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606 Cards in this Set

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What is NDT (Bobath concept)? ***

- based on developmental progression from spinal cord to cortex
- begins with reflexive behavior and progresses to volitional activity
- requires stimulus to get response
What is motor control? ***
- movement starts by pattern within the brain
- does not require stimulus
- activity becomes more complex by feedback loop

- ability to maintain and change posture and movement

- process involved: motor, cognitive and perceptual development
--- first self-movement, then in relation to environment

- includes which muscles to use, order of activation, and timing
List some motor control problems. ***
- overcoming gravity
- lifting a large head
- stability versus mobility,
- task specific movement
What are the time scales used for:
- motor control
- motor learning
- motor development? ***
- milliseconds to move or react

- hours, days or months to change a movement pattern or plan

- months, years or decades to change from reflex to voluntary isolated, timed, sequenced control
What are the two theories of motor control discussed? ***
- hierarchic model (traditional)

- systems model
Describe the hierarchic model of motor control development. ***
- spinal reflex to tonic brain stem reflex, to midbrain righting reactions to equilibrium

- lower structures inhibited by higher ones

- integration is how less mature responses are incorporated into voluntary movement
How does motor control develop according to the hierarchic model of motor control? ***
- mobility – begins with random uncontrolled movement
- stability – maintaining posture against gravity

- controlled mobility – attempts to crawl, creep
- skill – creeping, walking
How does postural control develop according to the hierarchic model of motor control? ***
- cephalocaudal and proximal to distal progression
1. righting reactions – get up, turn around
2. protective reactions – to stay up using extremities
3. equilibrium reactions – postural control
Describe the systems model of motor control development (3 characteristics.) ***
1. more complex interaction of nervous, cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal systems to affect posture and movement systems

2. self-organizing by changing relationships between systems produce different motor responses

3. feedback loop - closed versus open
What are the components of the postural control system according to the systems model of motor control? ***
- limits of stability
- environmental adaptation
- musculoskeletal system

- predictive central set – postural readiness (body knows how to react)
- motor coordination
- eye-head stabilization

- sensory organization
- sway strategies - ankle, hip, stepping
What are the 5 characteristics of the life span concept of development? ***
development is:
- contextual
- life-long
- embedded in history
- multidimensional
- plastic and flexible
What are the developmental time periods? ***
- infancy (birth - 2 years)
- childhood (2-10/12 years; M/F)
- adolescence (10/12 - 18/20 years; M/F)
- adulthood

(Levinson further divided adulthood:)
- early adulthood (18/20 - 40 years; M/F)
- middle adulthood (40-65 years)
- older adulthood (65-death)
--- young-old - 65-74 years
--- middle-old - 75-84 years
--- old-old - 85 and older
What is neuromotor development? ***
- progression of infant through predictable stages of sensorimotor development from simple to complex tasks

- development of posture and movement, especially 0-18 months
What is the first stage seen in neuromotor development (hierarchic theory)? What are the characteristics of this stage? ***
primitive reflexes (spinal cord/simple reflexes)
- spinal level: present in gestation and at birth; controlled at spinal cord level
- protective/survival mechanisms

- gross movement pattern – flexion/extension pattern
- “Integrated” by 8 weeks normal development

(e.g., flexor withdrawal, extensor thrust, crossed extension, rooting grasp)
What is the second stage seen in neuromotor development (hierarchic theory)? What are the characteristics of this stage? ***
tonic reflexes (brain stem/lowest level reflexes)
- muscle tone & posture changes due to head/neck motion
- positive support or motion of body part – associated reaction
(e.g., asymmetric tonic neck reflex, tonic labyrinthine reflex)
What is the third stage seen in neuromotor development (hierarchic theory)? What are the characteristics of this stage? ***
righting reaction (midbrain level)

- keeps head and body in vertical alignment (get you up, turn you around)
- roll, sit up, get on hands and knees
- protect from falls
- neck righting, body righting, optical righting, labyrinthine righting
What is the fourth stage seen in neuromotor development (hierarchic theory)? What are the characteristics of this stage? ***
- equilibrium reactions (cortical level)

- cortical level balance and coordinated movement
- requires balanced cocontraction of antagonistic muscles – flexors vs extensors
- adaptive response to change in COG
- begins at 6 months - tilt, postural fixation.
Summary of normal neuromotor development. ***
- primitive and tonic reflex (SC & BS) > righting and equilibrium (midbrain & cortex)
- cephalo-caudal and proximal to distal progression
- large muscle groups develop before small, fine control muscles
- asymmetry > symmetry > controlled asymmetry
- progression of extension in prone > flexion in supine > lateral flexion in sidelying

- mobility > stability > controlled mobility > skilled movement
--- mobility: spontaneous random, limited control
--- stability: ability to hold posture without support
--- controlled mobility: ability to maintain posture while changing position
--- skilled movement: distal control on proximal stability – walk, eat, speak, self care, hand manipulation

- weightbearing needed for weight shift for transitional movement
- while generally predictable, each child is different
Bear position ***
hands and feet (bear crawl)
Righting ***
- "Get you up and turn you around”
- to keep head up and align body
Equilibrium ***
higher level ability to stay up against gravity – balance
Tone ***
resting muscle readiness for movement; preloading
Primitive reflexes ***
- reflex movements that dominate movement in early life, but may limit control later
(e.g., STNR, ATNR, Moro)

- chart on page 31!!!!
Spasticity ***
hyperactive stretch reflex, excessive response to movement
Sensorimotor ***
- interdependent relationship between sensory and motor systems:
1. sensory input affects voluntary and involuntary motor control
2. movement causes increased sensory input
Associated reaction ***
- voluntary responses of the involved limb due to action in another body part

(e.g., resist hip flexion on left, right hip will want to react; Soques’/Ramistes’ phenomenon—p. 290)
Reflex integration ***
older term referring to change from use of primitive reflex to higher cortical level of control
Crawl ***
using arms and legs to move with abdomen on floor

(NOT what we traditionally think of as "crawling")
Creep ***
moving on hands and knees

(what we typically think of as "crawling")
Cruise ***
walking while holding on to furniture
Spastic movement ***
- hyperactive stretch reflex
- persistent primitive reactions
- stereotypical movement
- hypertonus
Athetoid movement ***
- writhing rotational movements

- fluctuating tone
Ataxic movement ***
- limited trunk stability

- difficulty in controlling small midrange movement
Hypotonic movement ***
low muscle tone regardless of position or movement
Motor development:
neck righting ***
(body on head)

0-6 months
Motor development:
head righting ***
- labyrinthine righting: 6 months onward

- optical righting: 8 months onward
Motor development:
Landau reflex ***
- normal response of infants when held in a horizontal prone position to maintain a convex arc with the head raised and the legs slightly flexed

- 6 months to 2.5 years

(the reflex is poor in those with floppy infant syndrome and exaggerated in hypertonic and opisthotonic infants)
Motor development:
protective extension ***
- extending limbs to protect from falling (e.g., to protect oneself from falling forward while sitting; essential for independent sitting)

- 6 months onward
Motor development:
body-on-body righting ***
- 6-12 months onward
Motor development:
period of astasia ***
- inability to stand due to a limitation or absence of muscular coordination

- may appear at 2 months and disappear around 10 months
Motor development (reflexes):
rooting ***
- birth to 3-4 months awake

- to 7 months while sleeping
Motor development (reflexes):
sucking ***
- birth to 3-4 months
Motor development (reflexes):
galant ***
- a newborn reflex elicited by holding the newborn in ventral suspension (face down) and stroking along the one side of the spine--the normal reaction is for the newborn to laterally flex toward the stimulated side

- birth to 2 months
Motor development (reflexes):
crossed extension ***

- birth to 1-2 months
Motor development (reflexes):
flexor withdrawal ***

- birth to 6-8 weeks
Motor development (reflexes):
Moro (startle) ***

- birth to 4 months
Motor development (reflexes):
automatic stepping ***

- birth to several weeks
Motor development (reflexes):
grasp ***

- birth to 3-4 monts
Motor development (reflexes):
asymmetrical tonic neck reflex ***

- birth to 4-6 months
Motor development (reflexes):
symmetrical tonic neck reflex ***

- birth to 4-6 months
Motor development (reflexes):
tonic labyrinthine ***

- 4 months
Motor development (reflexes):
positive support ***

- from 3 months to 8 months
Developmental problem signs:

birth to 3 months ***
- limited random movement
- easy and frequent startle response
- poor head control

- stiffness
- use of head and neck hyperextension for movement
- feeding problems

- respiratory problems
- irritability
Developmental problem signs:

4-8 months ***
- hypo or hypertonia
- mass movement patterns

- limited variety of movement
- asymmetry/absent bilateral play – preference of one side
Developmental problem signs:

9-12 months ***
- limited trunk control
- limited variety of movement
- limited transitional movement

- poor protective response
- poor manual skills
- poor balance

- obligatory reflexes
- abnormal tone
Cerebral palsy ***
- brain injury from conception to 3 years of age that affects movement

- (a “junk” diagnosis for early brain damage)
With what is cerebral palsy associated? ***
- low birth weight

- low APGAR score
Prenatal risk factors for cerebral palsy ***

(table 6-1, p. 125)
- maternal infection - damage brain's motor centers
--- rubella
--- herpes simplex
--- toxoplasmosis
--- cytomegalovirus

- placental abnormalities (detachment, inflammation) - oxygen deprivation
- Rh incompatibility - kernicterus
- maternal diabetes - mother's metabolic deficits cause stunted growth and delayed tissue maturation
- toxemia - mother's BP so high, baby in danger of not receiving sufficient blood flow, thus oxygen
- brain maldevelopment
- genetic disorders
- exposure to teratogens
Perinatal risk factors for cerebral palsy ***

(table 6-1, p. 125)
- asphyxia
- prolonged or difficult labor
- breech birth
- prolapsed umbilical cord
- compression of brain
- rupture of blood vessels in brain

- rupture of blood vessels or compression of brain
- premature separation of placenta, placenta previa
- prematurity*
- low birth weight*

* the two biggest risk factors for CP
Postnatal risk factors for cerebral palsy ***

(table 6-1, p. 125)
- intraventricular hemorrhage
(MVA, shaken baby, near-drowning, lead exposure)

- brain infections
--- meningitis*
--- encephalitis*
* account for 60% of acquired CP

- seizures
- head trauma
- near-drowning
Age at onset and age at integration for:
suck-swallow reflex ***

(table 3-1, p. 31)
- 28 weeks gestation

- 2-5 months
Age at onset and age at integration for:
rooting reflex ***

(table 3-1, p. 31)
- 28 weeks gestation

- 3 months
Age at onset and age at integration for:
flexor withdrawal reflex ***

(table 3-1, p. 31)
- 28 weeks gestation

- 1-2 months
Age at onset and age at integration for:
crossed extension reflex ***

(table 3-1, p. 31)
- 28 weeks gestation

- 1-2 months
Age at onset and age at integration for:
Moro reflex ***

(table 3-1, p. 31)
- 28 weeks gestation

- 4-6 months
Age at onset and age at integration for:
plantar grasp reflex ***

(table 3-1, p. 31)
- 28 weeks gestation

- 9 months
Age at onset and age at integration for:
positive support reflex ***

(table 3-1, p. 31)
- 35 weeks gestation

- 1-2 months
Age at onset and age at integration for:
asymmetric tonic neck reflex ***

(table 3-1, p. 31)
- birth

- 4-6 months
Age at onset and age at integration for:
palmar grasp reflex ***

(table 3-1, p. 31)
- birth

- 9 months
Age at onset and age at integration for:
symmetric tonic neck reflex ***

(table 3-1, p. 31)
- 4-6 months

- 8-12 months
Which primitive reflexes are present (onset) at 28 weeks gestation? ***

(table 3-1, p. 31)
- suck-swallow
- rooting
- flexor withdrawal
- crossed extension
- moro
- plantar grasp
Which primitive reflexes are present (onset) at 35 weeks gestation? ***

(table 3-1, p. 31)
- positive support
Which primitive reflexes are present (onset) at birth? ***

(table 3-1, p. 31)
- asymmetric tonic neck

- palmar grasp
Which primitive reflexes are present (onset) at 4-6 months? ***

(table 3-1, p. 31)
symmetric tonic nec
Which primitive reflexes are integrated at 1-2 months? ***

(table 3-1, p. 31)
- flexor withdrawal
- crossed extension
- positive support
Which primitive reflexes are integrated between 3-6 months? ***

(table 3-1, p. 31)
- suck-swallow (2-5 months)
- rooting (3 months)

- moro (4-6 months)
- asymmetric tonic neck (4-6 months)
Which primitive reflexes are integrated at 9-12 months? ***

(table 3-1, p. 31)
- symmetric tonic neck (8-12 months)

- plantar grasp (9 months)
- palmar grasp (9 months)
Functional limitations and treatment focus for:
increased muscle stiffness
in children with spasticity ***
(table 6-5, p. 132)
- stereotypical movement patterns

- decrease stiffness, increase movement
Functional limitations and treatment focus for:
slow, labored movement
in children with spasticity ***
(table 6-5, p. 132)
- poor static and dynamic balance
- postural insecurity

- establish head and trunk righting and equilibrium reactions, extremity protective reactions
Functional limitations and treatment focus for:
increased trunk rotation
in children with spasticity ***
(table 6-5, p. 132)
- poor movement transitions

- practice movement transitions involving trunk rotation (i.e., rolling, coming to sit, and walking)
Functional limitations and treatment focus for:
decreased ROM
in children with spasticity ***
(table 6-5, p. 132)
- reaching, walking

- increase ease of movement in all ranges
- vary speed and excursion of goal-directed movements
Functional limitations and treatment focus for:
skeletal malalignment
in children with spasticity ***
(table 6-5, p. 132)
- scoliosis
- musculoskeletal deformities

- position properly for function
- use orthoses
Functional limitations and treatment focus for:
muscle weakness
in children with spasticity ***
(table 6-5, p. 132)
- movements against gravity

- strengthen through movement experiences
Functional limitations and treatment focus for:
inaccurate muscle recruitment
in children with spasticity ***
(table 6-5, p. 132)
- inefficient movement
- high energy cost

- use novel environments and encourage appropriate sequences of muscle activation
Pathophysciology of cerebral palsy caused by:
intraventricular hemorrhage
(table 6-2, p. 129) ***
- spastic diplegia
Pathophysciology of cerebral palsy caused by:
hypoxic-ischemic injury
(table 6-2, p. 129) ***
- spastic quadriplegia
- spastic hemiplegia
Pathophysciology of cerebral palsy caused by:
selective neuronal necrosis of the cerebellum
(table 6-2, p. 129) ***
Pathophysciology of cerebral palsy caused by:
status marmoratus (hypermyeliniation in basal ganglia)
(table 6-2, p. 129) ***
Classification of seizures:
generalized seizure

Give older term and manifestations ***
(table 6-4, p. 131)
- generalized seizure

- seizures that are generalized to the entire body
- always involve a loss of consciousness
Classification of seizures:
tonic-clonic seizure

Give older term and manifestations ***
(table 6-4, p. 131)
- grand mal seizure (older term)

- begin with a tonic contraction (stiffening) of the body, then change to clonic movements (jerking) of the body
Classification of seizures:
tonic seizure

Give older term and manifestations ***
(table 6-4, p. 131)
stiffening of the entire body
Classification of seizures:
clonic seizure

Give older term and manifestations ***
(table 6-4, p. 131)
- minor motor seizure (older term)

- myoclonic jerks start and stop abruptly
Classification of seizures:
atonic seizure

Give older term and manifestations ***
(table 6-4, p. 131)
- drop attacks (older term)

- sudden lack of muscle tone
Classification of seizures:
absence seizure

Give older term and manifestations ***
(table 6-4, p. 131)
- petit mal seizure (older term)

- nonconvulsive seizure with a loss of consciousness;
- blinking, staring, or minor movements lasting a few seconds
Classification of seizures:
akinetic seizure

Give older term and manifestations ***
(table 6-4, p. 131)
- lack of movement, "freezing" in place
Classification of seizures:
partial seizure

Give older term and manifestations ***
(table 6-4, p. 131)
- focal seizure (older term)

- seizures not generalized to the entire body
- a variety of sensory or motor symptoms may accompany this type of seizure
Classification of seizures:
simple partial seizure

Give older term and manifestations ***
(table 6-4, p. 131)
- Jacksonian seizure (older term)

- no loss of consciousness or awareness
Classification of seizures:
simple partial seizure with motor symptoms

Give older term and manifestations ***
(table 6-4, p. 131)
- jerking may begin in one small part of the body and spread to other parts

- usually limited to one half of the body
Classification of seizures:
simple partial seizure with sensory symptoms

Give older term and manifestations ***
(table 6-4, p. 131)
- sensory aura may precede a motor seizure
Classification of seizures:
complex partial seizure

Give older term and manifestations ***
(table 6-4, p. 131)
- psychomotor seizure (older term)
- temporal lobe seizure (older term)

- loss of consciousness occurs during the seizure at either the beginning or the end of the event
- may develop from a simple partial seizure or develop into a generalized seizure
- may include automatisms such as lip smacking, staring, or laughing
Classification of seizures:
unclassified seizure

Give older term and manifestations ***
(table 6-4, p. 131)
- seizures that do not fit into the above categories, including some neonatal and febrile seizures
Types of generalized seizure ***

(table 6-4, p. 131)
- tonic-clonic (grand mal)
- tonic
- clonic (minor motor)
- atonic (drop attacks)
- absence (petit mal)
- akinetic
Types of partial seizure ***

(table 6-4, p. 131)
- simple partial (Jacksonian)
--- with motor symptoms
--- with sensory symptoms

- complex partial (psychomotor, temporal lobe)
What are the five characteristics that identify a theoretic approach as having a life span perspective? ***
development is:
- contextual
- life-long
- embedded in history
- multidimensional
- plastic and flexible
List the developmental time periods and the age ranges
(include breakdown of adulthood). ***
(table 4-1, p. 49)
- infancy (birth to 2 years)

- childhood (2 years to 10/12 years

- adolescence (10/12 years to 18/20 years)
- early adulthood (18/20 years to 40 years)

- middle adulthood (40 years to 65 years)

- older adulthood (65 years to death)
--- young-old (65-74 years)
--- middle-old (75-84 years)
--- old-old (85 and older)
Describe Piaget's stages of cognitive development:
infancy ***

(table 4-2, p. 50)
- sensorimotor stage

- pairing of sensory and motor reflexes leads to purposeful activity
Describe Piaget's stages of cognitive development:
preschool ***

(table 4-2, p. 50)
- preoperational stage

- unidimensional awareness of environment
Describe Piaget's stages of cognitive development:
school age ***

(table 4-2, p. 50)
- concrete operational stage

- solves problems with real objects
- classification
- conservation
Describe Piaget's stages of cognitive development:
pubescence ***

(table 4-2, p. 50)
- formal operational stage

- solves abstract problems
- induction
- deduction
Describe Erikson's stages of development:
infancy ***

(table 4-3, p. 51)
- trust versus mistrust stage

characteristics of:
- self-trust
- attachment
Describe Erikson's stages of development:
late infancy ***

(table 4-3, p. 51)
- autonomy versus shame or doubt stage

characteristics of:
- independence
- self-control
Describe Erikson's stages of development:
childhood (preschool) ***

(table 4-3, p. 51)
- initiative versus guilt stage

characteristics of:
- initiation of own activity
Describe Erikson's stages of development:
school age ***

(table 4-3, p. 51)
- industry versus inferiority stage

characteristics of
- working on projects for recognition
Describe Erikson's stages of development:
adolescence ***

(table 4-3, p. 51)
- identity versus role confusion stage

characteristics of
- sense of self:
--- physically
--- socially
--- sexually
Describe Erikson's stages of development:
early adulthood ***

(table 4-3, p. 51)
- intimacy versus isolation stage

characteristics of:
- relationship with significant other
Describe Erikson's stages of development:
middle adulthood ***

(table 4-3, p. 51)
- generativity versus stagnation

characteristics of
- guiding the next generation
Describe Erikson's stages of development:
late adulthood ***

(table 4-3, p. 51)
- ego integrity versus despair stage

characteristics of
- sense of wholeness
- sense of vitality
- wisdom
List the stages in Maslow's hierarchy. ***
bottom to top:
- physiologic/survival needs (food, water, elimination)
- safety
- love, belongingness, affection
- esteem
- self-actualization
Gross motor milestones:
- head control ***

(table 4-4, p. 56)
4 months
Gross motor milestones:
- rolling ***

(table 4-4, p. 56)
6 to 8 months
Gross motor milestones:
- sitting ***

(table 4-4, p. 56)
8 months
Gross motor milestones:
- creeping ***

(table 4-4, p. 56)
9 months
Gross motor milestones:
- cruising ***

(table 4-4, p. 56)
10 months
Gross motor milestones:
- walking ***

(table 4-4, p. 56)
12 months
Fine motor milestones:
- palmar grasp reflex ***

(table 4-5, p. 56)
Fine motor milestones:
- raking ***

(table 4-5, p. 56)
5 months
Fine motor milestones:
- voluntary palmar grasp ***

(table 4-5, p. 56)
6 months
Fine motor milestones:
- radial palmar grasp ***

(table 4-5, p. 56)
7 months
Fine motor milestones:
- radial digital grasp ***

(table 4-5, p. 56)
9 months
Fine motor milestones:
- inferior pincer grasp ***

(table 4-5, p. 56)
9-12 months
Fine motor milestones:
- superior pincer grasp ***

(table 4-5, p. 56)
12 months
Fine motor milestones:
- three-jaw chuck ***

(table 4-5, p. 56)
12 months
Norms for important stages of development: ***
1-2 months

(table 4-6, p. 59)
- internal body processes stabilize
- basic biological rhythms established
- spontaneous grasp and release are established
Norms for important stages of development: ***
3-4 months

(table 4-6, p. 59)
- forearm support develops
- head control is established
- midline orientation is present
Norms for important stages of development: ***
4-5 months

(table 4-6, p. 59)
-antigravity control of extensors and flexors begins
- bottom lifting is present
Norms for important stages of development: ***
6 months

(table 4-6, p. 59)
- strong extension-abduction of limbs is present
- complete trunk extension is present
- pivots on tummy
Norms for important stages of development: ***
7-8 months

(table 4-6, p. 59)
- spontaneous trunk rotation begins
- trunk control develops along with sitting balance
Norms for important stages of development: ***
9-10 months

(table 4-6, p. 59)
- movement progression is seen in crawling, creeping, pulling to stand, and cruising
Norms for important stages of development: ***
11-12 months

(table 4-6, p. 59)
- independent ambulation occurs
Norms for important stages of development: ***
16-17 months

(table 4-6, p. 59)
- carries or pulls an object while walking
- walks sideways and backward
Norms for important stages of development: ***
20-22 months

(table 4-6, p. 59)
- easily squats and recovers toy
Norms for important stages of development: ***
24 months

(table 4-6, p. 59)
- arm swing is present during ambulation
What determines the functional abilities of children with spina bifida? ***
the extent of the impairment is directly related to:
- the level of the cyst and
- level of the spinal cord defect
Spina bifida occulta ***

(table 7-1, p. 156)
- vertebral defect in which posterior elements of the vertebral arch fail to close;
- no sac
- vertebral defect usually not associated with an abnormality of the spinal cord
Spina bifida cystica ***

(table 7-1, p. 156)
vertebral defect with a protruding cyst of meninges or spinal cord and meninges
Spina bifida aperta (meningocele or myelomeningocele) ***
- meningocele with CSF and meninges

- myelomeningocele contains spinal cord in cyst
Meningocele ***

(table 7-1, p. 156)
- cyst containing CSF and meninges and usually covered with epithelium

- clinical symptoms variable
Myelomeningocele ***

(table 7-1, p. 156)
- cyst containing CSF, meninges, spinal cord, and possibly nerve roots
- cord incompletely formed or malformed
- most common in the lumbar area
- the higher the lesion, the more deficits present
Causes of spina bifida ***
many causal factors implicated
- genetic predisposition
- alcohol exposure/FAS
- Irish/Irish-American background
- lack of folic acid
Functional ability related to level of SC lesion:
thoracic ***

(table 7-2, p. 158)
muscle function:
- trunk weakness
- T7-T9 upper abdominals
- T9-T12 lower abdominals
- T12 has weak quadratus lumborum

potential deformity:
- positional deformities of hips, knees, and ankles secondary to frog-leg posture
Functional ability related to level of SC lesion:
high lumbar (L1-L2) ***

(table 7-2, p. 158)
muscle function:
- unopposed hip flexors and some adductors

potential deformity:
- hip flexion, adduction
- hip dislocation
- lumbar lordosis
- knee flexion and plantar flexion
Functional ability related to level of SC lesion:
midlumbar (L3) ***

(table 7-2, p. 158)
muscle function:
- strong hip flexors, adductors
- weak hip rotators
- antigravity knee extension

potential deformity:
- hip dislocation, subluxation
- genu recurvatum
Functional ability related to level of SC lesion:
low lumbar (L4) ***

(table 7-2, p. 158)
muscle function:
- strong quadriceps
- medial knee flexors against gravity
- ankle dorsiflexion and inversion

potential deformity:
- equinovarus (club foot)
- calcaneovarus or
- calcaneocavus foot
Functional ability related to level of SC lesion:
low lumbar (L5) ***

(table 7-2, p. 158)
muscle function:
- weak hip extension, abduction
- good knee flexion against gravity
- weak plantar flexion with eversion

potential deformity:
- equinovarus (club foot)
- calcaneovarus or
- calcaneocavus foot
Functional ability related to level of SC lesion:
sacral (S1) ***

(table 7-2, p. 158)
muscle function:
- good hip abductors
- weak plantar flexors

no potential deformities noted
Functional ability related to level of SC lesion:
sacral (S2-S3) ***

(table 7-2, p. 158)
muscle function:
- good hip extensors
- good ankle plantar flexors

no potential deformities noted
What positions should be avoided in children with myelomeningocele? ***

(box 7-1, p. 163)
- frog-leg position in prone or supine
- W sitting
- ring sitting
- heel sitting
- cross-legged sitting
What are the vital components of a physical therapy program for patients with myelomeningocele? ***

(box 7-2; page 170)
- proper positioning in sitting and sleeping
- stretching
- strengthening

- pressure relief and joint protection
- mobility for short and long distances
- transfers and activities of daily living
- self care
What is Down Syndrome? ***
- autosomal (non-sex chromosomal) disorder

- may be trisomy of 21 in all cells or mosaic (not in all cells)
Who is more likely to have a baby with Down Syndrome? ***
- women over 35

- mother or father may carry the abnormal gene; more likely the mother
What are some of the areas affected by Down Syndrome? ***
- cognition
- muscle tone
- heart and lungs

- head size/shape
- cervical spine
- eyes, nose, mouth
- hands
- hips
- toes
How is the muscle tone affected in a child with Down Syndrome? ***
global hypotonia
How is the head affected in a child with Down Syndrome? ***
- smaller head
- brachycephalic (wide/flat head)
- flattened occiput
How are the eyes, nose and mouth affected in a child with Down Syndrome? ***
- Brushfield's spots - grey flecks in infant iris
- epicanthic folds

- flattened bridge of nose
- open mouth with large, protruding tongue without central fissure
How are the hands affected in a child with Down Syndrome? ***
- short, broad hands
- simian crease
- curved 5th finger
- missing one of 5th phalanges
How are the toes affected in a child with Down Syndrome? ***
gap between the first two toes
How are the hips affected in a child with Down Syndrome? ***
- formed differently
- subject to dislocation
How are the heart and lungs affected in a child with Down Syndrome? ***
- congenital heart disease is common (40%)
- lung hypoplasia
- pulmonary hypertension
How is the spine affected in a child with Down Syndrome? ***
- unstable C2 (atlanto-axial joint)
- scoliosis
What is arthrogryposis? ***
- a.k.a., arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC)
- rare congenital disorder characterized by multiple joint contractures
- can include muscle weakness and fibrosis
- non-progressive disease

- many known subgroups of AMC, with differing signs, symptoms, causes etc
- some cases, few joints may be affected, nearly full ROM
- most common type of arthrogryposis, called amyoplasia, hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, feet and knees are affected
- most severe types, nearly every joint is involved, including the jaw and back

Frequently, the contractures are accompanied by muscle weakness, which further limits movement. AMC is typically symmetrical and involves all four extremities with some variation seen.[1][5]
What is cystic fibrosis? ***
- a.k.a., CF or mucoviscidosis
- autosomal recessive genetic disorder
- affects most critically the lungs, and also the pancreas, liver, and intestine
- characterized by abnormal transport of chloride and sodium across an epithelium, leading to thick, viscous secretions

- difficulty breathing is the most serious symptom and results from frequent lung infections
- other symptoms, including sinus infections, poor growth, and infertility affect other parts of the body

- caused by a mutation in the gene for the protein cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)
- this protein is required to regulate the components of sweat, digestive juices, and mucu
- CFTR regulates the movement of chloride and sodium ions across epithelial membranes, such as the alveolar epithelia located in the lungs

- although most people without CF have two working copies of the CFTR gene, only one is needed to prevent cystic fibrosis due to the disorder's recessive nature
- CF develops when neither gene works normally (as a result of mutation) and therefore has autosomal recessive inheritance
What is Fragile X? ***
- a.k.a., FXS, Martin–Bell syndrome, or Escalante's syndrome
- genetic syndrome that is the most common known single-gene cause of autism
- most common inherited cause of mental retardation among boys

- results in a spectrum of intellectual disability ranging from mild to severe as well as
- physical characteristics such as
--- elongated face
--- large or protruding ears
--- large testes (macroorchidism)

-behavioral characteristics such as
--- stereotypic movements (e.g. hand-flapping), and
--- social anxiety
Who is most often affected by Fragile X? ***
What are some of the symptoms of Fragile X? ***
- hypotonia
- poor coordination
- poor motor planning

- mitral valve prolapse
- seizures

- scoliosis
- prominent jaw
- hyperextensible finger joints
What is Rett Syndrome? ***
- a.k.a. cerebroatrophic hyperammonemia
- neurodevelopmental disorder of the grey matter of the brain
- almost exclusively affects females

- clinical features include
--- small hands and feet
--- deceleration of the rate of head growth (including microcephaly in some)
--- scoliosis, growth failure, and constipation are very common and can be problematic
--- repetitive stereotyped hand movements, such as wringing and/or repeatedly putting hands into the mouth, are also noted

- prone to gastrointestinal disorders
- up to 80% have seizures

- typically have no verbal skills
- about 50% of individuals affected are not ambulatory

- signs of this disorder are most easily confused with those of Angelman syndrome, cerebral palsy and autism
Who is most typically affected by Rett Syndrome? ***
- females
What is usually the first sign of Rett Syndrome? ***
- hand clapping
- hand wringing
- hand clenching
How does Rett Syndrome affect neuromuscular function? ***
- hypotonia early
- then hypertonia
- progressive loss of all neurologic function
Some other effects of Rett Syndrome? ***
- respiratory pattern deterioration
- seizures
- kyphosis, scoliosis
- contractures
- hip dysplasia
- equinovarus
What are neuromuscular diseases? ***
diseases of the
- motor neuron
- neuromuscular junction
- muscle
List some neuromuscular diseases. ***
- Duchenne/Becker
- other muscular dystrophies
- spinal muscular atrophy
What is Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy? ***
- recessive X-linked form of muscular dystrophy, affecting around 1 in 3,600 boys
- results in muscle degeneration and eventual death
- caused by a mutation in the dystrophin gene, located on the human X chromosome, which codes for the protein dystrophin, an important structural component within muscle tissue
- while both sexes can carry the mutation, females rarely exhibit signs of the disease

- symptoms usually appear in male children before age 5 but may be visible in early infancy
- progressive proximal muscle weakness of the legs and pelvis associated with a loss of muscle mass is observed first
- eventually this weakness spreads to the arms, neck, and other areas
- early signs may include pseudohypertrophy (enlargement of calf and deltoid muscles), low endurance, and difficulties in standing unaided or inability to ascend staircases
- as the condition progresses, muscle tissue experiences wasting and is eventually replaced by fat and fibrotic tissue (fibrosis)
- by age 10, braces may be required to aid in walking but most patients are wheelchair dependent by age 12
- later symptoms may include abnormal bone development that lead to skeletal deformities, including curvature of the spine
- due to progressive deterioration of muscle, loss of movement occurs, eventually leading to paralysis
- intellectual impairment may or may not be present but if present, does not progressively worsen as the child ages
- average life expectancy for patients afflicted with DMD is around 25
What is Becker Muscular Dystrophy? ***
- same genetics, but a milder form of MD
- similar to Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, however, it is milder due to the fact that some dystrophin is available (vice none in DMD)

- diagnosed later
- pt has stronger, longer life
What are some of the first signs of Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy? ***
- pseudohypertropy - usually in the calves and deltoids--muscle is initially edematous, rapidly becomes atrophic

- Gower sign (pt must use arms and hands to "walk up" own body to rise from squat to stand)
How does Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy progress? ***
- progresses to severe weakness, then
- respiratory failure at late teens to early 20s
- multiple contractures as muscles fibrose
Describe the postural abnormalities of a DMD patient. ***
- shoulders and arms are held back awkwardly when walking
- lumbar lordosis
- protruding belly (weak abdominal muscles)

- weak gluteal muscles
- thin, weak thighs, especially anterior (quadriceps group)
- genu recurvatum
- thick "musculature" of lower leg (the "muscle" is mostly fat and not strong)
- tightness in Achilles tendon
- weak anterior tibialis causing foot drop
- toe walking

- poor balance
- awkward, clumsy walking
How should patients with MD exercise? ***
- submaximal resistive (without overexertion)
- stretching with great care to avoid injury, as normal resistance won't happen
- respiratory exercise, especially inspiration
- standing slows scoliosis
- progress to powered mobility with positioning

- bracing, assistive devices, technology
- e-stim may help
What is SMA? ***
- spinal muscular atrophy
- an incurable autosomal recessive disease caused by a genetic defect in the SMN1 gene which codes SMN, a protein necessary for survival of motor neurons
- results in death of neuronal cells in the anterior horn of spinal cord and subsequent system-wide muscle wasting (atrophy)

- manifests in various degrees of severity which all have in common general muscle wasting and mobility impairment
- other body systems may be affected as well, particularly in early-onset forms
- SMA is the most common genetic cause of infant death
Symptoms of SMA ***
- usually autosomal recessive
- 1/15,000-25,000 births

- anterior horn cells affected - fewer, then they deteriorate
What are the three types of SMA we discussed? ***
- Type I - Werdnig-Hoffman - onset 0-3 mo, death by one year
- Type II - Werdnig-Hoffman - onset 3 mo – 4yr, “shortened life span”
- Type III - Kugelberg-Weylander - onset 5-10 yr, slow progression, milder
Treatment for SMA ***
- trunk strengthening
- stretching – gentle, slow
- respiratory exercises, postural drainage

- standers for hip development (if not standing by 16-18 mos)
- gait trainers for supported walking as long as possible to maintain bone
- bracing
- wheelchair (power chair when needed) with positioning
What is plagiocephaly? ***
- abnormal shaping of the head
- condition characterized by an asymmetrical distortion (flattening of one side) of the skull

- describes a diagonal asymmetry across the head shape, particularly a flattening which is to one side at the back of the head, often with some facial asymmetry

(brachycephaly describes a very wide head shape with a flattening across the whole back of the head--see "Down Syndrome")
What is torticollis? ***
- a.k.a. "wry neck"
- tightening of the sternocleidomastoid and associated muscles
(thus neck is flexed, head is tilted to affected side, and rotated to opposite side)

- muscles affected are principally those supplied by the spinal accessory nerve.
What are some of the suspected causes of plagiocephaly/torticollis? ***
- high birth weight
- multiple births
- "back to sleep" program
- some evidence for genetic connection
What must be ruled out for plagiocephaly/torticollis? ***
bony neck deformity
What condition may mimic torticollis? ***
problems with one eye or one ear
What is the treatment for torticollis? ***
- stretch short side neck and trunk and
- strengthen long side, in rocking and play

- teach positioning for stretch
- spend play time in prone

- often developmental delays present due to torticollis
- if delays present, Standard of Care in P.T. is to work with child until able to pull to stand and cruise independently

- PT is usually effective
- TOT collar may help
- if not better in 3 months, further medical testing needed
- BOTOX, muscle lengthening, spine surgery or other approach may be needed
What may be required treatment for plagiocephaly? ***
if changes in positioning/handling do not work:
- helmet or
- surgical intervention
What is craniosynostosis? ***
- condition in which one or more of the fibrous sutures in an infant skull prematurely fuses by ossification, changing the growth pattern of the skull
- because the skull cannot expand perpendicular to the fused suture, it compensates by growing more in the direction parallel to the closed sutures

- sometimes the resulting growth pattern provides the necessary space for the growing brain, but results in an abnormal head shape and abnormal facial features
- in cases in which the compensation does not effectively provide enough space for the growing brain, craniosynostosis results in increased intracranial pressure leading possibly to visual impairment, sleeping impairment, eating difficulties, or an impairment of mental development combined with a significant reduction in IQ
What is ADHD and what is its prevalence? ***
- attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder

- psychiatric and neurobehavioral disorder characterized by either significant difficulties of inattention or hyperactivity and impulsiveness or a combination of the two

- one of the most common psychiatric disorders in children
- 9-10% of all children
- diagnosed two to four times more frequently in boys
What are the grounds for an ADHD diagnosis? ***
at least:
- six of nine symptoms of inattention and/or
- six of nine symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity
have persisted for at least six months to a degree that is more frequent and severe than one's peers

- some symptoms were present before seven years of age
- impairment from the symptoms is present in two or more settings (e.g., at school or work and at home)

- significant impairment in functioning at school, work, or social settings
- clear evidence of significant impairment in school, work, or social functioning
What are the 9 symptoms of inattention? ***
- often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork or other activities
- often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace not due to failure to understand instructions

- often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities
- often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort (such as schoolwork or homework)
- often loses things necessary for tasks or activities (e.g., toys, school assignments, pencils, books, or tools)

- often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities
- often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly

- is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli
- is often forgetful in daily activities
What are the 9 symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity? ***
- often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat
- often leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in which remaining seated is expected
- often runs about or climbs excessively in situations in which it is inappropriate (in adolescents or adults, may be limited to subjective feelings of restlessness)
- often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly
Is often "on the go" or often acts as if "driven by a motor"
- often talks excessively

- often blurts out answers before questions have been completed
- often has difficulty awaiting turn
- often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conversations or games)
What is sensory processing disorder? ***
- a neurological disorder causing difficulties with taking in, processing, and responding to sensory information about the environment and from within the own body (visual, auditory, tactile, olfaction, gustatory, vestibular, and proprioception)

- sensory information may be sensed and perceived in a way that is different from most other people
- result can be unusual ways of responding or behaving, finding things harder to do

- term SPD is now often used (though not without controversy) instead of the earlier term sensory integration dysfunction which was originally used by occupational therapist A. Jean Ayres as part of her theory that deficits in the processing and interpretation of sensation from the body and the environment could lead to sensorimotor and learning problems in children

- some state sensory processing disorder is a distinct diagnosis, while others argue that differences in sensory responsiveness are features of other diagnoses
- SPD is not recognized in any standard medical manuals such as the ICD-10[3] or the DSM-IV-TR

- SPD is often associated with a range of neurological, psychiatric, behavioral and language disorders
- no known cure; however, there are many treatments available
How does SPD present? ***
- may be only ONE sensory dysfunction (only sight, or only sound)
- may be multiple sensory dysfunction

- may be under-responder
- may be over-responder

- may be combination of over-/under-responder
“The exact cause of Sensory Processing Disorder–like the causes of ADHD and so many other neurodevelopmental disorders–has not yet been identified. However, preliminary studies and research suggest some leading contenders.”- from Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children With Sensory Processing Disorder by Lucy Jane Miller, PhD, OTR

What are some of the leading contenders? ***
- genetics (parent has ADHD)
- pre-natal exposure to stimulants (cocaine)

- birth complications (O2 deprivation not severe enough to cause CP)
- environmental (cultural, parenting, super-stimulating environment)
What are some of the areas impacted by SPD? ***
- physical
- social
- emotional
- psychological
Treatment for SPD ***
- sensory regulation
- integrated listening therapy (meditative, calming music)

- proprioceptive/kinesthetic
- vestibular

- balance activities
- coordination activities
What is ASD? ***
- autism spectrum disorder

- range of conditions classified as pervasive developmental disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

- includes autism, Asperger syndrome, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), childhood disintegrative disorder, and Rett syndrome, although usually only the first three conditions are considered part of the autism spectrum

- typically characterized by social deficits, communication difficulties, stereotyped or repetitive behaviors and interests, and in some cases, cognitive delays

- these diagnoses share some common features, individuals with these disorders are thought to be "on the spectrum" because of differences in severity across these domains

- characterized by delays or abnormal functioning before the age of three years in one or more of the following domains:
(1) social interaction;
(2) communication; and
(3) restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities
Treatment for ASD ***
- physical therapy now considered an important part of treatment (not just OT and speech)
- balance and coordination deficits
- gross motor and fine motor delays

- sensory processing issues need to be addressed
- must work in tandem with other therapies (ST, speech, etc.)
Within what three domains does movement occur?
- physical
- psychological
- social
What factors can affect acquisition of motor skills?
- surroundings in which a person develops (physical, psychological, or social)
- time
- life experiences
- life experiences of family, friends, and teachers
- cultural practices
- child-rearing practices
What comprises the concept of motor development?
any change in movement abilities that occur across the span of life, so changes in the way a person moves after childhood are also included
According to Piaget, what occurs in the developmental time period of infancy?
- sensorimotor stage
- establishment of trust with caregivers
- development of autonomy
- incorporation of sensory information into movement and exploration of environment
According to Piaget, what occurs in the developmental time period of childhood?
- fostering of initiative to plan and execute movement strategies and to solve daily problems
- awareness of surrounding environment, at least one dimension at a time
- use of symbols such as language
- uses objects to represent things that can be thought of but are not physically present (imaginative)

- preoperational thinking
- reasoning centered around self
- self-regulation learned with help of parents regarding appropriate play behavior and toileting
- establishment of self-image

age 3-5:
- sharing, taking turns, repeating plot to a story

- concrete operations - furtherance of thinking abilities
- works industriously for recognition on school projects, etc.
- able to classify objects by characteristics (color, shape, texture, etc.)
According to Piaget, what occurs in the developmental time period of adolescence?
- identity formed
- values embraced
- knowledge of self, goals, and how to achieve them
- pursuit of career/vocation moves individual way from childhood egocentrism

formal operations
- abstract problems solved by inductive and deductive reasoning
- logical decision making
According to Piaget, what occurs in the developmental time period of adulthood?
- up to 5-year transition from late adolescence (17) to early adulthood (22)--early adulthood transition

- middle adulthood - begins at 40, with 5 year transition from early adulthood (35-40); ends with a 5-year transition into older adulthood (age 60-65)

- young-old - 65-74
- middle-old - 75-84
- old-old - 85 and older
According to Piaget, what is preoperational thought?
- any procedure for mentally acting on objects
- characterized by sparse and logically inadequate mental operations

- child learns to use and to represent objects by images, words, and drawings
- child is able to form stable concepts as well as mental reasoning and magical beliefs
- child still unable to perform operations; tasks that the child can do mentally rather than physically
- thinking is still egocentric
- child has difficulty taking the viewpoint of others

two substages:
- symbolic function (ages 2-7) - can think in images and symbols
--- language and pretend play
--- egocentric
--- animism

- intuitive though (ages 4-7) - begin use of primitive reasoning
--- why?
--- centration - focusing all attention on one characteristic
--- conservation - awareness that altering a substance's appearance does not change its basic properties (children do not have at this stage)
--- do not yet understand concrete logic
--- cannot mentally manipulate information
According to Piaget, what is concrete operational thought?
- ages 7-11
- characterized by appropriate use of logic
- can mentally reverse information
- can only solve problems with concrete objects, not abstract concepts or hypothetical tasks
- child develops an ability to think abstractly and to make rational judgments about concrete or observable phenomena, which in the past he needed to manipulate physically to understand

- seriation - ability to sort by characteristics of objects (color, size, shape, etc.)
- transitivity - recognizes relationships among objects in a serial order (e.g., places books in height order on a bookshelf)
- classification - ability to name and identify sets of objects by characteristics
- decentering - accounts for multiple aspects of a problem to solve it
- reversibility - objects can be changed, then returned to original state (e.g., inflate/deflate/inflate a balloon)
- conservation - understaning that quantity, length, or number of items is unrelated to arrangement or appearance of the objects or items
elimination of egocentrism - ability to view things from another's perspective (even if incorrectly)
According to Piaget, what is formal operational thought?
- adolescence into adulthood

- logical use of symbols related to abstract concepts
- hypothetical and deductive reasoning
- ability to think about abstract concepts
According to Piaget, how does an infant learn to understand the world?
- by associating sensory experiences with physical actions (schemas)

- sensorimotor stage of development
Describe Maslow's hierarchy.
- each higher level depends on mastering the one before

- the last level mastered is not forgotten or lost, but is built on by the next
Regardless of the age of the child, the ______ ______must be taken into account when planning therapeutic intervention.
cognitive level
How did Erikson characterize the stages an individual goes through to establish personality?
each stage representing a struggle between two opposing traits
The one overriding concept about which all developmentalists agree is the concept that development is ______.

(disagreement involves:
- composition of the sequence
- which specific skills are part of the sequence
- whether one skill in the sequence is a prerequisite for the next)
Motor development is epigenetic, meaning:
human beings grow and develop from a simple organism to a more complex one through progressive differentiation
Motivation to move comes from....
intellectual curiosity
Movement is a way of _____ _____ over the environment.
asserting control
Learning to control the environment begins with learning to control....
one's own body
To interact within the environment, the child must be...
oriented within space
We learn spatial relationships by:
- oreinting first to our own bodies, then
- using ourselves as a reference point to map our movement within the environment
Visualizing movement can help improve _____ _____.
motor performance

(motivation and concentration are also important)
How does a child typically work on developing gross motor milestones?
- works on several at a time; overlapping (e.g., perfecting rolling while learning sitting balance)

- some children bypass stages (e.g., going from creeping to cruising without crawling)
What are the four directional concepts of development?
- cephalic to caudal (head control before trunk control; UE before LE)
- proximal to distal (stable base needed before movement)

- mass to specific (dissociation; simple to complex)
- gross to fine
What is dissociation?
- the ability to separate movement in one body part from movement in another body part

- characteristic of mature movement

(e.g., turns head without turning trunk, rolls over segmentally instead of log rolling)
What is reciprocal interweaving?
- reappearance of certain patterns of movement at different times during development
- cyclic changes in motor control
- at each stage of development, abilities emerge, merge, regress, or are replaced

(e.g., scapular adduction - initially used by infant for upper trunk extension in prone; reappears when walking as high guard position of arms)
What factors affect movement?
- biomechanics of the situation
- muscle strength
- level of neuromuscular maturation and control
Full-term babies are born with what type of tone? How does this progress and change?
- physiologic flexion - limbs and trunk are naturally flexed
- gravity, body weight and early reflexes help overcome this

progresses to:
- antigravity extension - easiest to achieve early on because extensors are in lengthened position from physiologic flexion (flexors are shortened)

- antigravity flexion (supine)
- lateral flexion
- rotation
Developmental process is described by Bly as a trend from:
- random movements of entire body, to
- asymmetric movements, to
- bilateral symmetric movements of the head and trunk against gravity in prone, supine, and side-lying positions, to

- alternating reciprocal movements of limbs, to
- unilateral symmetric movements of head and trunk that result in lateral bending, then finally
- bilateral diagonal movement (e.g., creeping)
Head control
- infant should have good head control by 4 months
- should be able to keep ear in line with acromion when pulled to sit

- when held upright and tilted vertically, head should tilt in opposite direction
- when prone, should be able to lift head against gravity past 45 degrees

- should be able to flex head when supine at 5 months
- log roll at 4-6 months (head and trunk as one unit)
- segmental rolling at 6-8 months (separate upper and lower rotation)

- prone to supine precedes supine to prone because extensor control precedes flexor control
- independent sitting by 8 months of age
(alone, no kyphosis, no hand support, can rotate head/trunk)
- change in functional orientation (also may see reciprocal interweaving)
Creeping, crawling, and cruising
(narrative and table 4-4 contradict each other on this one)

table 4-4
- creeping - 9 mos (reciprocal - opposite arm/leg)
- cruising - 10 mos

- cruising - 9 mos
- creeping - 9-10 mos (reciprocal - opposite arm/leg)
- 12-18 mos

- last major gross motor milestone
- wide BOS
- legs abducted and externally rotated
- lordotic lumbar spine
- UEs in high guard with scapular adduction
What are the two most important gross motor milestones? Why? ***
- head control and sitting

- because if you cannot control your head and trunk, control of extremities will be very difficult or impossible)
act of grasping
Kinetic chain of prehension
- to grasp, one must reach

- reaching patterns depend upon shoulder position and influence the ability to grasp objects
Hand regard
- 2 months

- ATNR places hand in perfect position to be seen/regarded
Reflexive and voluntary palmar grasp
- involves just the fingers coming into the palm, thumb not involved

- reflexive (in response to stimulus--i.e., touch, esp on ulnar side of hand) present from birth

- voluntary develops by 6 mos
Evolution of voluntary grasp
- after palmar grasp becomes voluntary at 6 mos, it progressively changes

- radial palmar grasp at 7 mos as thumb able to adduct (radial side of hand & thumb; able to pick up small objects, e.g., 1'' cubes)

- radial digital grasp at 9 mos as thumbs begin to oppose; can hold objects with ends of fingers rather than having to bring them into palm

- inferior pincer grasp at 9-12 mos (thumb on lateral side of index finger)
- superior pincer grasp at 12 mos (thumb tip to index finger tip)
- three-jaw chuck may be seen at 12 mos (wrist extended and ulnarly deviated, object held between thumb and first two fingers)
Release of grasp
- transferring objects hand-to-hand at 5-6 mos because one hand can be stabilized by the other

- true, voluntary release seen at 7-9 mos and is usually assisted by the infant being externally stabilized

- mature control of release at 12 mos (e.g., dropping object into container); 15 mos pellet into bottle (finer control)

- accuracy of release continues refinement through childhood with ball throwing
Cerebral palsy
- disorder of posture and movement
- secondary to damage to immature brain before, during, or after birth

- static encephalopathy (permanent, but not progressive)

characterized by
- decreased functional abilities
- delayed motor development
- impaired muscle tone and movement patterns

- despite static nature of damage, clinical manifestations may appear to change as child ages, because while movement demands increase, child's motor abilities may not be able to change quickly enough to meet those demands
Congenital CP vs. acquired CP
- before/during birth = congenital CP

- after birth up to age 3 = acquired CP
At which stage of development is brain damage/CP likely to be most severe?
- the earlier the damage occurs, the more likely the symptoms will be moderate to severe
- damage early in gestation more likely to produce quadriplegia
- damage later may result in LE diplegia

- first trimester especially, the infant's nervous system is extremely vulnerable
Risk of CP increases with increasing ______ and ____.
- prematurity

- low birth weight
Any condition that causes ______, ______, or _____ to the brain can cause CP.
- anoxia
- hemorrhage
- damage
result of Rh incompatibility, causes:
- CP
- high-frequency hearing loss
- visual problems
- discoloration of teeth
any agent or condition that causes a defect in the fetus
(e.g., radiation, drugs, infection, chronic illness)
Quadriplegic CP
- bilateral brain damage
- involvement of entire body
- UEs usually more severely affected

- difficulty developing head and trunk control
- may or may not be able to ambulate; if they do, probably not until middle childhood
Diplegic CP
- bilateral brain damage
- primarily LE involvement
- trunk is almost always affected as well
- often related to premature birth, especially at around 32 weeks/2 months premature

* some definitions of diplegia state all four limbs are involved with the LEs more severely involved than UEs
"The CP of prematurity"
spastic diplegia
Four types/distributions of involvement in spastic CP
- spastic quadriplegia with dominant extension
- spastic quadriplegia with dominant flexion
- spastic diplegia
- right/left spastic hemiplegia
Tone in child with CP
- may remain low
- may increase to normal
- may increase beyond normal to hypertonia
- may fluctuate from high to low to normal (characteristically seen in dyskinetic or athetoid type of CP)
Abnormal tone in CP
- possible causes
- variances
- may be CNS response to the brain damage, rather than the result of the damage itself

- may vary with position and gravity (display extension while lying supine, flexion when sitting)
- may vary in different parts of body (spastic diplegia with hypertonic LE muscles and hypotonic trunk muscles)
How is the degree of abnormal tone assessed?
relative to the degree of resistance encountered with passive movement

(usually, the greater the resistance to passive movement, the greater difficulty the child has in attempting to move)
What is the most common type of abnormal tone seen in children with CP?
- spasticity - velocity-dependent increase in muscle tone
- hypertonus - increased resistance to passive motion that may not be affected by speed of movement

- these terms are often used interchangeably
Describe the abilities of a child with CP who has mild to moderate spasticity. Severe spasticity.
- ability to move actively through at least part of the available ROM

- extreme difficulty in moving, with inability to complete full ROM
- may have difficulty even initiating movement without an inhibitory technique
Prolonged increased tone predisposes the individual to...
contractures and deformities because in most cases the antagonist cannot adequately oppose the spastic muscle
Which muscles are typically most affected by hypertonus?
- antigravity muscles

- UE flexors (scapular retractors/adductors, elbow, forearm, wrist, and finger flexors)

- LE flexors and extensors (hip flexors, hip adductors, knee flexors--esp. medial hamstrings, ankle plantar flexors)
Continual low tone in an infant impedes development of what two important actions?
- head and trunk control

- mature breathing patterns
How may increased trunk tone affect breathing?
- it may impair breath control and speech by
- hampering normal excursion of diaphragm and chest wall
Spasticity in CP is of what origin?

Spastic paralysis is of what origin?
- cerebral

- UMN lesion
Rigidity in CP
- uncommon

- indicates severe damage to deeper areas of brain, rather than to cortex
- disordered movement
- most common dyskinetic syndrome
- decreased static and dynamic postural stability

- disordered movement of extremities, especially within midranges
(movement in midrange is especially difficult due to lack of postural stability on which to superimpose the movement--limb goes further away from body, motor control diminishes)

- involuntary movements result from attempts to control posture and movement and can be seen in child's entire extremity, distally in hands/feet, or proximally in mouth and face (feeding and speech difficulties)

- child needs external support to improve movement accuracy and efficiency
- lack postural stability to allow purposeful movements to be controlled for completion of functional tasks

- muscle tone often fluctuates from low to high to normal to high so child has difficulty maintaining postural alignment in all but most firmly supported positions and exhibits slow, repetitive involuntary movements
- loss of coordination due to cerebellar damage
- demonstrates loss of coordination and low postural tone
- often diplegic distribution, with trunk and LEs most affected

- difficult for child to maintain midline stability of head and trunk in any posture
- movement is jerky and irregular
- may achieve upright standing, but need wide BOS

- postural reactions slow to develop, most notable balance deficiency during gait
- walk with large lateral displacements to maintain balance (almost staggering)
- lack of stability and poor timing of postural corrections
- with practice they can adjust to wide displacements of COG and walk without falling
- arm movements frequently compensate for excessive weight shifting of trunk

- hard for clinician to allow child to ambulate independently using what looks like precarious gait
- may need helmet, ADs do not seem to help unless weighted, and even then may still be a deterrent
Pathophysiology of spastic quadriplegia
- most often associated with grade III intraventricular hemorrhage in immature infants
The most common cause of spastic diplegia is:
- periventricular leukomalacia (PVL)

- because the fibers of the corticospinal tract that go to the LEs are most exposed
Which is the most common type of CP? From what can it result?
- spastic hemiplegia

- can result from unilateral brain damage secondary to an intraventricular hemorrhage or other hypoxic event

- selective neuronal necrosis can result from hypoxic-ischemic injury in the mature neonate
Premature infants born at or before 32 weeks gestation are especially vulnerable to _____ _____ damage around the ventricles due to hypoxia and ischemia.
white matter
Spastic diplegia, quadriplegia and hemiplegia can be caused by varying degrees of which injuries? What determines how the neurologic deficit manifests?
- intraventricular hemorrhage
- hypoxic-ischemic injury

determined by:
- which fibers of corticospinal tract are involved
- whether damage is bilateral or unitlateral
- involves damage to the basal ganglia, and has been associated with hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN)/erythroblastosis fetalis, anoxia, and respiratory distress
related to damage to the cerebellum
Deficits associated with CP, in the order in which they may become apparent in the infant: (Box 6-1, p. 130) ***
earliest signs of motor dysfuction often manifest in problems with feeding and breathing

- feeding and speech impairments
- breathing inefficiency
- visual impairments
- hearing impairments
- mental retardation
- seizures
Feeding/speech difficulties in CP
- poor suck-swallow reflex
- uncoordinated sucking and breathing
- persistence of infantile oral reflexes (rooting or suck-swallow)
- exaggerations of normal reflexes such as tonic bite or tongue thrust

- hyposensitivity (low tone or atonic CP) or hypersensitivity (spastic hemiplegia or quadriplegia) response to touch in and around the mouth

- lip closure needed for eating and for making "p," "b" and "m" sounds
- proper tongue movement needed for sucking, swallowing, and later chewing; also for producing various sounds
Breathing difficulties in CP
- developing infants are typically belly breathers
- later develop ability to use rib cage to increase volume of inspired air

- gravity promotes developmental changes in configuration of rib cage that place diaphragm in more advantageous position for effective inspiration

- if child is delayed in developing upright posture due to lack of head/trunk control, this developmental change is delayed; instead may develop:
- structural deformity of ribs (flaring)
- poor breath control
- shorter breath length that is inadequate for sound production
- abnormally increased tone in trunk may allow only short bursts of air to be expelled, resulting in staccato speech
MR and CP
- children with CP have many other problems related to CNS damage (vision and hearing impairments, speech and feeding difficulties, etc.)

- often also have MR (38-92%)
- no direct correlation between severity of motor involvement and degree of MR

- generally, children with spastic hemiplegia or diplegia, athetosis or ataxia have normal or above average intelligence
- children with spastic quadriplegia, rigidity, atonia or mixed types of CP are more likely to have MR
- even children of normal intelligence who have CP may be at increased risk of cognitive delays or learning disabilities
Relationship of severity of CP and IQ (Table 6-3, p. 130)
- mild CP (independent ambulation) & IQ > 70 (functionally independent)
- moderate CP (supported ambulation) & IQ 50-70 (needs assistance)
- severe CP (nonambulatory) & IQ < 50 (dependent)
Site of brain damage in CP may become the focal point of:
abnormal electrical activity, which can cause seizures
Approximately ___ percent of children with CP experience seizures that must be managed by medication.

(a smaller percentage have a single seizure episode related to high fever or increased intracranial pressure)
Children with CP or MR are more likely to develop _____ than typically developing children.
Seizures are classified as _____, _____, or ______.
- generalized
- partial
- unclassified
Generalized seizures are named for:
the type of motor activity the person exhibits (tonic, clonic, atonic, absence)
Partial seizures can be ____ or ____, depending on whether the child experiences a ____ ___ _________.
- simple or complex

- loss of consciousness (complex)
Partial seizures can have either ____ or _____ manifestations, or both.
- sensory

- motor
Unclassified seizures are:
those that do not fit into the other categories (generalized, simple/complex partial)
Which children with CP are more likely to demonstrate seizures?
those with CP caused by CNS infections, CNS malformations, or gray matter damage are more likely to demonstrate seizures than children whose CP is caused by white matter damage or unknown events.
How does age of onset of CP correlate to the type of CP?
patients with quadriplegia tend to demonstrate earlier onset than those with hemiplegia
Why is vision important to motor development in the first three years of life?
- it is critical for the development of balance in that time frame
- difficulties may exacerbate neuromotor problems that typically accompany CP
How are eye muscles affected by abnormal tone?
- turning in (exotropia)
- turning out (exotropia)
of one or both eyes
- eye crossing (strabismus)
How prevalent is strabismus in children with CP? In which CP population is it highest?
- it is present in 50% of patients

- it is highest in children with quadriplegia and diplegia
What is nystagmus? In which CP patients is it most common? What complications can it cause?
- occurs when the eyes move back and forth rapidly in a horizontal, vertical, or circular direction

- most common in children with ataxia

- may complicate the task of balancing the head or trunk
How do some children with CP compensate for nystagmus? For what may this be mistaken?
- by tilting the head/neck into extension

- the tilting of the head/neck may be mistaken for neck retraction and/or abnormal extensor tone

- usually neck retraction is to be avoided, but if done in compensation for nystagmus to give the most stable visual input, it may not be avoidable
What vision deficit is common in children with hemiplegic CP?
- homonymous hemianopia (loss of vision in half the visual field)
Why should every child with hemiplegic CP have a detailed vision assessment?
- because homonymous hemianopia is common in this population

- visual impairments often make head and/or trunk control more difficult
What types of actions should tip the clinician to a need for a vision assessment?
- hemiplegic CP (homonymous hemianopia common in this population)
- difficulty developing head/trunk control
- difficulty exploring immediate surroundings
- difficulty in reaching for objects
- not following familiar face
- not turning to examine a new face
Approximately what percentage of children with CP have hearing, speech and language problems?
What can cause hearing, speech, and language problems in children with CP?
- poor motor control of oral muscles
- respiratory impairment

- expressive (Broca's) aphasia or
- receptive (Wernicke's) aphasia
when initial damage that caused the CP affects those areas
Impairments and functional limitations of children with spastic CP
- too much muscle tone
- too little ROM

functional limitations
- poor head/trunk control
- poor performance of/difficulty in transitions
- poor execution of ambulation
- difficulties in use of extremities for balance and reaching
Impairments and functional limitations of children with athetoid or ataxic CP
- too much mobility
- too little stability

functional limitations
- poor head/trunk control
- poor performance of/difficulty in transitions
- poor execution of ambulation
- difficulties in use of extremities for balance and reaching
Impairments and functional limitations of children with hypotonic CP
similar to those of children with Down syndrome (q.v.)
Why do children with spastic CP have difficulty developing head control? How do they attempt to overcome this?
- increased tone
- persistent primitive reflexes
- exaggerated tonic reflexes
- absent or impaired sensory input

- substitutions and/or compensatory movements
Why do children with spastic CP have difficulty developing trunk control? How do they attempt to overcome this?
- extensor or flexor tone in trunk; lack of balance between flexors and extensors
- causes lack of lateral flexion and/or rotation
- lack of trunk rotation makes transitional movements difficult or impossible

- lack of hip extension
- round the upper back to compensate for lack of hip extension
- may push body backwards over flexed and adducted legs to W-sit
(avoid W sitting, as it can impede further development of trunk control and LE dissociation)
Influence of tonic reflexes on functional movement:
TLR in supine
(impairment and functional limitation)
- contractures
- abnormal vestibular input
- limited visual field

functional limitations
- rolling from supine to prone
- reaching in supine
- coming to sit
- sitting
Influence of tonic reflexes on functional movement:
TLR in prone
(impairment and functional limitation)
- contractures
- abnormal vestibular input
- limited visual field

functional limitation
- rolling from prone to supine
- coming to sit
- sitting
Influence of tonic reflexes on functional movement:
(impairment and functional limitation)
- contractures
- hip dislocation
- trunk asymmetry
- scoliosis

functional limitation
- segmental rolling
- reaching
- bringing hand to mouth
- sitting
Influence of tonic reflexes on functional movement:
(impairment and functional limitation)
- contractures
- lack of UE and LE (dissociation)
- lack of trunk rotation

functional limitation
- creeping
- kneeling
- walking
What is an obligatory reflex?
dominates the posture
How do obligatory tonic reflexes affect the movement of children with spastic CP?
- produce increased tone and postures that can interfere with adaptive movement

- they do not interfere with an infant's ability to move, but the retention of those reflexes and their exaggerated expression seem to impair acquisition of postural responses (e.g., head/neck righting and use of extremities for protective extension

(retention of these tonic reflexes occurs because of the lack of normal development of motor control associated with CP)
List the tonic reflexes
- tonic labyrinthine reflex (TLR)
- asymmetric tonic neck reflex (ATNR)
- symmetric tonic neck reflex (STNR)
How does TLR affect the child with spastic CP?
- TLR affects tone relative to head's relationship with gravity
- when supine, induces an extensor tone
- when prone, induces a flexor tone

- present at birth, integrated by 6 months
- thought to assist unfolding of the physiologic flexor tone present at birth

- if TLR persists, can affect ability to develop antigravity motion (flex while supine, extend while prone
- can prevent child from reaching with arms in supine
- can prevent child from pushing with arms in prone to assist coming to sit

can affect posture in sitting
- if child loses head control posteriorly, labyrinths sense body as supine and extensor tone is produced, potentially causing child to fall backwards or fall out of a chair
- if child loses head control anteriorly, labyrinths sense body as prone and flexor tone is produced
How does ATNR affect the child with spastic CP?
causes UE
- extension on face side and
- flexion on skull side
(archer pose)

- usually only present in UEs of typically developing child from birth to 4-6 months
- in child with CP, may also affect LEs, persist, and become obligatory

if ATNR persists and becomes obligatory in child with spastic CP:
- child will not be able to roll over or bring extended arm/hand to mouth
- assymetry can affect the trunk, predisposing to scoliosis
- hip dislocation on flexed side in extreme cases
How does STNR affect the child with spastic CP?
- causes arms and legs to flex or extend, depending on head position
--- flex head, flex arms, extend legs
--- extend head, extend arms, flex legs
(arms follow head, legs do the opposite)

- usually only present in typically developing infant to attaining 4-point stance (4-6 months to 8-12 months)

if STNR persists and becomes obligatory in child with spastic CP:
- reciprocal creeping prevented; child must "bunny hop"
- child either sits on the heels or thrusts forward, depending on head position
- 4-point position and any dissociation of extremities needed for creeping are difficult
What difficulties does a child with spastic CP encounter in making movement transitions?
- lacks the ability to control or to respond appropriately to shifts in COG that should result in righting, equilibrium or protective reactions

- child is fearful and doesn't feel safe due to precarious static and dynamic balance
- awareness of this poor postural stability may lead to expectation of falling

- inability to generate sufficient muscle activity for static balance is further compounded by difficulty in anticipating postural changes in response to body movement
What difficulties does a child with spastic CP encounter in mobility and ambulation?
- impaired LE separation hinders reciprocal leg movement for creeping/walking

- some children learn to move by "bunny hop" or "commando crawl" (dragging stiff legs)
--- this increases LE tone in extensor muscle groups and
--- may interfere when child tries to pull to stand and to cruise

- child may only be able to attain standing position on tiptoes with legs crossed
- cruising may not be possible due to lack of LE separation laterally
- walking limited by lack of separation in sagittal plane

- adequate trunk control may be lacking to provide stable base for stance leg
- adequate force production may be lacking to produce controlled movement of swing leg

- absent trunk rotation may prompt arm movements to initiate weight shifts in LEs or substitute for lack of LE movement
- arms may remain in high guard to reinforce weak trunk muscles by sustaining an extended posture and delay onset of arm swing
What difficulties does a child with spastic CP encounter in extremity usage?
reaching in any position may be limited by
- inability to bear weight on an extremity, or to
- shift weight onto an extremity and produce appropriate balance response

- WB on UEs necessary for propped sitting and protective extension when other balance responses fail
- WB on LEs is crucial to independent ambulation

- child with spasticity is at risk of contractures and deformities secondary to joint and muscle stiffness and due to muscle imbalances from increased tone
- spasticity may be present only in extremities, with low muscle tone in the trunk

- in an effort to overcome gravity, the child may try to use abdominal muscles to sit from supine
- excessive exertion can increase overall tone and can result in lower extremity extension and possible scissoring (hip adduction) of the legs through associated reactions
What difficulties does a child with athetosis or ataxia encounter in mobility and ambulation?
- most severe impairments and functional limitations relate to postural instability

- lack consistent head and trunk control
- uses large, uncompensated movements around long axes of trunk/limbs

- may use abnormal movements, such as asymmetric tonic neck posture, to provide additional stability for functional movement
- overuse of this posture can predispose child to scoliosis or hip subluxation
Stages for therapeutic intervention for children with CP
- early intervention
- preschool
- school age/adolescent
- adult
What is the primary emphasis of physical therapy for children with CP?
- fostering motor development
- learning functional motor skills
How does the sensory feedback loop interfere with motor development in children with CP?
when a typical child learns to move, its own movements provide sensory feedback for learning

- when a child with CP learns to move, he/she tends to develop stereotypical patterns because they have difficulty controlling movement against gravity
- they move incorrectly
- they learn to move incorrectly
- they continue to move incorrectly, setting up a cycle for more and more abnormal movement
Functional limitations and treatment focus for impairment of:
low or fluctuating muscle tone
functional limitation
- postural instability
- poor balance and safety

treatment focus
- hold postures
- cocontraction in midline
Functional limitations and treatment focus for impairment of:
wide, uncoordinated movements
functional limitations
- poor movement transitions
- unsafe movement

treatment focus
- control and direct movement with resistance
- resist reciprocal movements
Functional limitations and treatment focus for impairment of:
lack of midrange control
functional limitations
- reaching
- walking

treatment focus
- hold in midrange
- work in small increments of range
Functional limitations and treatment focus for impairment of:
lack of use of hands for support
functional limitations
- poor movement transitions
- unsafe movement

treatment focus
- weight bearing through arm
- use UE weight bearing for safe movement transitions
Functional limitations and treatment focus for impairment of:
lack of graded movement
functional limitations
- difficulty grasping
- difficulty changing position

treatment focus
- facilitate shoulder position
- stabilize trunk or opposite extremity
Functional limitations and treatment focus for impairment of:
emotional lability
functional limitations
- poor judgment of balance risk

treatment focus
- modify behavior
Treatment focus for children with spastic CP
- mobility in all postures

- transitions between postures
How is the tendency to develop contractures countered for children with spastic CP?
- range of motion
- positioning
- development of active movement
Which areas are prone to tightness in children with spastic CP?
quadriplegic CP
- shoulder adductors
- elbow
- wrist
- finger flexors
- show LE tightness as well

diplegic CP
- hip flexors
- hip adductors
- knee flexors
- ankle plantar flexors

- all these joints may be involved unilaterally in hemiplegia
Useful techniques to inhibit spasticity:
- weight bearing
- weight shifting
- slow, rhythmic rocking
- rhythmic rotation of trunk and body segments

- active trunk rotation, dissociation of body segments, and isolated joint movements should be included in treatment activities and HEP
- appropriate handling can increase likelihood the child will receive more accurate sensory feedback for motor learning
Benefits of supine placement of child with spastic CP
- enables early weight bearing with knees bent and feet flat on support surface

- to counteract total extension influence of TLR, flex body with
--- upper trunk on wedge
--- legs over bolster
- flexion of the head and upper trunk can decrease effects of supine TLR

- dangling or presenting objects at eye level can facilitate arm use for play or exploration
Benefits of side-lying placement of child with spastic CP
- best position to dampen effect of tonic reflexes because of neutral head position (do not prop head too high--lateral flexion)
- easy to protract shoulders and pelvis
- easy to rotate trunk in preparation for rolling and coming to sit
(probably meaning it's easy to produce dissociation too)

- side child is lying on is weight bearing and should be elongated (either passively before child is placed in side-lying or as a result of lateral weight shift as the child's position is changed)
Benefits of prone placement of child with spastic CP
- promotes WB through UEs
- provides some stretch to hip and knee flexors
- head and trunk control facilitated through active extension and promoting hand-eye relationships
- movement while prone can promote UE protective extension and weight shift
Benefits of quadruped placement of child with spastic CP
- main advantage is WB in all four extremities
- trunk must work against gravity
- great opportunity for dissociated movements of limbs/trunk and upper trunk/lower trunk
Benefits of kneeling placement of child with spastic CP
- another dissociated posture
- enables practice keeping hips and trunk extended while knees are flexed
- hip flexors can be stretched and balance responses practiced without having to control all of the LE joints
- playing in kneeling is developmentally appropriate
- with support, child can practice moving into half-kneeling
Benefits of standing placement of child with spastic CP
- obvious WB benefits for long bone growth, etc.
- prolonged stretch on heel cords and knee flexors while promoting active head and trunk control
- provides appropriate visual input for social interaction with peers
Benefits of sitting placement of child with spastic CP
- almost no better functional position
- WB through extremities while active head and trunk control promoted
- extended trunk dissociated from flexed LEs
- righting and equilibrium reactions can be faciltiated
- can encourage ADLs and transitions
Define motor control and motor learning. *** &
motor control
- ability to maintain and change posture and movement
- result of neurologic and mechanical processes

motor learning
- process that brings about a permanent change in motor behavior as a result of practice or experience
How does sensation contribute to motor control and motor learning? *** &
- it is used in motor control as a means of feedback and as a way to prepare the body's posture in anticipation of movement
- needed to learn a new motor skill
How can the stages of motor control be used in treatment? *** &
they can be used to guide intervention
How do the components of the postural control system affect balance? *** &
- balance is maintained by controlling posture
- postural control system is affected by
--- limits of stability (BOS)
--- environmental demands
--- flexibility and strength of musculoskeletal system
--- readiness of the posture for movement
--- motor coordination
--- ability of the sensory systems to prepare and guide movement while maintaining balance
How is a postural response determined when visual and somatosensory input conflict? *** &
the vestibular system provides the defining input to make a postural response when a conflict exists between the information from the visual system and that from the somatosensory system
When in the life span can "adult" sway strategies be consistently demonstrated? *** &
children demonstrate consistent adult sway strategy responses between 7 and 10 years of age
How much attention to a task is needed in the various phases of motor learning? *** &
the highest amount of attention is needed in the initial stage of motor learning, with a decreasing amount of attention needed in subsequent stages
Give an example of an open task and of a closed task. *** &
- driving a car is an example of an open task

- riding on an escalator is an example of a closed task
Which type of feedback loop is used to learn movement? To perform a fast movement? *** &
- closed loop is used to learn movement because feedback is required to perfect performance
- open loop is used to move quickly, with little or no feedback used
How much and what type of practice are needed for motor learning? *** &
- much practice is needed to learn a new motor skill
- the best type of practice to use for learning is one that closely resembles the task to be learned, with feedback given intermittently
What are the characteristics that identify a developmental theory as being life span in approach? *** &
a theory has a life span perspective if it meets Baltes' five criteria that development is:
- contextual
- lifelong
- embedded in history
- multidimensional
- plastic and flexible
What theorist described a pyramid of needs that the individual strives to fulfill? *** &
Maslow describes a hierarchy of needs that an individual strives to achieve
What is an example of a directional concept of development? *** &
major examples of the directional concept of development are that development proceeds:
- cephalic to caudal
- proximal to distal
- mass to specific
- gross to fine
What three processes guide motor development? *** &
the three processes that guide motor development are
- growth
- adaptation
- maturation
When does a child typically achieve gross- and fine-motor milestones? *** &
major milestones achieved in first year of life:
gross motor:
- 4 months - head control
- 8 months - sitting alone
- 12 months - walking alone

fine motor:
- 2 months - hand regard
- 6 months - voluntary grasp
- 12 months - superior pincer grasp
What are the typical postures and movements of a 4-month old and a 6-month old? *** &
typical 4-month old's posture
- symmetric - regardless of position
- head control - head kept in line with body when pulled to sit
- mobile when prone
- moves prone to supine with some trunk rotation
- sits propped on arms if placed in that position
- upper trunk extended, but lower trunk still rounded
- may transition to and from many positions, including four-point, propped sitting, prone, and supine
What motor abilities cons***ute fundamental motor patterns? *** &
- running
- jumping
- throwing
- catching
are considered fundamental motor patterns
Why do motor patterns continue to change throughout the life span? *** &
motor patterns continue to change across the life span because the patterns are the result of the interaction among the mover, the task, and the environment
What role does decreased activity play in an older adult's posture? *** &
- decreased activity can accentuate the effect gravity has on an older individual's ability to remain erect
- extending against gravity, as in rising from a chair or walking with an erect posture, may become more difficult as a result of ***ulative changes in body systems related to normal or pathologic aging
What gait changes can have an impact on functional abilities in older adults? *** &
- decreased speed of gait
- shortened stride length,
- increased double-limb support time
may contribute to less function in stair climbing, stepping over objects, and crossing the street in a timely manner
What two activities should always be part of any therapeutic intervention? *** &
positioning and handling should always be included in therapeutic intervention
What are the purposes of positioning? *** &
positioning is used to
- provide support
- encourage functional movement
What sensory inputs help to develop body and movement awareness? *** &
- touch and movement are important in developing body and movement awareness

- all sensory input is used early on to learn to move
Identify tow of the most important handling tips. *** &
the two most important handling tips:
- child should be allowed to do as much of any movement as possible
- handling should be decreased as the child gains more control
Define key points of control. *** &
key points of control are proximal joints from which to guide movement or reinforce a posture
Give three reasons to use adaptive equipment. *** &
adaptive equipment can be used
- to achieve postural alignment
- to prevent contractures and deformities
- to provide mobility
(other goals in table 8-5)
What are the two most functional postures (positions to move from)? *** &
the two most functional postures are
- sitting
- standing

- sitting is functional because so many ADLs can be performed in this position; it provides a stable postural base for UE movement

- standing is functional because it affords the ability to move through the environment in an erect posture, thus combining the mobility of the limbs with the stability of the head and trunk
What are the disadvantages of using a quadruped position? *** &
the major disadvantage of the quadruped position is that it is a flexed posture and it is difficult for some children to learn to move in this position
Why is side sitting a difficult posture? *** &
- side-sitting is a difficult posture to master because it requires trunk rotation to have one's hands free
- because of the flexed LEs, the lower trunk is rotated in one direction
- the upper trunk must be rotated in the opposite direction to free the hands
Why is standing such an important activity? *** &
- standing is an important activity because the loading forces placed on the long bones of the LEs produce positive physiologic changes
- it is also important because it is socially acceptable to be at eye level with one's peers
- the sensory input for being upright is beneficial to perceptual development
Why may the clinical manifestations of CP appear to worsen with age even though the pathologic features are static? *** &
- clinical manifestations of cerebral palsy may appear to worsen with age because the child's motor abilities cannot adapt to the increased environmental demands

- lack of function of the originally damaged areas of the brain can interfere with the function of other areas of the brain
Name the two greatest risk factors for CP. *** &
- prematurity
- low birth weight

- two greatest risk factors for CP
What is the most common type of abnormal tone seen in children with CP? *** &
spasticity, or increased muscle tone, is the most common type of abnormal tone seen in children with cerebral palsy
How may abnormal tonic reflexes interfere with acquisition of movement in a child with CP? *** &
- tonic reflexes such as the ATNR, STNR, or TLR can interfere with the acquisition of coordinated movement because they can dominate a child's posture if they are obligatory

- an obligatory ATNR may prevent the child from rolling
- an obligatory STNR may prevent the child from performing reciprocal extremity movements
- an obligatory TLR may prevent development of antigravity head and trunk control
Compare and contrast the focus of physical therapy intervention in a child with spastic CP and in a child with athetoid CP. *** &
- focus of physical therapy intervention in children with spastic cerebral palsy is on mobility because their tone is increased and movements are limited to stereotypical patterns

- focus of physical therapy intervention in children with athetoid cerebral palsy is on stability because these children lack the ability to sustain static postures and maintain head and trunk stability while moving their extremities
What is the role of the PTA when working with a preschool-age child with CP? *** &
- PTA implements certain aspects of the treatment plan formulated by PT

- activities can include those
--- promoting postural reactions
--- transitional movements
--- strength
--- endurance
--- self-care skills
What type of orthosis is most commonly used by children with CP who ambulate? *** &
the most frequently used orthosis in ambulatory children with CP is some type of AFO
At what age should a child with CP begin to take some responsibility for his/her own therapy program? *** &
the school-age child should be taking some degree of responsibility for his/her own therapy program
What medications are used to manage spasticity in children with CP? *** &
- many medications have been used to decrease spasticity in children with CP
- medications of choice at this time:
--- botulinum toxin
--- baclofen
What are the expected life outcomes that should be used as a guide for goal setting for children with disabilities? *** &
Giangreco and colleagues (1993) identified five life outcomes that could be used as a guide for goal setting:
- having a safe, stable home in which to live now and in the future
- having access to a variety of places within a community
- engaging in meaningful activities
- having a social network of personally meaningful relationships
- being safe and healthy
What type of paralysis can be expected in a child with MMC? *** &
the classic presentation is flaccid paralysis; however, if some innervation occurs below the level of the myelomeningocele, spastic paralysis can be present
What complications are seen in a child with MMC that may be related to skeletal growth? *** &
complications related to skeletal growth can include:
- tethered spinal cord
- scoliosis
- kyphosis
- lordosis
What are the signs of shunt malfunction in a child with MMC? *** &
common signs of shunt malfunction in a child:
- irritability
- seizures
- vomiting
- lethargy
What position is important to use in preventing the development of hip and knee flexion contractures in a child with MMC? *** &
prone positioning is important to prevent development of hip and knee flexion contractures
What precautions should be taken by parents to protect skin integrity in a child with MMC? *** &
areas of skin insensitivity should be protected by clothing and should be inspected on a routine basis
What determines the type of orthosis used by a child with MMC? *** &
- age
- level of lesion
- strength of innervated musculature
must be taken into account when choosing an orthosis for a child with myelomeningocele,
What is the relationship of motor level to level of ambulations in a child with MMC? *** &
the lower the level of lesion, the more functional the level of ambulation will be and the more likely that level of ambulation will be continued through the life span
When is the functional level of mobility determined for an individual with MMC? *** &
the ultimate functional level of mobility can be determined during the school years when physical maturity peaks
What developmental changes may contribute to a loss of mobility in the adolescent with MMC? *** &
- changes in body weight
- body proportions
- immobilization from skin breakdown or orthopedic surgery
- spinal deformity
- joint pain
- ligamentous laxity
can contribute to a loss of mobility in an adolescent with myelomeningocele
When is the most important time to intervent therapeutically with an individual with MMC? *** &
physical therapy intervention is crucial at an early age to teach functional movement and is important any time the child makes the transition from one mode of mobility to another or from one setting to another
What is the leading cause of inherited mental retardation? *** &
DS is the leading chromosomal cause of mental retardation
When one parent is a carrier for CF, what chance does each child have of being affected? *** &
each child has a 1 in 4 chance of having CF
What genetic disorder produces muscle weakness without cognitive impairment? *** &
SMA is a progressive disease of the nervous system that produces muscle weakness but no mental retardation
What are the three mechanisms by which chromosome abnormalities occur? *** &
chromosome abnormalities occur by one of three mechanisms:
- nondisjunction
- deletion
- translocation
What are the two most common clinical features in children with most genetic disorders involving the CNS? *** &
children with most genetic disorders commonly present with hypotonia and some degree of mental retardation
What principles of motor learning are important to use when working with children with cognitive impairment? *** &
the motor learning principles of practice and repetition are important to use in any intervention with a child with mental retardation
What types of interventions are appropriate for a child with low tone? *** &
appropriate interventions for a child with low tone include
- approximation
- weight bearing in proper postural alignment
- activities that increase muscular work against gravity
What interventions can be used to prevent secondary complications in children with low tone? *** &
- soft splints can be used to prevent elbow or knee hyperextension
- positioning can be used to encourage midline orientation
- a strong balanced trunk can improve trunk control for controlled movement transitions that require trunk rotation and can support adequate respiratory function for breathing and phonation
What interventions are most often used with a child with OI? *** &
- interventions for children with OI should focus on developmental activities within safe limits
- all rotations should be actie
- orthoses are used to support and protect joints
- positioning should be used to minimize joint deformities
- the pool is an excellent medium for exercise
What physical therapy goal is most important when working with a child with a progressive genetic disorder? *** &
- the ultimate physical therapy goal is to provide education and support for the family while managing the child's impairments

- management is a total approach with preventive and supportive aspects
What is the focus for treatment for the child with athetosis?
- stability in weight bearing
- use of developmental postures that provide trunk or extremity support
What are some useful techniques for assisting the child with athetosis to develop stability?
- approximation
- weight bearing
- moving within small ranges of motion with resistance as tolerated
How can the therapist provide information about joint and postural alignment to a child with athetosis?
sensory cueing, possibly using
- mirrors
- weight vests
- heavier toys that provide some resistance but do not inhibit movement
What is the most difficult muscular control issue for a child with athetosis? What types of activities can help?
- grading movement within the midrange, where stability is typically the greatest

- playing "statues"
- holding ballet positions
- holding any other fixed posture (e.g., stork standing)
Name two other ways (besides holding of fixed postures) of helping improve the stability of a child with athetosis.
- use of hand support in sitting, kneeling, and standing

- visually fixing on a target
What are the 5 life outcomes that should be highly valued for all children, even those with severe disabilities (per Giangreco, et. al.)? How should they be used?
- having a safe, stable home in which to live now and in the future
- having access to a variety of places within a community
- engaging in meaningful activities
- having a social network of personally meaningful relationships
- being safe and healthy

- these outcomes should be used to guide goal setting for children with disabilities across the life span
What is plasticity?
the ability of the nervous system to be flexible in its response to injury and development
What problems are frequently identified in an infant with CP during a physical therapy examination?
- lack of head control
- inability to track visually
- dislike of the prone position
- fussiness
- asymmetric postures secondary to exaggerated tonic reflexes
- tonal abnormalities
- feeding or breathing difficulties
What two activities are typically developing infants working on in the first three years of life?
- establishing trust in their caregivers

- learning how to move about safely within their environment
What abilities should the PTA bring to the treatment team of an infant with CP?
- knowledge of positioning and handling techniques
- use of adaptive equipment
- management of impaired tone
- developmental activities that foster motor abilities and movement transitions within a functional context
What are the general goals of physical therapy in early intervention?
- promote infant-parent interaction
- encourage development of functional skills and play
- promote sensorimotor development
- establish head and trunk control
- attain and maintain upright orientation
What should handling and positioning in the supine (“en face”) position promote? Which position is preferred? How is reaching encouraged?
- orientation with the head in the midline
- symmetry of the extremities

- flexed position is preferred so the shoulders are forward and the hands can easily come to midline

- reaching is encouraged by making sure visually interesting toys are within the infant’s grasp
Besides supine, what other position is important? Why?
- prone

- because this is the position from which the infant first moves into (antigravity) extension
What should be done if the infant does not like being in the prone position?
- some infants do not like being prone, and the caregiver has to be encouraged to continue to put the infant in this position for longer periods

- carrying the infant in prone can increase the child’s tolerance for the position

- the infant should not sleep in prone because of the risk of SIDS
What should the carrying position of the infant do and not do?
- carrying positions should accentuate the strengths of the infant
- they should avoid as much abnormal positioning as possible

- infant should be allowed to control as much of his/her body as possible for as long as possible before external support is given
Neurologic development occurs at the same time at which…
- the child’s musculoskeletal and cognitive systems are maturing

- motor learning must take place if any permanent change in motor behavior is to occur
A _____ posture facilitates feeding an social interaction
- flexed

- the more upright the child is, the easier it is to promote a flexed posture of the head and neck
What are the stages of physical therapy for CP?
- first stage – early intervention (birth to 3 years)
- second stage – preschool
- third stage – school age and adolescence
- fourth stage - adulthood
For what reasons would gentle ROM exercises be used on infants and toddlers in the first phase of physical therapy intervention for CP? What precautions should be observed?
- difficulty reaching to midline
- difficulty separating LEs for diapering

- infants do not have complete ROM in LEs normally, so hips should never be forced into full adult-range of adduction or extension
Adequate floor time in supine and prone must be balanced with…
- benefits of being upright
Why are supine and prone floor time necessary?
- supine and prone time are needed to encourage movement against gravity
- gravity must be conquered to sit upright and to stand

- body movement during play is crucial to body awareness
- movement within the environment is necessary for spatial orientation to the world
What are the two most functional positions for a person? Why?
- sitting and standing

- because upright orientation can be achieved with either position
When are standing programs typically begun for CP patients? What are the goals? What are the suggested frequency and duration for a standing program?
- 12-16 months of age

- improve bone density and development
- manage contractures

- Stuberg recommends 60 minutes of standing, 4-5 times weekly
- Salter reported standing for 45 minutes 3X daily controlled contractures and promoted bone development
List some ambulation predictors and potential time frames for ambulation for pediatric patients with CP.
- vary, based on type and distribution of disordered movements and achievement of motor milestones
- with or without assistive device

- spastic quadriplegia – greatest variation
- independent sitting by age 2, or ability to scoot on buttocks have good chance of ambulating

- spastic hemiplegia – more likely to ambulate
- high end of normal – about 18 -21 months

- spastic diplegia – slower
- age 2-6, up to age 8
With what tasks to children with CP need assistance to attempt ambulation?
- weight bearing equally on LEs
- initiating reciprocal limb movement
- balancing

- postural reactions involving the trunk are usually delayed
- extremity protective responses are often delayed as well
- impairments in transitional movements from sitting to standing can impede independence

- children with hemiplegia may avoid movements initiated with the involved side of the body
How likely are children with CP likely to ambulate by diagnosis? By motor function? (Table 6-8, p. 141)
- monoplegia – 100%
- hemiplegia – 100%
- ataxia – 100%
- diplegia – 85-90%
- spastic quadriplegia – 0-70%

motor function
- sits independently by age 2 – 100%
- sits independently by age 3-4 – 50% community ambulation
- presence of primitive reactions beyond 2 years – poor outlook
- absence of postural reactions beyond 2 years – poor outlook
- independently crawled symmetrically or reciprocally by 2 ½ - 3 years – 100%
What mobility devices are available to young children with CP? Are they appropriate? Why or why not?
- motorized wheelchairs
- prone scooters
- adapted tricycles
- battery-powered riding toys
- manual wheelchairs

- they are appropriate for children as young as 17-20 months and teach young children that they can control the environment around them, rather than being controlled by it
What are the goals of the second stage of physical therapy intervention for CP —preschool period?
- establish a means of independent mobility
- promote functional movement
- improve performance of ADLs such as grooming and dressing
- promote social interaction with peers
What types of activities might a PTA do with a preschooler in the second stage of physical therapy intervention for CP?
- promoting postural reactions to improve head and trunk control
- teaching transitions
- stretching to maintain adequate muscle length for function
- strengthening and endurance exercises for promoting function and health
- practice of self-care skills
In what way is the second stage of physical therapy intervention for CP a period of monitoring and reexamination?
- may question continued need for either assistive or orthotic device
- may need to add an assistive or orthotic device because of changing musculoskeletal status, body weight, seizure status, or safety concerns
- previous degree of motor control may have been adequate for a small body, but growth may produce a loss of control
What changes in status of a preschooler in the second stage of physical therapy intervention for CP should be brought to the attention of the PT?
- difficulties with a task previously performed without problems
- request a reexamination any time negative changes in motor performance occur
- positive changes should be documented as well, as they may necessitate updating the POC
What specific gait difficulties are seen in CP patients with spastic quadriplegia? Spastic diplegia?
spastic quadriplegia
- depends on motor involvement, and gait may never be functional—only therapeutic exercise during sessions

spastic diplegia
- lack of lower extremity dissociation
- decreased single-limb and increased double-limb support time
- limited postural reactions during weight shifting
With what motions do spastic diplegia CP patients have the most difficulty? How can therapy help remedy these deficiencies?
- problems dissociating one leg from the other and dissociating leg movements from trunk
- they often fix/stabilize with hip adductors to substitute for lack of trunk stability in upright necessary for initiation of LE motion

- practicing coming to stand over a bolster can deter LE adduction while child works on muscle strengthening and weight bearing
- practicing lateral trunk postural reactions may automatically result in LE separation as the LE opposite the weight shift is automatically abducted
- addition of trunk rotation to lateral righting may even produce external rotation of opposite leg

- as double-limb support time decreases and step length becomes more appropriate, can have them step over an object or on/off a step
- single-limb balance
- holding vertical poles to decrease amount of support and to facilitate upper trunk extension
For what are AFOs used? How are they prescribed? What precautions are necessary?
- keep subtalar joint in neutral position
- controlling (over)pronation
- maintaining musculotendinous gains following surgery or casting

- PT must establish wearing schedule
- may be worn day and night

- skin must be inspected regularly for breakdown or excessive pressure
- areas of redness lasting >20 minutes after brace removal should be reported to supervising PT
For what is a supramalleolar orthosis (SMO) used?
- for a child with unstable ankles who needs medial-lateral stability
- allows the child to freely dorsiflex and plantar flex while restricting mediolateral movement
- may be indicated for a child with mild hypertonia
- in a child with hypotonia or athetoid CP, SMO may provide sufficient stability within a tennis shoe to allow ambulation
What assistive devices should be avoided with the preschooler in the second stage of physical therapy intervention for CP?
- walkers that do not require the child to control the head and trunk as much as possible (passive)
- walkers that induce increased LE extension and toe walking
- exercise saucers can be dangerous as walkers
- jumpers should be avoided in children with increased LE muscle tone
If a child with CP has not achieved independent functional ambulation by age 3, what should be considered?
alternative mobility
- adapeted tricycle
- manual wheelchair
- mobile stander
- battery-powered scooter
- power wheelchair
What two issues are of greatest concern to parents and caregivers of a child with CP using power mobility?
- accessibility
- independence

- home or environment needs to be accessible
- needs of caregiver must be considered
- child must be adequately trained
The second stage of physical therapy intervention for CP is the period where the child is most likely to require __________ for spasticity or musculoskeletal deficits. What agents are used?
- medical and/or surgical management

medications – usefulness limited, generally due to side effects
- diazepam (Valium) – causes drowsiness and increased drooling
- baclofen (Lioresal) – causes drowsiness and increased drooling
- dantrolene (Dantrium)
(baclofen delivered via pump directly to spinal cord takes less medication for a greater effect; child not considered for this before age 3, and it takes up to 6 mos to see results; also expensive)

botulinum toxin – small amount injected into spastic muscle; produces weakness and decline in spasticity for 3-6 months; makes it easier to:
- position a child
- fit an orthosis
- improve function
- provide information about the appropriateness of muscle lengthening
Orthopedic surgery is often inevitable for children with CP. For what reasons is it done?
- decrease pain
- correct or prevent deformity
- improve function

lengthen soft tissues
- lengthen tendons
- release spastic muscle groups
- lengthen tight adductors or hamstrings
What types of surgeries are performed on the tendons, muscles, and nerves of children with CP?
- tenotomy – tendon is completely severed
- partial tendon release – severing part of tendon or moving tendon attachment
- neurectomy – severing the nerve to a spastic muscle

- implantation of baclofen pump – catheter threaded below skin around to the back, where it is inserted trhough the lumbar spine into the intrathecal space, allowing direct delivery of medication into CSF; greatest advantage is adjustable dosage, with smaller amounts of medication needed for good results and fewer systemic complications
Describe the process of lengthening the heel cord in a child with CP. What can go wrong?
- surgical lengthening of heel cord done to improve walking
- enables patient to achieve a flat (plantigrade) foot
- results in more dorsiflexion and weaker plantar flexion

- overlengthening can occur, resulting in calcaneal gait or too much dorsiflexion during stance
--- may predispose child to crouched posture and development of hamstring and hip flexion contractures
What types of orthopedic surgery are done on the hips children with CP? What are some issues that cause hip problems?
- done for hip subluxation or dislocation
---minimal level - soft tissue release of the adductors, iliopsoas, or proximal hamstrings
--- higher level – osteotomy in which angle of femur is changed by severing, then derotating the femur and providing internal fixation; occasionally the acetabulum must be reshaped
--- highest level – hip replacement/arthrodesis

- hip may sublux secondary to muscle imbalances from an obligatory ATNR
What is a selective posterior (dorsal) rhizotomy (SDR)? Who are the best and worst candidates for this procedure?
- a treatment for spasticity in children with CP
- dorsal roots identified by electromyographic response as producing spasticity are selectively cut to decrease afferent activity
- through careful selection, touch and proprioception remain intact

- best candidates have spastic diplegia, hemiplegia, and quadriplegia with good cognitive abilities
- children with cerebellar or basal ganglia deficits are not good candidates
What is the focus of the third stage of physical therapy intervention for school-age and adolescent children with CP?
- safeguard all previous gains
- continue independent mobility
- develop independent skills related to ADLs and instrumental ADLs
- foster fitness and development of a positive self image
- foster community integration
- develop vocational plan
- foster social interaction with peers

- begin shifting some responsibility for the therapy program to the patient
- find activities that motivate a rebellious teen (everyone loves a contest)
- find out what important motor task the patient wants to accomplish
- channel concern for appearance
- deal with changes from adolescent growth spurts (less stable gait, decrease in static/dynamic balance, bone growth outpaces muscle growth causing contractures, more body mass on smaller muscle mass could threaten continued functional independence)
What is the focus of the fourth stage of physical therapy intervention for adults with CP?
- independence in mobility and ADLs
- healthy lifestyle
- community participation
- independent living
- a vocation
What factors determine the ability of an adult with CP to live and work independently?
- cognitive status
- degree of functional limitations
- adequacy of social and financial support
What is myelomeningocele? Spina bifida?
- MMC is a complex congenital anomaly primarily affecting the nervous system (but also musculoskeletal and urologic systems.) It is due to faulty development of the spinal cord, especially the lower segments—the caudal end of the neural tube fails to close before the 28th day of gestation

- accompanying the spinal cord dysplasia, is a bony defect called spina bifida; it occurs when the posterior vertebral arches fail to close and form the spinous process
What are the three types of myelodysplastic defects?
spina bifida occulta
- incomplete vertebral closure
- no sac/cyst
- area of skin over defect may be marked by tuft of hair or dimple
- vertebral defect usually not associated with an abnormality of spinal cord

meningocele (one of two types of spina bifida cystica/aperta)
- incomplete vertebral closure
- cyst of meninges and CSF, usually covered with epitheliam
- clinical symptoms variable

myelomeningocele (one of two types of spina bifida cystica/aperta)
- incomplete vertebral closure
- cyst of CSF, meninges, spinal cord, and possibly nerve roots
- defect may be covered by skin, or only by meninges
- cord incompletely formed or malformed
- most common in lumbar area
- higher the lesion, the more sensory/motor deficits

other types mentioned
- lack of closure cephalically
- failure of the brain to develop beyond brain stem
- infants rarely survive for any length of time after birth

- brain tissue protrudes from skull
- results in visual impairments
What are some potential causes of spina bifida and MMC?
- folic acid deficiency in the diet
- genetic predisposition
- exposure to alcohol/FAS
- Irish/Irish-American ethnicity
How is a neural tube defect diagnosed and treated prenatally?
- testing levels of alpha fetoprotein – too high may mean an open neural tube
- high-resolution ultrasonography

- delivery by cesarean section before labor begins to decrease risk of CNS infection and/or damage to spinal cord
- fetal surgery between 24-30 weeks gestation to
--- decrease need for placing a shunt for hydrocephalus that typically develops after closure of the myelomeningocele
--- improve LE function
Is there a clear correlation between level of spina bifida/MMC lesion and impairment?
- bony defect may involve more than one vertebral level
- spinal cord may be partially formed or malformed
- part of the spinal cord may be intact at one of the involved levels and may have innervated muscles below the MMC
- in any case, the presentation varies widely
Does spina bifida/MMC result in spasticity or flaccidity below the lesion?
it may result in either, or a combination of the two
- if the nerve roots are damaged or the cord is dysplastic, the infant will have a flaccid type of motor paralysis
- if part of the spinal cord is intact below the MMC and has innervated muscles, potential exists for spastic type of motor paralysis
- in some cases, the child may demonstrate an area of flaccidity at the level of the MMC with spasticity present below the flaccid muscles
- either type presents difficulty in managing ROM and use of orthoses for ambulation
What type of functional movement will a child have with spina bifida/MMC thoracic involvement at T12?
- trunk weakness
- some pelvic control due to innervation of quadratus and abdominal muscles
--- T7-T9 upper abdominals
--- T9-T12 lower abdominals
- no gluteus maximus (innervated at L5-S1)
- “frog leg” posture potentially deforming to hips, knees, and ankles
What type of functional movement will a child have with spina bifida/MMC involvement at high lumbar level (L1-L2)?
- affects LEs
- hip flexors are innervated (and unopposed)
- some hip adductors are innervated
- may cause hip flexion/adduction, hip dislocation, lumbar lordosis, knee flexion, plantar flexion
What type of functional movement will a child have with spina bifida/MMC involvement at the mid lumbar level (L3)?
- can flex at the hips (strong)
- hip adductors are strong
- hip rotators are weak
- can extend at the knees
- no ankle or toe movement
- may cause hip dislocation/subluxation and genu recurvatum
What type of functional movement will a child have with spina bifida/MMC involvement at low lumbar level (L4-L5)?
- strong quadriceps
- can flex the knees
- can dorsiflex and invert the ankles
- only weakly extend and abduct hips
- weak plantar flexion and eversion
- may cause equinovarus, calcaneovarus, or calcaneocavus foot
What type of functional movement will a child have with spina bifida/MMC involvement at sacral level S1?
- weak plantar flexion for pushoff
- good hip abduction
What type of functional movement must a child have to be classified as having a level S2 or S3 lesion?
- good plantar plantar flexors; must have muscle grade of at least 3/5
- good hip extensors; gluteal muscles must have grade of 4/5
- the lesion is considered “no loss” if the child has normal bowel/bladder function and normal LE muscle strength
What position results from classic lower motor neuron presentation of flaccid paralysis in children with spina bifida/MMC?
- frog-leg position induced by gravity
- position of comfort – hip abduction, ER, knee flexion and plantar flexion
What other congenital LE deformities may be present in children with spina bifida/MMC? What additional deformities are they at risk of acquiring due to muscle imbalances?
congenital deformities
- talipes equinovarus (congenital clubfoot)
- pes equinus (flat foot) – extremely flexed toes; pt walks on dorsal surface of toes and heel does not touch ground
- convex pes valgus (rocker-bottom foot) with a vertical talus

deformities due to muscle imbalance
- hip dislocation
- hip dysplasia and subluxation
- genu varus/valgus

(e.g., in a child with L1 or L2 motor level, the hip flexors and adductors may pull so strongly because of increased tone that the hip is dislocated; muscle imbalances due to the level of innervation may be intensified by increased tone)
What is the most common foot deformity seen in children with MMC who have an L4/L5 motor level?
- talipes equinovarus (congenital clubfoot)
How do physical therapists treat talipes equinovarus (congenital clubfoot) in the early management stages?
- taping
- gentle manipulation
- gentle corrective ROM
Which is recommended for treatment of talipes equinovarus (congenital clubfoot), splinting or serial casting? Why? Ultimately, for all but the mildest cases, what is the recommended treatment?
- splinting, because of pressure problems over bony prominences

- surgical correction
Between what ages do most children with MMC begin to ambulate?
- between 1-2 years
What foot characteristics are required for the child with MMC to ambulate?
- plantigrade foot (one that can be flat and in contact with the ground)
- 10 degrees of dorsiflexion for proper toe clearance (does not have to be active range)
What are two causes of neuropathic fractures in children with MMC?
- overly aggressive therapeutic exercise
- lack of stabilization during transfers
What two types of scoliosis are seen in children with MMC?
- congenital scoliosis – related to the vertebral anomalies (e.g., hemivertebra) that are present in addition to the bifid spine; this type is inflexible

- acquired scoliosis – results from muscle imbalances in the trunk; this type is flexible; managed by orthosis until spinal fixation is appropriate (since children with MMC go through puberty earlier, this allows for earlier spinal surgery with little loss of child’s mature trunk height)

- also, rapid onset of scoliosis can occur secondary to a tethered spinal cord or to a condition called hydromyelia (q.q.v.)
What spinal deformities may be present in a child with MMC?
- congenital scoliosis (inflexible)
- acquired scoliosis (flexible)
- rapidly occurring scoliosis caused by tethered spinal cord or hydromyelia
- kyphosis – thoracic or entire spine (as the flexed posture of an infant)
- lordosis – exaggerated or reversed
What is an Arnold-Chiari malformation? What systems can it affect? What is one key symptom?
- most children with MMC have this malformation
- involves the cerebellum, medulla, and cervical spinal cord
- cerebellum is not fully developed, and hindbrain can displace downwardly through foramen magnum
- flow of CSF disrupted, causing hydrocephalus
- accumulation of CSF can exert pressure on and affect the function of cranial nerves (nerve palsies) and brain stem
- may be manifested by swallowing difficulties
Precautions for ventriculoperitoneal shunt
- physician’s guidance
- avoid spending prolonged time in head-down position as it could disrupt CSF flow
- shunts can become blocked or infected or otherwise malfunction; be aware of the signs
What is CNS deterioration in children with MMC? What two conditions can potentially cause it?
- change in motor/sensory status or functional abilities affecting any or all areas of child’s functions such as mobility, ADLs, and school performance

can be caused by
- hydromeyelia – accumulation of CSF in central canal of spinal cord characterized by
--- rapidly progressing scoliosis
--- UE weakness
--- increased tone
--- sensory changes
--- ascending motor loss in LEs

- tethered spinal cord – scar tissue from MMC repair does not allow cord to move up as child grows
--- at birth, cord is at L3, rises to L1 in adulthood due to skeletal growth
--- adhesions can form due to scarring from surgical repair of back lesion
--- spinal cord is then anchored at lesion site
--- can cause rapidly progressing scoliosis, decline in motor/sensory function, pain, increased tone, changes in gait, loss of previously attained bladder and bowel control
--- prompt surgical correction can usually prevent permanent neurological damage
How may MMC affect sensory impairment?
- sensory losses in child with MMC less likely to correspond to motor level of paralysis
- one part of the dermatome may be intact, but skip areas with no sensation may be present
- often only light touch and/or pinprick are tested; if negative, patient may still feel vibration
- skin damage is a big risk and skin inspection needs to be an integral part of POC
How does MMC affect bladder and bowel function?
- most children with MMC have some degree of bowel/bladder dysfunction
- sacral levels of spinal cord (S2-S4) are responsible for voiding and defecation reflexes
- if not intact, motor and sensory loss can result in reflex emptying or inhibition of voiding
- if tone in bladder wall is increased, bladder cannot hold typical amount of urine and empties reflexively
- mismanagement of voiding can result in kidney damage
- by age 3-4, children should be working on gaining urinary continence
- by age 6, independent in self-intermittent catheterization
- for self-intermittent catheterization sitting balance without hand support and ability to do toilet transfer are needed; these skills should be incorporated into early and middle physical therapy POCs
To what substance are over 50% of children with MMC allergic? What does the therapist need to consider?
- latex

- toys/balloons containing latex should be avoided in therapy
What does the physical therapist do during the first stage of intervention for a child with MMC (birth to ambulation?
- establishes motor and sensory levels of function
- evaluates muscle tone, degree of head and trunk control, ROM limitations
- checks for musculoskeletal deformities
What are the goals for physical therapy during the first stage of intervention for a child with MMC (birth to ambulation)?
- prevention of secondary complications (contractures, deformities, skin breakdown)
- promote age-appropriate sensorimotor development
- prepare child for ambulation
- educate family about appropriate strategies to manage child’s condition
What postoperative positioning is used in the first stage of physical therapy intervention for a child with MMC?
- child placed prone or side lying until surgical wound heals
- holding infant high on the shoulder with support under arms fosters head control and may be the easiest position for the infant with MMC to maintain a stable head
- as the back heals, brief periods of supine and supported upright sitting
- when a shunt is inserted, follow physician’s orders for positioning
Why is prone positioning important in the first stage of physical therapy intervention for a child with MMC?
- to prevent development of hip and knee flexion contractures
- to develop head control
What effects can gravity have on children with MMC during the first stage of physical therapy intervention?
- while supine, paralyzed LEs assume positions of comfort—abducted and externally rotated hips, flexed knees, etc.
- in children with partial innervation of LEs, hip flexion and adduction can produce hip flexion contractures and can lead to hip dislocation because of the lack of muscle pull from hip extensors or abductors
- genu recurvatum is seen when strong quadriceps are not opposed by equally strong hamstrings to balance the knee extension posture
- when only anterior tibialis function is present, a calcaneovarus foot results (dorsiflexed, inverted, and adducted foot—basically walking on the outer edge)
Why is it detrimental to adduct the hips completely early in development of children with MMC?
- because the hip joints are incompletely formed and may sublux or dislocate if adducted beyond neutral
- aim for positioning in neutral hip, neutral knee, and neutral ankle/foot position
What is important to remember about skin that is anesthetic?
- it does not sweat
- it cannot conserve heat or give off heat, thus must be protected
How often should PROM be done with children with MMC during the first stage of physical therapy intervention? How should they be performed?
- two to three times daily
- exercises may be combined for efficiency (e.g., hip and knee flexion on one side and hip and knee extension on the other, bilateral hip abduction, etc.)

- ROM exercises should be done gently, with the hands near the joints for short lever arms
- hold the motion briefly at the end range
- even in presence of contractures, aggressive stretching is not indicated (serial casting if persistent PROM exercise doesn’t work)
- ROM exercises are easy to forget once infant becomes more active, but they are still important
- once child is able, he/she should be responsible for doing own daily ROM
How should foot/ankle ROM be done on children with MMC during the first stage of physical therapy intervention?
- individually (one foot at a time)
- subtalar joint must be kept neutral when doing dorsiflexion to ensure movement occurs at correct joint
- if foot goes into varus or valgus, motion will take place at midfoot (vice hindfoot)
- rocker-bottom foot may be caused by allowing motion at the wrong place
What are the signs and symptoms of shunt malfunction?
- bulging fontanelle
- sunset sign of eyes (only part of iris is visible because of downward gaze
- excessive rate of growth of head circumference
- thinning of skin over scalp

school-age children
- personality changes
- memory changes

all ages
- irritability
- seizures
- vomiting
- lethargy
- headaches
- edema, redness along shunt tract
Why might head control in prone be more difficult for children with MMC during the first stage of physical therapy intervention? How can this be overcome?
- difficulty lifting head made larger by hydrocephalus
- hypotonic neck and trunk muscles

- extra support from a bolster or small half-roll under the chest assists in distributing weight farther down the trunk; also helps bring UEs under the body to assume prone-on-elbows position
Why is head control in supine important to children with MMC during the first stage of physical therapy intervention?
- to balance development of axial extension with axial flexion
- if supported on a wedge, can encourage chin tuck or forward head lift into flexion
What is the leading chromosomal cause of MR and the most frequently reported birth defect?
- Down Syndrome

- 1 in 700 births
What causes Down Syndrome?
- an extra 21st chromosome, or trisomy 21 in all or most of body’s cells
- 95% of cases result from failure of chromosome 21 to split completely during formation of egg or sperm (why advanced maternal/paternal age is a factor)
- when abnormal gamete joins normal gamete the result is 3 copies of chromosome 21
- fewer than 5% have a third chromosome 21 attached to another chromosome; this type of DS is caused by translocation
- mosaic type DS - the least common type of DS; some body cells have three copies of chromosome 21 and others have a normal complement of chromosomes
- severity of the syndrome is related to the proportion of normal to abnormal cells
What are the characteristic features of a child with DS?
- hypotonicity
- joint hypermobility
- upwardly slanting epicanthic folds
- flat nasal bridge and facial profile
- small oral cavity that sometimes causes tongue to seem to protrude
- delayed development and impaired motor control
- feeding problems
- congenital heart disease (40-66%),usually surgically correctable
- pes planus
- thoarolumbar scoliosis
- patellar and possibly atlantoaxial instability (15-20%) requiring surgical fusion
- visual impairments – myopia,astigmatism, cataracts, nystagmus, esotropia (crossed eyes)
- mild to moderate hearing loss – either sensorineural (damage to CN VIII) or conductive (too much fluid in ears); needs to be identified early and treated aggressively so as to not hinder ability to interact and develop appropriate language
What is an “educable” person?
- one who is capable of learning basic skills such as reading and arithmetic, and is capable of self-care and independent living (individuals with mild MR are generally considered educable)
Are persons with moderate MR “educable”?
- they are trainable, but very limited in educational attainments
- they can profit from simple training for self-care and vocational tasks
What are the signs and symptoms of atlantoaxial instability?
- hyperreflexia
- clonus (repetitive, involuntary muscle spasm)
- Babinski sign
- torticollis
- increased loss of strength
- sensory changes
- loss of bowel or bladder control
- decrease in motor skills
What is the chief cause of difficulty in learning motor skills in children with DS? What are the reasons for these defects?
- lack of postural tone, and
- hypermobile joints (to a degree)

- hypotonia is related to structural changes in the cerebellum, but also to changes in other CNS structures and processes, which are indicative of missing or delayed neuromaturation in DS
- ligamentous laxity and joint hypermobility are thought to be due to a collagen defect
How does the child with DS typically compensate for low tone and hypermobile joints in motor tasks?
- typically by locking extremity joints like elbows and knees
- they substitute positional stability for muscular stability
- e.g., W sitting to provide trunk stability, instead of dynamically firing trunk muscles in response to weight shifting
- children with DS often avoid activating trunk muscles for rotation and prefer to advance from prone to sitting by walking up with hands over widely abducted legs
How do children with DS compare to neurotypical children with respect to attainment of developmental milestones over the first year? (Skill and month achieved from table 8-1 on page 187)
neurotypical vs. DS
- rolls from supine to prone – 6 mos/7 mos
- prone on elbows – 6 mos/7 mos
- pivots in prone on stomach – 6 mos/12 mos
- sits with back erect – 8 mos/11 mos

- pulls to stand – 9 mos/18 mos
- cruises around furniture – 9 mos/21 mos
- creeps on hands and knees – 10 mos/15 mos
- walks with assistance – 12 mos/30 mos
How do children with DS compare to neurotypical children with respect to attainment of developmental milestones after the first year? (Skill and month achieved from table 8-1 on page 187)
neurotypical vs. DS
- squats during play – 22 mos/36 mos
- walks down stairs, one hand held – 22 mos/36 mos
- throws a ball – 24 mos/30 mos
- kicks a ball after demonstration – 24 mos/36 mos
- jumps off floor, both feet – 30 mos/48 mos
- walks up stairs, alternating feet – 30 mos/54 mos
What long-term health challenges face children with DS?
- reduced pulmonary function and fitness, lack of cardiorespiratory endurance and weak abdominal muscles – poor fitness leads children with DS to be less active, and 25% become overweight; fitness needs to be explored as an area of physical therapy intervention

- of the 40-66% of DS children born with congenital heart disease, 76% survive; this percentage drops to 50% by age 30; most heart defects can be surgically corrected

- children with DS have 15-20% higher chance of acquiring leukemia by age 3, although the cure rate is high

- every person with DS who lives past 30 years develops pathologic signs of Alzheimer’s disease, such as amyloid plaques and tangles, but not all of these individuals develop the dementia that is usually part of this condition

- adults with DS who live past 50 years are more prone to regression in adaptive behavior than are adults with MR without DS
What are some of the impairments to be addressed by physical therapy intervention for a child with DS?
- delayed psychomotor development
- hypotonia
- hyperextensible joints and ligamentous laxity
- impaired respiratory function
- impaired exercise tolerance
What is AMC?
- arthrogryposis multiplex congenital (a.k.a., multiple congenital contractures)
- nonprogressive neuromuscular syndrome
- results in multiple joint contractures and usually requires surgical intervention to correct misaligned joints
- no cognitive deficit is present
- incidence is 1 in 3,000
- multiple causes identified
- pathogenesis has been related to the muscular, nervous, or joint abnormalities associated with intrauterine movement restriction, with the primary insult likely in the first trimester

- 1/3 of cases have genetic cause
--- gene that causes neuropathic form is found on chromosome 5
--- distal AMC is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with the defective gene traced to chromosome 9

- if muscles around a fetal joint do not provide enough stimulation (muscle pull) the result is joint stiffness
- if the anterior horn cell does not function properly, muscle movement is lessened and contractures and soft tissue fibrosis occur
Which impairments of AMC are typically addressed by physical therapy intervention?
- impaired ROM
- impaired functional mobility
- limitations in ADLs, including donning/doffing orthoses

- early intervention focuses on head and trunk control, which may be difficult depending on extent of limb involvement—e.g., child may have difficulty using arms for support when initially learning to sit or catch him/herself if balance is lost
- most become ambulatory, but may need assistance finding ways to go up and down stairs
- adapted tricycle can provide alternative mobility before walking is mastered
What are the cornerstones of physical therapy intervention in children with AMC? How are they performed?
- ROM exercises
- stretching exercises

- stretching is initially done 3-5 times per day, with each affected joint moved 3-5 times and held for 20-30 seconds at end of available range
- this is a large task because of the multiple joint involvement in this condition
- as child ages, frequency of stretching can be decreased
- school-age child should begin taking over responsibility for his/her own stretching program
- stretching is less important once skeletal growth has ceased, flexibility is still needed to prevent further deformities
- joint preservation and energy conservation techniques are legitimate strategies for adults with AMC
How is positioning affected by the contractures in AMC?
- positioning depends on the types of contractures
- if UEs are more extended, it will hamper child’s acceptance of prone position and will require chest to be supported by a roll or wedge; this is an excellent position to stretch hip flexion contractures while encouraging the development of the motor abilities of the prone progression
- too much flexion and abduction in LEs may be controlled by lateral towel rolls or Velcro strap
- quadruped is not a good position because it reinforces flexion in UEs and LEs
- prone positioning program should be continued throughout the life span
What are the primary means of floor mobility for children with AMC?
- rolling and scooting on the bottom
What are the time frames for acquisition of independent sitting and to begin experiencing weight bearing in standing?
- independent sitting is often delayed due to child’s inability to attain the position
- most gain independent sitting by 15 months
- placement in sitting and encouragement of static sitting balance with our without hand support should begin early, at around 6 months of age
- focus on dynamic balance and transitions into/out of sitting while using trunk flexion and rotation should follow
- weight bearing in standing should begin at around 9 months
What is the standing-time goal for a 1-year-old child with AMC?
2 hours a day
By what age is ambulation achieved by most children with AMC?
- 18 months

- because clubfoot is often a part of the AMC presentation, it must be dealt with
How is clubfoot addressed in AMC?
- early surgical correction often requires later surgical revision, so current recommendations support surgery after the child is stronger and wants to walk, at around the end of the first year

- the operation should be performed before age 2 to avoid having to do more bony surgery as opposed to soft tissue corrections
Upon what does use of orthoses and assistive devices for ambulation depend for a child with AMC?
- depends on strength of LE extensors and the types of contractures at the hip, knee, and ankle
- less than fair muscle strength at a joint usually indicates need for an orthosis at that joint (e.g., if quadriceps is less than 3/5 on MMT, a KAFO is indicated)
- children with knee extension contractures tend to require less orthotic control than those with knee flexion contractures
- children with weak quadriceps or knee flexion contractures may need to walk with the knees of the KAFO locked
- functional ambulation also depends on child’s ability to use an assistive device; may not be possible due to UE contractures—adapataions to walkers and crutches may be needed
- power mobility may be of benefit in the community and keeping up with peers for a child with weak LEs and poor UE function
What is cystic fibrosis?
- autosomal recessive disorder of the exocrine glands caused by a defect on chromosome 7
- the most lethal genetic disease in whites
- pancreas does not secrete enzymes to break down fat and protein in 85% of these individuals
- produces respiratory compromise because abnormally thick mucus builds in the lungs, creating a chronic obstructive lung disorder
- parent can be a carrier, giving children ¼ chance of having the disorder (if it’s autosomal recessive, wouldn’t it take BOTH parents being carriers to produce the ¼ chance of having the disease and ½ chance of being a carrier?)
Pathophysiology of CF
- genetic defect has been localized, but exact mechanism that causes the disease is still unidentified
- ability of salt and water to cross the cell membrane is altered, high salt content in sweat
- thick secretions obstruct mucus-secreting exocrine glands, most severely the lungs and pancreas
- affects multiple systems- GI, reproductive, sweat glands, respiratory system
- pancreatic enzymes and diet help manage pancreatic involvement, but as life expectencies have increased, increased incidence of CF-related diabetes due to damage to beta cells

- lungs normal at birth, but soon thick secretions begin to block airways and affect pulmonary function
- secretions also provide good environment for bacterial growth
- inflammation of the airways brings in infiltrates that eventually destroy the airway walls
- repeated infections and thick secretions produce chronic airway obstruction, eventually leading to bronchiectasis (destruction and widening of the large airways)

- two biggest factors for prognosticating survival are nutrition and pulmonary function
What interventions does physical therapy provide to CF patients?
help with the following impairments:
- retained secretions
- impaired ability to clear airways
- impaired exercise tolerance
- chest wall deformities
- nutritional deficits
What is chest physical therapy (CPT)?
- bronchial drainage in specific positions with percussion, rib shaking, vibration, breathing exercises, and retraining
- focused on reducing symptoms
- parents are taught to perform postural drainage 3-5 times daily
What is postural drainage?
- use of gravity or body position to aid in draining mucus from the lungs; classic 12 positions
- almost always accompanied by percussion and vibration
--- percussion – manually applied with cupped hand while person is in drainage position for 3-5 minutes
--- vibration – chest is vibrated by the therapist as the child exhales to encourage coughing
- percussion and vibration are only applied to areas with retained secretions

- positioning depends direction in which the bronchial branch being drained points
- each segment of the lungs has an optimal position for draining aided by gravity
- coughing used to bring up the mucus loosened by CPT; laughing, crying, or tracheal tickle can induce
What is the forced expiration technique?
- child in a gravity-aided position is asked to “huff” several times after taking medium-sized breath
- followed by several relaxed breaths using the diaphragm
- sequence of huffing and diaphragmatic breathing repeated as long as secretions are being expectorated
- force of the huffs can be magnified by manual resistance over the epigastric area, or by having the child actively adduct the arms and compress the chest wall laterally
- can be taught to children as young as 4-5 years old
What are some alternative forms of airway clearance undergoing research?
- positive expiratory pressure (PEP) delivered via mask – easy to use, quicker than CPT, accepted by patients, effective in removing secretions; maintains pressure in lungs, keeping airways open and allowing air to get behind the mucus; combined with forced expriation (huffing) to expectorate

- autogenic drainage – sequence of breathing exercises performed at different lung volumes

- use of a Flutter valve – reported to be an acceptable alternative to CPT; does same thing as PEP mask; also used with autogenic drainage
What muscles should be targeted to assist respiration?
- focus on shoulder girdle and chest wall
- pectoralis major/minor
- intercostals
- serratus
- erector spinae
- rhomboids
- latissimus dorsi
- abdominals

- stretches to maintain optimal length-tension relationships of chest wall musculature
- respiratory efficiency can be lost when too much of the work of breathing is done by the accessory neck muscles
What are breathlessness positions, and lateral basal expansion?
- breathlessness positions allow the upper body to rest, to allow the diaphragm to work most easily

- lateral basal expansion is encouraged by manual contact on the lateral borders of the ribs to encourage full expansion of the bases of the lungs
What role does exercise play in the lives of children with CF? What types of activities should be avoided? Why?
- exercise for cardiovascular and muscular endurance plays a major role in keeping these individuals fit and may slow deterioration of lung function
- exercise improves airway clearance, delays decline in pulmonary function, delays onset of dyspnea, and prevents decreases in bone density
- best reason for them to exercise is to improve aerobic fitness because it correlates with increased survival
- low-impact endurance training is ideal

- exercise program should be based on results of exercise test performed by a PT
- as endurance decreases with disease progression, activities like table tennis may be suggested

- avoid skiing, bungee jumping, parachuting, and scuba diving because they have inherent risks due to altitude, increasing vascular pressure, or air trapping
For what must children with CF be monitored during exercise?
- desaturation – if their oxygen saturation drops below 90%, exercise must be terminated and the supervising therapist notified before additional exercise is attempted

- monitor with a pulse oximeter
How should nutritional needs be adjusted for children with CF engaged in an exercise program?
- good nutrition (and pulmonary function) must always be considered
- caloric intake may need to be increased to avoid weight loss because individuals with CF expend more energy to perform exercises than individuals without CF
- fluid replacement is also crucial, and must include electrolytes, not just water; especially important in hot weather
What is SMA?
- spinal muscular atropy
- progressive disease of nervous system inherited as autosomal recessive trait; genetic mutation on chromosome 5
- second most common fatal recessive genetic disorder seen in children after CF
- 1 of 10,000 live births; prevalence in population is 1 in 6,000, 1 in 40 are carriers of the gene
- degeneration anterior horn cells
- hypotonia of peripheral origin
- damage to LMNs produces low muscle tone or flaccidity, depending on whether some or all of the anterior horn cells degenerate
- muscle fibers have little or no innervation from the spinal nerve if the anterior horn cell is damaged, and the result is weakness
- no intellectual deficits
What are the three types of SMA discussed in our text?
- Type I SMA (acute infantile SMA or Werdnig-Hoffman disease) – most severe form
- manifests in first months of life, usually quickly and unexpectedly
- limp, frog-legged LE posture evident at birth, along with a weak cry
- deep tendon reflexes are absent, and tongue may fasciculate (quiver) due to weakness
- rapid motor neuron death causes inefficiency of major body organs, especially of the respiratory system, and pneumonia-induced respiratory failure is the most frequent cause of death
- death usually before age 2-3, sometimes within weeks

- Type II SMA (chronic or intermediate form of Werdnig-Hoffman; Dubowitz disease) – onset sometime between (2) 6-18 mos
- affects children who are never able to stand/walk, but maintained a sitting position at some time
- progress varies greatly; some patients avoid progression altogether
- scoliosis is a pervasive problem and may require surgical intervention (if life expectancy is good)
- 12-15% fracture rate; weight bearing recommended to prevent fractures
- most patients live well into adulthood; respiratory system is a major concern

- Type III SMA (Kugelberg-Welander) – onset after 18 months
- patients able to walk without support at some time, but many lose this ability
- progression of the disease is slow
- respiratory involvement is less noticeable, and life expectancy is normal or near normal
- proximal weakness, especially in hips, knees, trunk
- developmental progress is slow; independent sitting by 1 year, independent walking by 3 years
- focus on mobility, including walking; also access, positioning, and pulmonary hygiene
- gait is slow and waddling, often with bilateral Trendelenberg signs; safety an issue as child weakens
- ambulation lost in 50% of patients by age 10; wheelchair dependent by midadulthood
- good UE strength
What physical therapy support is provided to infants with Type I SMA (acute infantile SMA, Werdnig-Hoffman disease)?
- positioning and family support are most important interventions
- focus is on fostering normal developmental activities and providing access to the environment
- poor head control and need for diaphragmatic respiration may make positioning in prone difficult
- possibly position in side-lying to play
- listening to family concerns is integral part of the therapy
What is DMD?
- Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
- X-linked recessive trait—manifests only in boys; girls can be carriers
- 1 in 3,500 male births
- 2/3 of cases inherited, 1/3 from spontaneous mutation
- initially develop motor skills normally
- between ages 3-5 may begin to fall more, have trouble navigating stairs, or use Gower maneuver to rise from the floor, indicating muscle weakness
- elevated levels of creatine kinase in blood as result of muscle breakdown
- definitive diagnosis by muscle biopsy
- intellectual function is below normal, with 25-30% exhibiting some degree of MR
Pathophysiology of DMD
- children lack gene that produces muscle protein dystrophin
- absence of this protein weakens cell membrane, leads to destruction of muscle fibers
- lack of protein nebulin prevents proper alignment of the contractile filaments during muscle contraction
- muscle fibers break down and are replaced by fat and connective tissue
- fiber necrosis, degeneration, and regeneration are seen on muscle biopsy
- replacement of muscle fiber with fat and connective tissue results in pseudohypertrophy, most apparent in the calves

- smooth muscle is also affected by the lack of dystrophin
- 84% of boys with DMD exhibit cardiomyopathy (heart muscle weakness)
- cardiac failure results either from this weakness or from respiratory insufficiency
- as muscles of respiration become involved, pulmonary function is compromised
- death from respiratory or cardiac failure usually occurs before age 25
- at individual’s/family’s wishes, life can be prolonged by mechanical ventilation
How does loss of muscle tissue in DMD affect the child?
- with progressive loss of muscle, weakness ensues, followed by loss of AROM and PROM
- limitations in range and ADLs begin around age 5
- inability to climb stairs seen between ages 7 and 13
- ability to ambulate usually lost between 9 and 16 years of age
What problems are addressed in a physical therapy intervention for DMD?
- impaired strength
- impaired AROM and PROM
- impaired gait
- impaired functional abilities
- impaired respiratory function
- spinal deformities—apparent or potential
- potential need for adaptive equipment, orthoses, and wheelchair
- emotional trauma of the individual and family
What is the ultimate goal of the physical therapy program for children with DMD?
- provide education and support for the family while
- managing the child’s impairments
What types of physical therapy goals are set to manage the impairments of a child with DMD?
- prevent deformity
- prolong function by maintaining capacity for ADLs
- facilitate movement
- control discomfort
- movement in some form must be an integral part of a physical therapy POC for a child with DMD
How does the weakness manifest in DMD?
- proximal muscle weakness is one of the major clinical features of DMD; most clearly present in shoulder and pelvic girdles
- loss of strength eventually progresses distally to encompass all the musculature
- whether exercise can be used to counter the weakness is subject to debate; it has not been shown to hasten progression of the disease, however
What types of exercise are beneficial to patients with DMD?
- some therapists do not encourage active resistance, instead focusing on preserving functional levels of strength by performing ADLs
- other therapists recommend submaximal exercise as beneficial but only if not burdensome to the family
- theoretically, exercise should be able to assist intact muscle fibers to increase in strength to make up for lost fibers
- exercise capacity is probably best determined by stage and rate of disease progression
- exercise may be more beneficial early as opposed to later in the disease process
- walking should be done for at least 2-3 hours per day; the longer a child can remain ambulatory, the better
What key muscles should be targeted to treat weakness in patients with DMD?
- abdominals
- hip extensors
- hip abductors
- knee extensors
- triceps
- scapular stabilizers
What exercise activities are generally perceived as detrimental to children with DMD?
- overexertion
- exercising at maximal levels
- immobility
- high resistance
- eccentric training
What factors can help assess or predict future mobility status in children with DMD?
- mobility status is related to knee extension strength and gait velocity

- boys with less than antigravity (3/5) quadriceps strength lose ability to ambulate

- speed of walking has been used to predict length of time that will pass before a child with DMD is wheelchair bound
--- a high percentage who could walk 10 meters in less than 6 seconds were more than 2 years away from requiring a wheelchair
--- all the boys who took 12 seconds or longer were in wheelchairs in less than a year
What is the potential for contractures in children with DMD? What actions are taken to counter contractures?
- potential for muscle contractures is high, and although they cannot be prevented, their progression can be slowed

- every effort should be made to maintain ROM at all joints
- specifically, attention should be paid to the gastrocnemius-soleus complex and TFL
--- tightness in these muscle groups results in gait deviations and a widened BOS

- a prone positioning program (as long as it does not compromise respiratory function) is crucial for managing the detrimental effects of gravity
--- time in prone counteracts the potential formation of hip and knee flexion contractures that develop from too much sitting

- prolonged sitting can all too quickly lead to LE flexion deformities that hinder ambulation
--- alternatives to sitting should be scheduled several times a day
Describe the gait abnormalities seen in children with DMD.
- ambulate with characteristic waddle because pelvic girdle muscles weaken
- hip extensor weakness can lead to compensatory lordosis, which keeps center of mass posterior to the hip joint
- excessive lateral trunk lean during gait may be seen in response to bilateral Trendelenberg signs indicative of hip abductor weakness
- knee hyperextension may be substituted for quadriceps muscle strength, further increasing lumbar lordosis
- failure to keep body weight in front of knee joint or behind hip joint can result in a loss of the ability to stand
- plantar flexion contractures can compromise toe clearance, lead to toe walking, and make balance even more precarious
What medical treatments have been used to try to combat the progression of DMD?
- no known treatment can stop the progression of DMD
- steroid therapy – prednisolone has been shown to improve muscle strength and decrease deterioration of muscle function

- two other promising approaches: myoblast transplantation and gene therapy
--- both approaches have met with difficulties, mostly immune reactions
--- a myoblast transfer in subjects with Becker MD had limited success
What types of surgical and orthotic management are used to prevent loss of range or ambulation?
- as functional gait and range declines, surgical and orthotic management broadens
- Achilles tendon lengthening
- TFL fasciotomy
- tendon transfers
- tenotomies
- myoblast transfers

- these procedures must be followed by vigorous physical therapy to achieve the best gains
- AFOs often prescribed following heel cord lengthening

- orthoses to maintain heel cord length during ambulation
- night splint to incorporate the knees, because knee flexion contractures can be problematic

- in most cases, however, as the quadriceps lose strength, severe lordosis develops to compensate
- this change keeps body weight in front of the knee joints and allows gravity to control knee extension
- child’s gait becomes lurching, and if the ankles do not have sufficient range to keep feet plantigrade, dynamic balance is impaired
How is respiratory function treated with respect to children with DMD?
- respiratory function must be aggressively managed--breathing exercises and ROM
- diaphragmatic breathing emphasized along with lateral basal chest expansion
- chest wall tightness discouraged by active trunk rotation, passive counterrotation, and manual stretching
- postural drainage with percussion may be needed to clear the lungs
- parents should be taught appropriate airway clearance techniques
- exercise program needs to include aerobic component because the respiratory system ultimately causes the child to die from the effects of the disease
Describe Becker MD.
- onset between 5 and 10 years of age
- X-linked recessive gene
- 3-6 per 100,000 males—rarer than DMD
- dystrophin present, but in lesser amounts than normal
- less elevation of creatine kinase, less destruction of muscle fibers
- lower incidence of MR
- progression of disease much slower than that of DMD
- likely to ambulate until late teens, live until 40s
- needs vocational assistance
Describe Fragile X syndrome.
- a.k.a., Martin-Bell syndrome
- leading inherited cause of mental retardation (remember DS is the leading chromosomal cause)
- 1 per 2,000 males; 1 per 4,000 females
- fragile site on the X chromosome at a cellular level

- clinical manifestations vary depending on completeness of the mutation
- disease appears to worsen in successive generations
- symptoms in girls are not as severe as in boys
- girls do not generally have dysmorphic features (structural differences often seen in the face) or connective tissue abnormalities
- children of female carriers have a greater risk of the disorder than those of male carriers

- mental retardation ranges from severe to borderline normal
- average IQ between 20 and 60, with a mean of 30-45
- additional cognitive deficits may include ADHD, learning disability, and autistic-like mannerisms
- those mildly affected may have language delays and behavioral problems
What are the characteristics of Fragile X syndrome?
- mental retardation
- poor coordination
- general decrease in muscle tone
- enlarged testes after puberty

- long, narrow face
- prominent forehead, jaw and ears

- connective tissue involvement can include
--- joint hypermobility
--- flatfoot
--- inguinal hernia
--- pectus excavatum
--- mitral valve prolapse
Describe the motor development in a child with Fragile X syndrome.
- both gross- and fine-motor skills are delayed
- average age of walking is 2 years
- 75% of boys exhibit flatfooted, waddling gait
- child’s motor skills are the same developmental age as the child’s mental ability

- maintaining balance in any developmental posture is a challenge due to
--- low tone
--- joint hypermobility
--- gravitational insecurity
Describe the tactile defensiveness displayed by children with Fragile X syndrome.
regardless of severity of the disorder:
- 90% avoid eye contact
- 80% display tactile defensiveness

- touch can be perceived as aversive, and light touch may elicit withdrawal response rather than an orienting response
- treatment involves use of different-textured surfaces on equipment the child can touch
- vestibular stimulation, firm pressure, and increasing proprioceptive input through weight bearing and movement are helpful
How do sensory integration issues manifest in children with Fragile X syndrome?
- decreased ability to tolerate being exposed to multiple sensory inputs at one time
- become easily overwhelmed because they cannot filter out environmental stimuli
- when gaze aversion occurs, it is thought to be related to the child’s high degree of anxiety, rather than to autism or social dysfunction
- low tolerance for frustration often leads to tantrums—be alert to child’s losing control and institute appropriate behavior modification responses
How should children with Fragile X syndrome be taught motor skills or tasks?
- visual learning is a strength—use a visual cue with a verbal request
- teaching a skill or task must be done in the context in which it is expected to be performed (e.g., do not teach tooth brushing in the cafeteria)

- physical, social, and emotional surroundings in which learning takes place are significant for the activity to make sense to the child
- teaching a task in its entirety, rather than breaking it down into its component steps, may help lessen the child’s difficulty with
--- sequential learning and
--- tendency to perseverate
Describe the etiology of Rett syndrome
- neurodevelopmental disorder that almost exclusively affects females (1 in 12,000)
- presentation suggests X-linked dominant means of inheritance, with supposition that it is lethal to males
- alternatively, could mean males are spared because the mutation comes from the father—daughters would receive the mutated X-chromosome, but sons would receive the Y-chromosome
- however, Rett syndrome has been reported in males
What are the characteristics of Rett syndrome?
- mental retardation (major cause of MR in females)
--- despite the MR, it is not a neurodegenerative disorder; it represents a failure of postnatal development due to a mutation in an X-linked binding protein
- reduced brain growth
- brain’s ability to form new synapses is severely impaired
- ataxia
- growth retardation
- expressions of the syndrome vary in severity

- early development in affected infants is normal, with symptoms usually appearing during the first year of life
- hypotonia present in infancy is replaced by increasing hypertonia and loss of acquired skills
- develop stereotypical hand motions (flapping, wringing, slapping) as well as mouthing

- decline in function during childhood includes:
--- a decreased ability to communicate
--- seizure activity
--- later scoliosis
Motor control occurs because of:
physiologic processes that happen at
- cellular
- tissue and
- organ levels
- and that happen quickly to produce timely and efficient movement
- impaired timing or sequencing are deficits in motor control
What is the role of sensation in motor control?
- initially sensory information cues reflexive movements/reflexive motor response

- as voluntary movement emerges during motor development, sensation provides feedback accuracy
- sensory information is crucial to the mover when interacting with objects and maneuvering within an environment
What is the ultimate level of motor control?
- voluntary movement

- achieved by maturation of the cortex
What is a reflex?
- pairing of a sensory stimulus with a motor response

- some are simple, some complex
Where do the simplest (primitive) reflexes occur?
- spinal cord level (e.g., flexor withdrawal)

- referred to as primitive reflexes because they occur early in the life span of the infant
What level is above simple/primitive reflexes? Where do they occur
- tonic reflexes
- brain stem
- produce changes in muscle tone and posture
- e.g., ATNR, TLR, etc.
By what time frame are infantile reflexes (sucking and rooting), primitive spinal cord reflexes, and tonic reflexes integrated?
- by 4-6 months
What is integration in the hierarchic theory?
- mechanism by which less mature responses are incorporated into voluntary movement
- e.g., adults no longer have a rooting reflex
What are the ultimate balance reactions?
- righting (postural response – e.g., head/trunk righting)
- protective (protective reaction – e.g., safeguarding of balance—catching oneself with hands/arms when LOB while sitting)
- equilibrium (postural response - )
(develop in this order)

- postural responses continue to be present in adulthood; involve head and trunk; provide body with automatic way to respond to movement of the COG within and outside body’s BOS

- protective reactions are extremity movements in response to quick displacements of COG out of BOS; also considered postural reactions and serve as a backup system should righting or equilibrium reaction fail to compensate for loss of balance
With what portion of the brain are automatic postural responses associated?
- midbrain (righting reactions)

- cortex (equilibrium reactions)
What is the tonic labyrinthine reflex?
- produces increased extensor tone when infant is supine

- produces increased flexor tone when infant is prone
What is the ATNR?
- when infant turns head to right, right arm extends and left arm flexes

- seen to some extent in LE as well
Motor control emerges from interaction between _______, _______, and ________.
- task
- individual
- environment
Because motor abilities of a person change over time, the ______ _____ to a given problem may also change. What other factor may change over time to affect the intricacy of the movement solution?
- motor solutions

- motivation
What two deficits may be apparent in motor control of individuals with nervous system disease?
- impaired timing

- impaired sequencing
Initially, sensory information cues reflexive movements, later it provides:
- feedback for accuracy
The farther up one goes in the hierarchy (spinal cord, brain stem, midbrain, cortex) the more ______ there is of lower structures and the movements they produce (reflexes.)
Inhibition allows previously demonstrated stimulus-response patterns of movements to be integrated or modified into more ________ movements.
Levels of reflex in the CNS
- spinal cord – primitive reflexes (e.g., rooting, flexor withdrawal)
- brain stem – tonic reflexes (e.g., TLR, ATNR)
- midbrain – righting reactions (e.g., neck righting, optical righting)
- cortex – equilibrium reactions (e.g., ultimate balance reactions—incorporation of limbs)
Development of motor control can be described by the relationship of _____ and _____ of body postures, and by the acquisition of ______ ______ _______.
- mobility (initial random movements)
- stability (maintenance of a posture)
- automatic postural responses
Name the four aspects of development of motor control.
- mobility (initial random movements)
- stability (weight-bearing, antigravity maintenance of a posture—tonic holding and cocontraction)
- controlled mobility (weight shifting/movement within a posture)
- skill (movement from one posture to another)

- acquire posture, then develop the control

- mobility combines with stability, then the distal body parts are free to move
- also, proximal mobility combines with distal stability (e.g., weight-shifting in quadruped)
- mobility (initial random movements)
- stability (weight-bearing, antigravity maintenance of a posture—tonic holding and cocontraction)
- controlled mobility (weight shifting/movement within a posture)
- skill (movement from one posture to another)

- acquire posture, then develop the control

- mobility combines with stability, then the distal body parts are free to move
- also, proximal mobility combines with distal stability (e.g., weight-shifting in quadruped)
- tonic holding (at the end of shortened range of movement, isometric movements)

- cocontraction (simultaneous static contraction of antagonistic muscles around a joint for stability)
Differentiate controlled mobility and skill.
- controlled mobility – mobility superimposed on stability in WB and movement (proximal mobile, distal stable)

- skill – mobility superimposed on stability in NWB (proximal stable, distal mobile)

(e.g., in walking—the stance limb performs controlled mobility, the swing leg performs skilled work)
Postural control develops in a _______ direction, and is demonstrated by the ability to maintain the ___________.
- cephalocaudal

- alignment of the body
The functions that maintain or preserve alignment have been called _______ or ______.
- equilibrium

- balance
Righting reactions are responsible for….
- orienting head in space

- keeping eyes and mouth horizontal
Protective reactions are extremity movements that occur in response to….
- rapid displacement of the body by diagonal or horizontal forces

(by extending one or both extremities, the individual prepares for a fall or prepares to catch himself)
When do the protective extension reflexes show up in the UEs? In the LEs?
- forward protective extension – 6 months
- lateral protective extension – 7-8 months
- backward protective extension – 9 months

- protective staggering of the LEs – 15-17 months
________ reactions are the most advanced postural reactions and are the last to develop. What do they do?
- equilibrium

- allow the body as a whole to adapt to slow changes in the relationship of the COG with the BOS
Trunk rotation as an equilibrium response is only evident during _______ displacements.
What are the three expected responses to a lateral displacement of the COG toward the periphery of the BOS in standing?
- lateral head and trunk righting away from the weight shift
- arm and leg opposite the direction of the weight shift abduct
- trunk rotation away from the weight shift may occur

- if the trunk rotation does not occur, the other two responses can provide only brief postponement of the inevitable fall
Systems model of motor control differs from hierarchal model of motor control chiefly by:
- the view that motor control is accomplished by the complex interactions of many systems, not just the nervous system

- the view that posture and movement are thought to be self-organizing by maturation of the nervous system (thus increased speed) and the changing relationships among body systems produces different motor responses

- the characteristic of feedback loops
--- closed-loop model – sensory information used as feedback to assist nervous system with next action
--- open-loop model – movement performed without feedback; error detection and feedback are ex post facto; for fast movements
What is the basic functional unit in the systems theories of motor control?
movement pattern—movement emerges from complex interaction of changing body systems
(rolling, creeping, etc. are movement patterns)
The relationship between posture and movement is called _______ ______.
postural control

(postural control system has 7 components)
What are limits of stability (part of the postural control system)?
- boundaries of BOS of any given posture
- as long as COG is inside BOS, person is stable
- CNS perceives the body’s limits of stability through various sensory cues
What is environmental adaptation (part of the postural control system)?
body’s sensory systems provide input that allows the generation of a movement pattern that dynamically adapts to current conditions
What is the role of the musculoskeletal system as part of the postural control system?
- provides the mechanical structure for any postural response

- includes postural alignment and musculoskeletal flexibility of all body segments
What is a predictive central set (part of the postural control system)?
- postural readiness
- sensation and cognition cue movement and anticipate what movement is to come

- anticipatory preparation = feedforward processing – sensory information sent ahead to prepare for the movement to follow (in contrast to feedback, which is sent back after the fact for comparison and error detection)

- many adults with neurologic deficits lack this anticipatory preparation, so postural preparedness is often a beginning point for treatment
What is motor coordination (part of the postural control system)?
ability to sequence muscle response in a timely manner to respond to displacement of COG within BOS
What is the cone of stability?
in standing, the area in which a person can move within the limits of stability or BOS
What is postural control?
- relationship between posture and movement
- readiness to react to threats to balance
- ability to anticipate postural needs to support a motor plan (plan to move)
What is eye-head stabilization (part of the postural control system)?
- visual and vestibular systems coordinate
- provide accurate information about surrounding environment during movement and gait
- keep eyes and head properly oriented for stable visual image of the environment
What is sensory organization (part of the postural control system)?
- three sensory systems used for posture and balance
---visual – critical for development of balance and head control in first 3 years
--- vestibular – head lifting related to maintaining correct orientation of head to gravity and maintaining stable visual image, even when body or head is moving; eyes must dissociate from head
--- somatosensory- combination of touch and proprioception body receives from being in contact with support surface; used for postural response; not used for balance until middle to late childhood
Describe Nashner’s model of postural control.
three common sway strategies seen in quiet standing:
- ankle strategy –sways backward, anterior tibialis fires; sways forward, gastrocnemius fires; seen as early as 18 mos, but response time is longer than that of adults
- hip strategy – narrower BOS (like standing crosswise on balance beam); ankle strategy not effective because whole foot is not in contact with support surface; muscles fire proximal to distal
- stepping strategy – (a.k.a., LE protective reaction) balance disturbance strong and/or fast enough to force individual to take a step to avoid LOB or fall

adult sway strategies expected to be present in 7-10 year old children (likely because nervous system commonly appears to be mature in myelination of major tracts by age 10)
Which system appears to be the dominant sensory system for posture and balance during the first three years of life?
visual system
Ambulation potential for children with MMC: thoracic
- preambulation orthosis – standing frame
- ambulation orthosis – parapodium,/swivel rocker, RGO
- age – 12-18 months, 24-36 months
- assistive device – walker/no device needed, walker crutches
- ambulation potential – children: therapeutic or household ambulation; adolescents/adults: W/C independent
Ambulation potential for children with MMC: L1-L2
- preambulation orthosis – standing frame
- ambulation orthosis – parapodium, RGO
- age – 12-18 months, 24-36 months
- assistive device – walker, walker crutches
- ambulation potential – children: household or community ambulation; adolescents/adults: W/C independent
Ambulation potential for children with MMC: L3-L4
- preambulation orthosis – None
- ambulation orthosis – RGO/HKAFO, KAFO/AFO
- age – 12-18 months, 24-36 months
- assistive device – walker, walker crutches
- ambulation potential – children: household or community, adolescents/adults: variable; household or community if quadriceps grade 4 or 5
Ambulation potential for children with MMC: L5
- preambulation orthosis – none
- ambulation orthosis – KAFO, AFO
- age – 12-18 months, 24-36 months
- assistive device – none
- ambulation potential – children: household or community; adolescents/adults: household or community
Ambulation potential for children with MMC: S1-S3
- preambulation orthosis – none
- ambulation orthosis – AFO/FO, none
- age – 12-18 months
- assistive device – none
- ambulation potential – children: community; adolescents/adults: community