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17 Cards in this Set

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Threatment of personality and behavior disorders by psychological methods


Goals of Psychotherapy

1)To give the client intellectual insight into his personal problem

2)To help the client improve his emotional responses

3)To bring into consciousness whatever painful memories and conflict the PX is experiencing.

Deals witj the nature and origin of disordered personality functioning


The allevuation of psychological problems and disorders


The one who meeds professional help


The process in which the perseon who has been unable to go on living with out more fear or guilt than he is willing or able to bear.


Someone especially trained to offer definite kind of treatment


the use of psychological techniques by a professional trained individual to help cloent change unwanted behavior and adjust to his environment.


This theraphy includes the use of drugs, surgery or electric shock


includes the use if drugs psychoactive drugs such as antidepressant

Drugs Therapy

Threatment involves the attachments of electrodes to the head of sedated individuals

ECT or Electroconvulsive therapy

therapy is based on the relationship between the Px and Tx with problem solving while encouraging the expressions of feelings

Supportive psychotherapy

Focuses on understanding how past relationships have influence on one's present state of mind


emphasis the identification of patterns of the unconscious on one's current thoughts,, behavior and fellings

psychodynamic psychotherapy

aimed at helping people to identifiy distortion in their way of thinking and attempt to understand how these distortion are the cause of problems.

Cognitive Therapy

this theraphy involves intervention delicated to helping individuals unlearn certain maladaptive behaviour and replace them with adaptive behaviour

Behavioral therapy

This theraphy focuses on unresolved grief and nontraditional social role issue

interpersonal therapy