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26 Cards in this Set

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Emerson said that " " defeats more people than any other one thing in the world.
What does Dale Carnegie say is the best training devised to help people eliminate their fears and feelings of inferiority?
Learning to speak in public
The first step in developing confidence is to get the facts about fear of _____.
speaking in public
What are the four facts that Dale Carnegie provides?
1. You are not unique in your fear of speaking in public
2. A certain amount of stage fright is useful
3. Many professional speakers have assured me they will never completely lose all stage fright.
4. The chief cause of your fear of speaking in public is simply that you are unaccustomed to speaking in public
What did Albert Edward Wiggam learn to be the surest way of overcoming the devastating fear of speaking before a group?
get a record of successful experiences behind you
The second step in developing confidence is to prepare in the ________.
Prepare in the proper way
H.V. Kalenborn has a secret for his success as a broadcaster that he learned earlier in his life when his mind went blank in a speech contest. What is the secret?
never read nor memorized a speech
The man who writes out and memorizes his talks is doing what?
wasting his time and energy, and courting disaster
What happened to Winston Churchill that taught him never to deliver a memorized talk?
his mind went blank while giving a talk to the British Parliament
Even if you do not forget your memorized talk, you will probably give it in a mechanical way because it will fail to come from where?
your heart
What eventually happened to Vance Bushnell as he tried four times to recall a memorized talk?
he fell of the platform backwards – which led to his resignation
Abe Lincoln said, "I don't like to hear a cut-and-dried sermon. When I hear a man preach, I like to see him act as if he were fighting bees." What did he mean?
He wanted to hear a speaker cut lose and get excited
When should you assemble and arrange your ideas for your speech?
What suggestion is given that is a simple way to prepare a talk?
search your background for significant experiences that have taught you something about your life
Who should you rehearse your talk with?
friends and business associates
What suggestion does Allan Nevin, a distinguished historian, suggest you should do to discover facts and points you may have missed as you prepare your talk?
catch a friend who is interested in the subject and talk out what you have learned in length
The third step in developing confidence is to predetermine your mind for what?
What should you try to do with your subject as you prepare your speech?
lose yourself in your subject
Who must you sell on the importance of your subject?
What type of stimuli should you avoid or keep your attention away from as you prepare your speech?
negative stimuli or something that might upset you
Who should give you a pep talk?
Psychologists agree that the strongest incentive for rapid learning is what?
motivation based on autosuggestion
What is the fourth step in developing confidence?
Act confident
William James advises that to develop courage when you are facing an audience, you should do what?
basically fake it till you make it: if you want to be cheerful, speak and act cheerful and if you aren’t cheerful, then nothing in that moment can make you cheerful.
What courageous strategy did Theodore Roosevelt use to practice self-assurance and what did he do to overcome a specific fear?
acting as if he was not afraid, he gradually became unafraid
Overcoming fear of public speaking has a tremendous transfer value to what?
everything that we do