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26 Cards in this Set

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What muscles make-up the Rotator Cuff?
Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Tere Minor and Subscapularis
What muscles insert into the Greater Tuberosity of the humerus?
Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Tere Minor (The Pect Major is not included because it technically inserts into the crest)
What muscles can elevate the scapula?
Levator Scapulae, Upper Trapezius, both rhomboids
What muscle is weak if a patient exhibits "winging" of the scapula?
Serratus Anterior
What scapular muscle is innervated by a Cranial Nerve?
Trapezius (Spinal Accessory)
Name the muscles that depress the scapula.
Pect minor, Serratus anterior and lower fibers of the trapezius
Name all of the MMTs for the GH and scapula that can be done in the supine position.
3-5 for Serratus Ant, 2-0 Middle Deltoid and Supraspinatus
What is the capsular pattern for the GH joint?
Name the motions of the shoulder that can be measured in the supine position.
Should flexion, abduction, ER and IR (remember in lab we said that you will often seen it done in this position)
A PTA is performing a gavity eliminated test for the Serratus Anterior Where would the PTA palpate the muscle.
The lateral rib cage
What muscles can downwardly rotate the scapula?
Rhomboids, and Lev Scapulae
What muscles can elevate, adduct and downwardly rotate the scapula?
The Rhomboids
What muscles are innervated by the Axillary nerve?
Deltoid and Teres Minor
What muscle, not innervated by the Dorsal Scapular Nerve, can elevate the scapula?
Upper Trapezius
What motions does the Pect Major cause at the GH joint?
IR and Adduction
Name the shoulder flexors.
Ant Deltoid, Pect Major, Biceps and Coracobrachialis
Name the shoulder IR
Ant Deltoid, Lat Dorsi, Teres Major, Subscapularis, and Pect Major
Which muscles originate from the cervical vertebrae?
Lev Scapulae, Rhomboid Minor, Trapezius
Which muscles originate from the thoracic vertebrae?
Rhomboids, Trapezius, Lat Dorsi,
What muscles originate from the ribs?
Pect minor, Serratus Ant, Lat Dorsi and Pect Major
What muscles either originate or insert into the coracoid process?
Pect Minor, Short head of the biceps and Coracobrachialis
What motions can the Lat Dorsi perform?
Shoulder ext, IR and adduction
Name the muscles that originate from the scapula.
Teres major and minor, infra and Supraspinatus, subscapularis, Deltoid, Short head of biceps, Long head of triceps, and coracobrachialis
True or False, the infra and supraspinatus are innervated by the same nerve.
Where would you palpate the origin of the teres major?
Inferior angle of the scapula
This is all of the my questions.
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