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51 Cards in this Set

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Topical Antibacterials MOA?
prevent future lesions by decreasing sebaceous FA metabolism by-products
AEs of topical antibacterials?
local, systemic effects rare
1% solution,gel lotion topical antibacterial for mild-mod acne
1.5-2% solution/powder/gel for mild-mod acne (BENZAMYACIN)
2.2% topical solution for mild-mod acne
Azelaic Acid MOA?
topical treatment that blocks DNA synthesis of acne-assoc. bacteria
(AZELEX-20% cream)
How long is azelaic acid (AZELEX-20% cream) used to treat noninflammatory lesions? infammatory lesions?
1 month non-inflamm
2 month inflamm
Is azelaic acid well-tolerated? more or less efficacious as other topical therapies?
yes, less efficacious
Tretinoin MOA?
topical acne treatment that corrects abnormalities/blockages of the follicular keratinocyte
Tretinoin brands & strengths?
0.05% solution (most irritating)
0.01 &0.025% gel
0.025, 0.05,0.1& cream
Is topical tretinoin cat-x?
No, PC-C but docs treat it like X
other uses for topical tretinoin besides acne?
photodamaged skin, palliation of wrinkles, mottle hyperpigmentation
Dosing of topical tretinion?
once daily
What should you tell pt to avoid if they are on topical tretinoin tx?
sun, concomitant high dose vit A, concomitant use of vitamins, herbals, drugs that are photosensitizers
What are adverse effects of topical tretinoin?
localized redness & stininging, excessive skin dryness, pigment changes, may initally worsen acne flares
Adalapene brand, use, MOA?
Differin (0.1% solution or gel)
topical tmt for acne
retinoid-like cmpd
PC and dosing of adalapene (DIFFERIN)?
PC-C, applu 2-3 x daily
Is adalapene better tolerated and more efficacious than 0.025% tretinoin gel?
yes adalapene (differin) is both better tolerated & more efficaious than 0.025% tretinion gel
What antimicrobials are used to systemically treat acne?
tetracycline, doxcycline, minocycline, erythromycin (not well tolerated), & clindamycin
dose of tetracycline for acne?
1 g daily for 2-3 weeks, increase to 2-3 times a day if no response for sever acne
what are the adrs specific to minocycline?
DIL, vestibular tox
Dose of minocycline for long term therapy for acne?
100 mg BID
Dose of doxcycline for acne?
50-100 mg BID
Which have better penetration into tissue-tetracycline, doxy, mino?
doxycyline & minocyline b/c mreo lipid soluble
counseling for all pts on systemic tetracyclines?
avoid sun exposure (use sunscreen), don't use while preggers (Teeth), separate dairy and cations (antacids), GI ses D!!
Why is systemic erythromycin not popular for acne tmt?
terrible GI effects (used for gastroparesis), may D-D intrxs , can cause QT prolongation
What systemic therapy is only for women to use for acne?
OCs (Alesse, Yasmin, Estrostep, Ortho-tri cyclen)
What's in the OCs used for acne?
norgestimate & ethinyl estradiol
Sebum production is proportional to ?
androgen levels
MOA of OCs for acne?
combo of norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol decrease unbound biologically active free testosterone
Isotretinoin is indicated for?
severe recalcitrant nodular acne unresponsive to convention therapies
MOA isotretinoin (ACCUTANE, SORTRET)?
decrease sebum production, alters keratinazation, inhibits inflammation, inhibits P.acnes in follices
Dose of isotretinoin?
0.5-1 mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses max of 2 mg/kg/day
ADRS of isotretinoin?
SKIN: dryness, peeling, pruritis, photosensitivity
MUCOUS MEMBRANES: chelitis (dry mouth, nose, eyes, blepharoconjunctivitis
more ADRs of isotretinoin?
HEPATOTOX: Ast, Alt incr
antralgias/ muscle stiffness,
EYE: decreased night vision (irrev)
HYPERLIPDEMIA: esp TGs (NL <180, goes to 600-1000 get pancreatitis by proxy)
Last big ADR of isotretinoin (think iPledege)?
How do you manage skin adrs w/ accutane?
moisturizers, sunscreen, protecitve clothing
how do you manage chelitis (dry mouth, nose, eyes, blepharoconjunctivitis) with accutane use?
sugarless candy, lip balm, artificial tears, saline nasal spray, decrease dose
How do you manage hepatotox with accutane use?
monitor transaminases
how do you manage hyperlipidemia with accutane use?
avoid etoh, watch diet, may have to dose decrease or DEC
What is the difference btw S.M.A.R.T. & iPledge?
formalized, national registry
who needs to be registered w/ iPledge?
pts, presribers, pharmacies
What are the qualification criteria for iplege?
women of CBP that have not had a hysterectomy, bilateral oophorectomy, or doc ovarian failure
are women that have had tubular sterilization considered to be of CBP according to ipledge?
What do female pts of CBP have to do to get accutane?
2 negative preg tests at CLia lab, sign IC, each refill needs new neg preg test, must use 2 forms of BC
What are acceptable primary forms of BC?
tubal sterilization, partner's vasectomy, IUD, hormonal (estrogen containing?
What are acceptable secondary forms of BC?
cervical cap, male latex condoms, diaphragm, vaginal sponge w/spermicide
What are unacceptable forms of BC?
progesterone only containing PO contraception ,female condom IUD containing progesterone, WD, cervical shield, natural family planning, abstinence w/out approp doc of contraception methods
How soon after RX written for accutane must pt have it filled?
w/in 7 days
How many days supply of accutane can be dispensed at one time?
30 days
Is unit dosing, automatic refills allowed for accutane?