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30 Cards in this Set

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Psycology is:

Study behavior and mental process.

'ology' and science.

Basic research

In lab, more experiments and stuff


Applied research

Behavior and outcomes in real-world applications. Ie, at schools


1. Describe

Describe, take notes, observe, NO BIAS.

2. Explain

Write down factors that are observed

3. Predict

Predict outcomes

Sorta if this we assume this is outcome

4. Control

Used research finding to shape, modify and control behavior

Major perspectives of Psychology

Different views, essentially


Abnormal aspects. Emphasized that personality are influenced by conflict between one's inner desires and expectations from society

Behavior perspective

Classic Conditioning learning process. B.f. skimmer focus in relationship between behavior and consequences. Operant conditioning, type of learning that occurs when behavior is rewarded or punished.

Humanstic perspective

People inherently positive and will grow for the better when given the chance.

Cognitive psycology

Examines mental process that's directs from behavior, focusing in concepts such as thinking, memories, and langusge

Cognitive nuroscience

Nuro proccess connected to nervus system

Ie. Ptsd

Evolutionary perspective

People.will adapt

Biopsychosocial perspective

Through personality traits physical biology and social factors influence

Critical thinking

Thinking outside the box, connecting pieces

Scientific Method:

Question, hypothesis, study and collect data, analysis data, publish, ask questions. Repeat

Random sample

Randomly chosen for experiememt

Representative Sample

Subgroup of population for experiment

Observer bias


Case study

Detailed explanation of particular person

rain man


Quick and easy, but not necessarily accurate

Cooralation method

Cooralation between variables. Does not prove


Close to 0, no cooralation. 1 complete match

Independent Variable

Designed to be manipulate. Ie, violent games

Dependent Variable

Designed to be measured to determine effect on the manipulation. Ie, aggressive behavior

Extranius Variable

Unintentionally affecting study. Ie, weather while studying mood

Confounding variable

Confusing for researcher, ie, 2 things happen at once

Lack of sleep vs. coffee affecting acidemic

Placebo effecf

Fake thing offered as real for control group.

Studies must be:

Ethics, confident, deception less, concentrate and not harmful