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62 Cards in this Set

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the variable capacity for reasoning, understanding differences, acquiring differences and solving problems
'G' Factor
if people intelligent in one area, will be in all
7 distinct "S' Factors
8 Intelligences
Linguistic, Logical, Musical, Spatial, Bodily, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Natural
Triarchic Theory
Analytic, Creative, Practical
Sternberg's Triarchic Theory: Analytic
academic problem solving
Sternberg's Triarchic Theory: Creative
general novel ideas and ability to adapt in new situations
Sternberg's Triarchic Theory: Practical
common sense required for everyday tasks
Crystallized and Fluid
cattell's crystallized
facts and acquired knoqledge derived from past experience
Cattell's Fluid
not based on past experience; perceived relationships b/t stimuli; spatial and visual imagery
Alfred Binet
Biner-simon Intelligence scale
Stanford-Binet Test
introduces IQ concept
WAIS 3 and WISC (most common tests for children and adults)
Hernstein and Murray
"The Bell Curve" intelligence is genetic and blacks genetically less intelligent
John Ogbu
Involuntary minorities in ALL countries score lower b/c poverty puts less emphasis on academics
Percent of variability in trait that comes from genetics
orphanage--> adult environment skyrocketed IQs and orphanage dropped
Milwaukee Project
Kids in education center higher IQ than at-risk mom
ability to produce novel and socially valued ideas or objects
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
ability to perceive, express, understand and regulate emotions. More sply, ability to empathize, be self-aware, conflict management, and not be overwhlemedby emotion
Marshmallow experiment
Measured delay of gratification and denial of impulse in pursuit of goal.
Those who waited more succes and confidence when older
Social Psych
How others affect us. HUman beings have strong need for approval.
Social pressure
all psychological forces from others
Erik Erikson
8 Psychosocial Stages
Mary Ainsworth
investigated infant attachment w/ "strange situation test"
Secure, Avoidant, and Anxious attachment
Toddler in preschool
separates form parents, shows own identity
give up child ID and develop adult ID, sense of pupose, and calues and beliefs
Young Adulthood
Form meaningful relationships
Middle Adulthood
make meaningful contribution to world
Late Adulthood
Reflection of how life was lived--> happy
Freud's theory of personality that acknowledges subconscious properties and drives
Freud's ID
unconscious psychic energy that strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives; pleasure principal--> immediate gratification
Freud's superego
outside our awareness but accessible; conscious; internalized ideals
Freud's ego
mediates b/t ID and superego
Freud's PsychoSEXUAL stages
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, genitals
3 sub 2
Pre conventional (Punishment and obedience; mutual benefit), Conventional ((Interpersonal Expectations; Mutual Benefit), and Post-conventional (legal principles; universal moral prin.
Ethic if Justice
Male; everyone treated fairly
Ethic or care
not turn away fr. anyone that needs help
Carol Gilligan
"Difference Feminism"
moral focus of women differetn
Deborah Tannen
Report Talk (boys) vs. Repport Talk (girls)
Culp Study
People treat baby different based on perceived sex
5 stages of Marriage in "strangers, lovers and Friends"
Dream world, Disillusion, Misery, Awkening, Love
Acsh Experiment
Line judgements
tested conformity
People more likely to conform in easy task than difficult or ambiguos task
Informational influence
other's answers give info
Normative Influence
want to be socially accepted
asking for subway seats
Bystander Effect
more people around, less likely somone will help
Diffusion of Responsibility
individual responsibility reduced because more people around Therefore spread out
Social norms marketing method
what people ARE doing
Cognitive dissonance
people feel uncomfortable when contradictions exist b/t their beliefs or their actions and belifs so much such that they will change one so there is consistency
Low Ball
Agree to sale price, and then "no longer on sale"
Works because during delay people reduce CD by removing doubts
up the anty
agree to one thing then offer/ask one larger
foot in the Door
agree to smaller request and then agree to larger one
reciprocity norm
give for free and then asked to return favor
Shared Identity
relate to customer
case of compliance when request is perceived as order b/c requester perceived as authority
Stanley Milgrim Experiment
Teacher and Shock
a claim about the cause of someone's behavior
Actor-observance Difference
Actor- explains own behavior in terms of situation
Observer- others in terms of disposition
Fundamental attribution error
our tendancy as observer to underestimate situational influences an over-emphazize personal disposition
reversed attribution error with cammera angle