema and normal in chronic bronchitis

DC is normal in bronchitis and decreased in emphysema
Lung function over time
w/ smoking?
w/ quitting?
Lung function decreases w/ age
More rapid w/ smoking
Can get back on normal slope of decline w/ quitting

Disability is about 30% lung fnc
Exacerbation of COPD
Change in baseline dyspnea/cough/sputum sufficient to warrant change in management
Causes of exacerbations
particulates from pollution
Mechanisms of anticholingerics and beta-adrenergic agonists in COPD
Anticholinergics -- block constriction via muscarinic receptors

Beta-adrenergic agonists -- increase cAMP which promotes relaxation of

bronchial smooth muscle
COPD stages
I: Mild: FEV1>80% predicted
II: Moderate: FEV1 50-79%
III: Severe: FEV1 30-49%
IV: Very severe: FEV1 <30% or 50% w/ chronic respirator failure
Therapy for COPD
Risk factor reduction, flu vacc
PRN shortacting bronchodilator
w/ stage II
Add long term bronchodilators and repsiratory rehab
w/ stage III
Add inhaled glucocorticosteriods
w/ Stage IV
Add oxygen for respiratory failure
consider surgery
Criteria for prescribing long term oxygen therapy
P02 <55 mmHg
So2 < 88%
pH range outside of which morbidity and moralitiy rise
6.9 to 7.7
Arterial PCO2 determinants
directly proportional CO2 production
inversely proportional to alveolar ventilation
Normal values for
24 mmols/L
40 mmHg
Effect of buffers on bicarb/Co2 system in blood
Buffers combine with H ions produced driving the equation to the H and bicarb side
Moderately acidosis/alkalosis produced by changes in CO2
Also results in larger changes bicarb than in simple system
Henderson Hasselbach
pH = pk' + log [HCo3]/SxPCO2

pk= 6.1
S- solubilitiy - 0.03 mm/l/mmHg
Renal changes in chronic respiratory acidosis
Retention of bicarb
Increased secretion of H

Net results in less acidotic pH
Metabolic acidosis
Production of a non-volatile acid by metabolic processes
Lowered pH
Buffering H+ w/ HCO3 results in production of CO2
Increased ventilation b/c of chemorecetors decreases the pCO2, moderating the acidosis
Metabolic alkalosis
Metabolic process increases the amount of bicarb
Increased pH
Suppression of ventilation by chemoreceptors
Rise in pCO2, moderation of alkalosis
Example of clinical setting of acute respiratory acidosis
Underventilation like in drug overdose
Example of clinical setting of chronic respiratory acidosis
COPD w/ air trapping
Example of clinical setting of Acute respiratory alkalosis
Pyschogenic hypoventilation

Panic attack
Example of clinical setting of chronic respiratory alkalosis
Not common

prolonged hypoxia
ventilator induced hyperventilation
Example of clinical setting of metabolic acidosis
Lactic acidosis from poor perfusion
Example of clinical setting of metabolic alkalosis
Extended vomitting
Relationship of temperature at pH

Does this create problems?
Inversely proportional

No. The measured pH changes but this does not effect neutrality as equal production of OH-. Proteins do not alter confirmation.

Important in surgery.
Determinants of average alveolar Pco2 and Po2
Ventilation/Metabolic rate
Why are arterial PO2 and PC02 not exactly the same as alveolar values
Locally equilibrium is reached during transit
Shunting and regional V/Q mismatch make arterial O2 slightly lower and CO2 slightly higher
Causes of hypoxemia
Alveolar hypoventilation
Low inspired oxygen pressure
Impaired diffusion
V/Q mismatch
Alveolar hypoventilation values
Low alveolar and arterial O2
High alveolar and arterial CO2
Low inspired oxygen pressure values
Low alveolar and arterial O2
Low alveolar and arterial CO2
(breathing stimulated by hypoxia)
Impaired diffusion capacity and hypoxemia
Arterial and alveolar pressures do not reach equilibrium

Of questionable importance in causing hypoxia in lose with lung disease
Shunts and hypoxia
Mixed venous blood reaches arterial circulation w/o opportunity for gas exchange
Intra or extrapulmonary
Not fully corrected by increased inspired O2
V/Q mismatch
Dead space and shunt together
Often the cause of hypoxia in disease
Causes hypoxia and a little hypercapnia
Sound of extrathoracic airway obstruction
Inspiratory stridor
Sound of intrathoracic airway obstruction
Expiratory wheeze

Monophonic w/ single site of obstruction
Polyphonic /muscial with multiple sits or variable degrees of obstruction
What type of pathology gives most tachypnea?
Differentiate between fine and course crackles
Fine - high pitched, low amplitude, short duration

Coarse --low pitched, high amplitude, long duration
Vascular ring
Definition and presentation
Abnormal branching of aortic arch involves both trachea and esophagus

Infants w/ intermittent respiratory distress, dysphagia
Less sever do not present until later
Types of vascular rings (aortic arch variations -- 5)
1. Double aortic arch -- causes tracheal and esophageal compression
2. Right aortic arch w/ PDA - tracheal and esophageal compression
3. Left aortic arch w/ PDA - tracheal and esophageal compression
4. Aberrant brachiocephalic -tracheal copression
5. Aberrant subclavian artery - esophageal compression
Most common tracheoesphageal fistula?
Esophageal atresia with distal fistula
80% of cases

Presents as inability to swallow
Stomach contents refluxing into lungs
What type of trachesophageal fistula sometimes goes undiagnosed?

Esophagus intact with fistula
Often presents as chronic bronchitis
Bronchiogenic cysts
Abnormal budding of bronchial tissues
Early (central) or late (peripheral) in gestation
Epithelium or epithelial components
Water dense on CT
Risk of infection
Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation
Overgrowth of terminal bronchioles
Cysts communicate with airway
Firm mass with deranged structure
Neonatal distress, infections

Increasing chance of malignant transformation with increase in solid vs cystic components
Mixed cystic and adenomatous tissue in a congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation?
Associated with other congenital defects
Pulmonary sequestration
Non-functional pulmonary tissue with systemic vascular supply, potential for infection
Extralobar pulmonary sequestration vs intralobar pulmonary sequestration
Intra - more common, more likely to have pulmonary vasculature, not connected to respiratory system, infections

Extra -- associated with other abnormalities, systemic vasculature, might be connected to respiratory tree, more common in males, respiratory difficulties
Congenital lobar emphysema
Overinflation of a lobe
Secondary to obstruction
-- malacias, pulmonary artery sling, many causes

If compresses normal lung--respiratory distress--surgery
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Guts in thorax, risk of pulmonary hypoplasia
Mostly left sided (Bockdalek)
Girls twice as likely as boys

Usually happens if diaphragm is not formed when guts come back in from umbilical sac
Foreign body in airway presentation
New wheeze or stridor
Stridor if extrathoracic, wheeze if intra
Associated with coughing/respiratory distress
Viral infection causing diffuse small airway inflammation
Usually RSV in kids
May have significant oxygen desaturation, obstruction -wheeze

Hyperinflation on chest xray
Tracheal/laryngeal inflammation caused by infection
Inspiratory stridor

H. influenza was frequent cause pre-vaccination