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50 Cards in this Set

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Federal budget
federal budget shapes national economy.
How do federal budget and national govt work together
Budget embodies fundamental political choices:
Values: which programs get funded and which do not
Institutions: relative sway of the executive and legislative branches
top down budget
each government’s executive sets broad targets for overall spending and revenues.
bottom up budget
Central theory is incrementalism.
Incrementalism (Aaron Wildavsky): officials do, and should, ask for a fair-share increment over the agency’s base; these increments reflect the agency’s share of changes in the budgetary pie.
Incrementalism assumes
No one really considers the whole budget
Political battles focus on the size of the agency’s increment
Political battles focus on the increment’s size compared with those received by other agencies
0 base budgeting
Zero-base budgeting (ZBB): Carter administration; budgeters began from a certain level of spending, assembled decision packages, and ranked them.
who has controllled the federal budget at different points in time
Congress responsible for the budget until the end of World War I
Budget and Accounting Act of 1921: revolutionized federal budgeting; for the first time the president was to submit an annual budget to Congress
Who proposes budget
look up (pres, commitees
who authorizes budgets
Congress sets budget totals.
Legislative budget: for the first time, Congress would prepare an estimate of total expenditures, revenues, and the deficit.
Congress authorizes the programs and appropriates the money.Budget authority: appropriations committees in each house decide how much money should be spent.
Budget Reform: Biennial budget
look up
fiscal policy
political policy with regard to the budget
National Debt
Debt: deficit accumulated over time constitutes national debt
Monetary policy
the Federal Reserve’s management of the money supply
commit money for spending. congress is responsible for the appropriations process (authorizations-create programs and put limits on budgets and appropriations
executive impoundment
refusal by the president to spend money appropriated by Congress; practiced excessively by Nixon
(limited in 1971)
B' Okey
who is he?
Performance Assessment Rating Tool: George W. Bush administration; sought to integrate measures of agency performance with budgetary decisions.
Congressional Budget Office
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Office of management
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Chapter 13
beginning of chapter 13 flashcards
economic regulations
one type of government regulation; began in the states, started in the federal government in 1887
Social regulations (compare and contrast to economic)
Social regulation: other type of government regulation; grew in the 1960s and 1970s; focuses on quality of life
Attempts to safeguard the environment; protect workers’ health and safety; assure the safety and quality of consumer products; and prohibit discrimination on grounds of race, color, sex, age, or disability
Know the role of state and local govt in budgeting process
(except question)
Can be substantially autonomous, without involvement of the federal government
Can also be used to administer national regulatory programs
Partial preemption: Congress centralizes policy formulation but shares policy implementation with the states
know how the ports regulate regulatory system
(except question)
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cost benefit analysis
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risk assessment
Anti- trust laws
(what are they)
Antitrust laws: attempts to assure competition by preventing monopolies and unfair methods of competition; embrace all industries in which these problems occur
linked to economic relations
cost reduction
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regulatory administration
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US govt regulations
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administrative rule making
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Regulations and citizens private behavior
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largest class action law suit
(and who did it hit)
Chapter 14
Chapter 14
congressional oversight
much of what Congress does is oversight, yet the activity tends to rank low among congressional priorities.
Many congressional actions involve some form of supervision of administrative actions.
Yet reelection takes priority over routine oversight.
oversight management
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impediments to effective oversight
reelection takes priority over routine oversightSecrecy: particularly with conduct of foreign affairs, the planning of military strategy and tactics, and pursuit of intelligence activities.
Excessive security classification
Can deny Congress information that has no valid claim to secrecy or confidentiality
Can withhold information from Congress that, though secret, is essential to congressional decision making and oversight
standing committee
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authorizing committee
Authorizing committees: regular legislative committees; because they prepare the laws that authorize programs, they have oversight responsibility to review administration of laws within their jurisdictions
excessive classification
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G.A.O and its role
Government accountability officeGAO audits the expenditures of executive-branch agencies. GAO’s powers have expanded and GAO has become an all-purpose, external control agent.
types of reports that come out of G.A.O
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how are P.A held responsible
(monitoring and compliance)
look up
administrative confidentiality
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legislative review
legislative oversight Authorizing committees: regular legislative committees; because they prepare the laws that authorize programs, they have oversight responsibility to review administration of laws within their jurisdictions
appropriations committee
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govt operation committee
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executive privilege
Executive privilege: a prerogative never mentioned in the Constitution but now asserted to be inherent in the president’s powers; popular during the Nixon administration
congressional staff
(have they increased or decreased)
increased staff because of useless info due to oversight
between 1965 and 2003 congressional staffs have doubled in size
govt performance and result act
Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993: Congress required all federal agencies to produce strategic plans and to measure their success in achieving those goals; seven-year timeline
Measures output, efficiency, customer service, quality, and outcome
program effectiveness
(why is it necessary)
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