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35 Cards in this Set

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Skeletal System six basic functions

Support: framework for the body and supports soft tissues and provide attachment points for the tendons

Protection: protects the most important internal organs

Assistence in movement: when the skeltal muscles contract they pull on the bones to produce movement

MIneral homeostasis: (storage and release) stores minerals like Ca and P, releases to maintain homeostasis

Blood cell reproduction: certain bones have connective tissue hav red bone marrow that creates blood cell through hemopoiesis

Triglyceride storage : (yellow bone marrow) storage for triglycerides potentail chem. energy


the creation of red blood cells and white cells and platelets


the bones body / the main portion


the proximal ends and distal part of the bone


the region between the diaphysis and epiphyses


articular cartlidge

a thin layer of hyaline covering the epiphyses to absorb shock and move more freely


the connective tissue that covers the bones wherever the articular cartlidge doesn't cover

perforarting fibers

thick bundles of collagen that extends to the pericsteum into the bone extracellar matrix

medullary cavity

marrow cavity, is a hollow bone minimizes weight to provide maximum strength with minimum weight


a thin membrane lines the medullary cavity

osteoprogenitor cells

are unspecailized bone stem cells which all connective tissue are formed


(buds of sprouts) of bone building cells


mature bone cells the main cells in bone tissue and maintains its daily metabloism


huge , powerful white blood cells the are made to breakdown protein for resorption to maitain and repair of the bone

compact bone tissue

the strogest form of bone tissue


units that makes up the compact bone tissue

concentric lamellae

consits of osteons arranged around a central canal resembling growth lines like a tree


small spaces in between the concentric lamellae that contain osteocytes (little lakes)


(small channels) radiating in all directions from the lucanae which is filled with extracellar osteocytes

interstitial lamellae

is the area in between osteons containing the same lamellae and canaliculi

perforating canals

vessels and nerves of the canals connect the medullarry cavity and periosteum, central canals

spongy bone tissue

protected by a covering of compact bone it consists of irregular lamellaes shaped like beams (trabeculae)

periosteal arteries

small arteries that come through the perforating canals and suppy the periosteum

intramembranous ossification

bone forms directly within mesenchyme,arranged in sheet like layers that resembles membrane

endochondral ossifaction

bone forms within hyaline cartilage that develops from mesenchyme


a covering that develops around the cartilage model

interctitial (endogenous) growth

(growth from the within)

appositional (exogenous) growth

meaning growth on the outer surface

epiphyseal (growth) plate

a layer of hyaline cartliage in the metaphysis of a growing bone that has four levels

-zone of resting cartilage- nearest to the epiphysis layer becuase their function is not to grow

-zone of proliferating- the chondrocytes in this zone to replace those at the side of the epiphyseal plate

-zone of hypertropic cartilage- a layer that consist of a large, maturing chondrocytes arrangedin columns

-zone of calified cartilage- the calcified cartilage becomes the "new diaphysis"

epiphyseal line

bone growth in length stops completely

bone remodeling

an ongoing replacement of old bone tissue by new tissue


is any break in a bone

parathyroid hormone (PTH)

secreted by the parathyroid gland increases the negative the operation of the negative feedback system

calcitonin (CT)

inhabits activity of osteoclasts and speeds up blood absorbtoin by the bones


meaning porous bones meaning that the bone could not become stronger by breaking down protein and reabsorbing it but instead it continues to break down the bone making it weaker and weaker