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70 Cards in this Set

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Disease Adjusted Life Years (DALY)

measurement of burden of disease

one DALY is one healthy year lost due to a disability

health adjusted life years (HALY)

based on mortality and morbity

prediction of how long they can live with a certain disease

3 core functions of public health

health assessment (what needs to be done)

health assurance (making sure that things happen)

policy development (being part of the solution)

case reports

tell about range of human experiences

tell people what COULD happen (freak accidents)

case series

tracking common experience

put together a bunch of case reports that follow same trend

cross sectional study


study of individuals: correlations among variables

does one disease lead to another

(how much sleep do u get- whats your grade in math? is it related??)

ecological study


study of populations:correlations among variable

studies based on geography

does a disease occur b/c of where they live t

cohort studies

watch a big group of people who share a common characteristic (live in same place, work together)

watch progress through life to see if they develop conditions (compare 2 ppl, 1 has been exposed 1 has not)

prospective cohort study

no controls

follow ppl around for a long time

follow 1 group that does 1 behavior and one that does

determines how factors affect an outcome

basic design strategy of case-control studies

compares patients who have a disease (cases) with patients who do not have the disease (controls)

case control

interviews people. asks a question to one group with condition and one without to see if things are related

opposite of cohort

ex. ask ppl with breast cancer do u sleep w lights on

odds ratio

measure of association b/w exposure and outcome

represents the odds that an outcome with occur given a particular exposure

calculated by 2 by 2 frequency table

frequency table

odds ratio

a= # exposed case

b= # exposed non-cases

c= # unexposed cases

d= #unexposed non-cases

(a/c) divided by (b/d) === ad divided by bc

infant mortality rate calculated

# of deaths divided by

# of live births over defined period

x100,000 to make realer numbers

health informatics activites (4)

data gathering

health info technology

combining and linking datasets

release of data

what does a death certificate identify

ONLY cause of death

no private info. no behaviors associated w death

key principles of public health system that provide programs/services to nation

data systems




role of centers for disease control and prevention


protection from disease outbreaks

conducts epidemic investigations

promotes pub health measure aimed at CONTROL and PREVENTION

role of national institue of health (NIH)

conduct scientific research

gives grants to other to looks into healthier lifestyles

role of agency for healthcare research and quality


improve quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for americans

role of FDA

protects consumer w authority for safety of foods and safety and efficacy of drugs

vital statistics

govt database recording births and deaths of individuals

ie. births, infant mortality, gender, race

available to public

strength of the association in public health

degree of relationship b/w a factor and the occurence of a disease (80% of ppl with lunch cancer smoke - large association)

health promotion activities

commercials, signs, community activities

not instant results- hope will change things in long run

how does community engagement impact public health

reaching out the community

usually has positive impact but can have no impact


when a disease has increased in frequency in a defined geographic area far above its usual rate


epidemic occurring worldwide

crossing international bounderies

many ppl


a disease is always in a community but at a low rate

surveillance data

(vital statistics)

keeps track of births and deaths (everything)

early warning sign for health emergencies

document impact of intervention

population study

looking at a particular population

informed decision making

doctor merely informs patient what is planned

tells risks

shared decision making

doctor directly or indirectly provides info and options for intervention

patient synthesizes the info and makes a decision

socio economic status

measurement using scales reflecting education, income and career


a disease precursor associated w a higher than average morbidity or mortality rate


rates that measure the chance of occurence of a disease over a period of time (usually a year)

NEW case frequency (its occuring now. never before)


being subjected to something

social determinants of health

race, class, gender, income

adjusted rate of death

adjusted based on circumstances

crude rate of death

# of deaths during time period (divided by)

total population at midpoint of time period


incident rate

probability of developing a particular disease during period of time

number of new cases (divided by)

population at risk

specific rate of death

# of deaths during time period (divided by)

total population at mid point

prevalence of disease

# living with disease (divided by)

#in the at risk population

self effiacy

idea that u can perform necessary actions to achieve a desired end


used to describe the frequency of impairments or disability produced by a disease

mortality dose-response relationship

relationship that is present if changes in levels of an exposure are associated with changes changes in the outcome

biological plausibility

supportive criteria for contributory cause of a disease based on the biology of the risk factor/disease

chronic disease

disease that persists over a long time

symptoms are sometimes lesser

communicable disease

due to bacteria or virus

can be transmitted person to person


non-communicable disease

non infectious disease

(diabetes, cancer)

environment disease

get a disease from the environment

(high pollution can cause lung cancer)

antiquity to 1700

focused on health protection through authority based controls

hippocrates (disease taxonomy)

beak doctors


focus: sanitary conditions through population hygenics




focus: communicable disease control by germ theory







occupational disease



vital statistics

snow (person)


cholera (spreads thru water. mapped the town around the well)

took handle off well and disease stopped



criteria for causation

koch's postulates



bacterial causes of disease



health care delivering


era of behavior change

encouraging people to make good decisions (brush teeth, wear a helmet)





health belief model


stages of change model


works at ucon

info, behavior, motivation model HIV


tries to change behavior

also tries to change environment





global health systems


health info technology


climate and health

koch's postulates

1. everyone who has a disease has the same thing wrong

2. cause must be isolated and reproduce in isolation

3. when introduced to health organism, the cause produces the disease

4. when the cause is re-isolated it can be identified as the causative agent

state systems


registration and licensure

health assurance

safety net health care providers

point prevalence

period prevalance

point- who has a headache right now

period- who has ever had a headache