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109 Cards in this Set

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What is the formula for force?
Force=Mass x Acceleration
What is force?
A push or pull that causes a change in shape or a change in motion
What is mass?
The total amount of matter in an object
What is weight?
The measurement of gravity times mass
What is torque?
The fore-like quantity in rotational mechanical systems
What is net force?
When 2 objects' forces are added up when they are acting in the same direction
What are prime movers?
"Force-like" quantities that act in the same way as a force does in a mechanical system
What is density?
What does a hydrometer do?
It measures density or specific gravity in liquids
What is pressure?
Unit of force/Unit of area, units include psi, g/cm^2, and kg/m^2
What do manometers do?
They measure pressure differences
What are the 2 types of fluid systems?
Hydraulic and pneumatic
Gasses are _____________
________ increases with depth in a fluid
What is absolute pressure?
the measured in reference to a vaccum (zero pressure)
What is weight density?
The ratio of an object's weight to its volume
What is voltage?
Comes in 2 forms, AC and DC, is a prime mover
What do voltmeters measure?
Voltage difference
What do multimeters measure?
Voltage, amperage, and resistance
What is the positive pole on a battery called?
What makes up an electrical circuit?
Source, conductors, a load, and a control element
What is temperature difference?
A prime mover in thermal systems because heat always moves from hot to cold areas
How is heat characterized?
By the vibrating movement of atoms and molecules
__________ is the average energy of motion of molecules in a substance
What are thermocouples?
3 wires of 2 different metals to measure temperature
Where is the degree symbol placed if a number is a temp. difference?
Before the number
____ = Force x Distance
Input work is _____________
the work going into a system
Output work is _______________
the work that the system puts out
What is the formula for efficiency?
Wo/Wi x 100%
Spring scales measure ____________
Input and output work
In rotational mechanical systems, work is equal to lever arm x _______
What is the basic unit of work? (English)
What is the basic unit of work? (SI)
How is linear mechanical work done?
When mass is moved in a straight line
How is angular mechanical work done?
When mass is moved around an axis
What can mechanical work do?
Start moving, stop moving, or change the direction of an object
What is the formula to find fluid work?
W=p x DV
If you know weight density, what else must you know to solve for fluid work?
The height of the fluid
In a closed fluid system, fluid is _____
There is no such thing as _______ or _______
Linear or angular fluid work
Pressure exerted by a piston times the area of the piston face equals the ____ done by the piston
The cross-sectional area of a cylinder can be found by multiplying _______ by the diameter^2
What is the formula for electrical work?
EW=V x q
A coulomb is equal to __________ electrons
6.25 x 10^18
How can you calculate electrical charge?
Amperes x time
What is the basic unit of electrical work?
Input work preformed by an electrical pump or motor will be given in _____.
What is a rate?
A displacement-like quantity divided by elapsed time
What is velocity measure as?
Linear mechanical work
Speed is similar to _______
What are the units of linear mechanical rate?
foot per second and meter per second
How is angular rate expressed?
radians per second and revolutions per minute
How many radians are in one revolution?
6.28 radians
What is a stroboscope?
A tool that measures angular rate.
What is the definition of acceleration?
A rate at which speed increases or decreases.
What is the symbol for volume flow rate?
What are the units of fluid flow?
Gallons/minutes, cubic feet/second, and cubic meters per second.
What is viscosity?
The quality of a substance related to its thickness.
How does the flow rate of a big pipe compare to that of a little pipe under the same pressure?
The big pipe has a higher flow rate
What is electrical rate?
The amount of charge moved in a given period of time
What is electrical rate measured in?
One milliampere in equal to ________
1/1000 amps
How many radians are in one revolution?
6.28 radians
What is a stroboscope?
A tool that measures angular rate.
What is the definition of acceleration?
A rate at which speed increases or decreases.
What is the symbol for volume flow rate?
What are the units of fluid flow?
Gallons/minutes, cubic feet/second, and cubic meters per second.
What is viscosity?
The quality of a substance related to its thickness.
How does the flow rate of a big pipe compare to that of a little pipe under the same pressure?
The big pipe has a higher flow rate
What is electrical rate?
The amount of charge moved in a given period of time
What is electrical rate measured in?
One milliampere in equal to ________
1/1000 amps
How many radians are in one revolution?
6.28 radians
What is a stroboscope?
A tool that measures angular rate.
What is the definition of acceleration?
A rate at which speed increases or decreases.
What is the symbol for volume flow rate?
What are the units of fluid flow?
Gallons/minutes, cubic feet/second, and cubic meters per second.
What is viscosity?
The quality of a substance related to its thickness.
How does the flow rate of a big pipe compare to that of a little pipe under the same pressure?
The big pipe has a higher flow rate
What is electrical rate?
The amount of charge moved in a given period of time
What is electrical rate measured in?
One milliampere in equal to ________
1/1000 amps
What is the purpose of a dewer flask?
To contain and store heat energy
What can a thermocouple thermometer do?
Measure heat flow rate
What is the unifying equation for resistance?
Resistance = force / rate
What are the 2 forms of resistance in a mechanical system?
Friction and drag
What is the equation for the force of friction?
Force of friction = force x coefficient of friction
What is the equation of drag resistance?
resistance = force / velocity
What must be overcome to start an object in motion?
Sliding friction
What must be overcome to keep and object in motion?
Kinetic friction
Static friction is always _______ than kinetic friction
What can help reduce friction?
What is laminar flow?
The opposite of turbulent flow
What is the formula for fluid resistance?
Rf = Dp / Qv
What is the formula for electrical resistance?
Re = DV / I
What are resistors used for?
They control amounts of voltage in a circuit
What are some good conductors?
Copper and solder
What are some good insulators?
Plastic and ceramic
What is an example of a semi-conductor?
What is resistivity?
The quality of material that describes how much it permits electricity to flow through it
What is thermal resistance?
The opposition to the flow of heat through a material
Thermal resistance equation
Rt = DT / Qh
What is the r-value of something?
How well is can resist heat flow
What is energy?
The ability to do work
What is potential energy?
Stored energy
What is the formula for pot energy?
Ep = Force x Height
What is gravitational potential energy?
The energy an object has because it has been raised against the gravitational pull of Earth
What is elastic potential energy?
Energy the object has because its shape has been temporarily changed