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15 Cards in this Set

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What is homeostasis and what is the advantage of it?
An internal system which keeps the body stable through the use of control systems. It is necessary for the efficient and safe biochemical and physiological operation of our body and brain.
What is a circadian rhythm and how does it relate to homeostasis?
Circadian rhythms are endogynous patterns lasting a set time , usually 24hrs with a max and a min. Homeostasis continues to operate throughout circadian rythms to keep the body on track. For example the body temp goes up and down and homeostasis works to keep the temp at the right temp within the circadian rhythm.
What is the advantage of an ecological niche?
Our circadian rhythms and homeostasis ensure that our behaviour is regulated towards time of day which is optimal to our survival. ie we sleep at night when our sight is bad and our body temp is low.
Rhythm terminology - period length
the length of time taken to complete one whole cycle of the circadian rhythm
Rhythm terminilogy - amplitude
defines the normal amount of variation in a rhythm. ie in alpha waves, from the lowest value to the max value.
Rhythm terminology - mesor
the mean value of all the values over the complete cycle
Rhythm terminology - phase
defines the aspect of the rhythm in terms of its point in time through one cycle of the rhythm ie the acrophase is the max value and the nadir is the lowest.
rhythm terminology - zeitgerbers
time keepers, exogenous stimuli that entrain us to our environment ie light. Different ryhtms have different zeitgerbers.
What is normal entrainment?
where a person's phases of their circadian rythms are about the mean for the normal population. to normally entrain one is to expose a person to the normal timing of sunlight, darkness etc.
What is disentrainment?
When all zeitgerbers are removed.
name some rhythms
sleep/wake cycle
brain wave alpha waves
melatonin rhythm
menstrual cycle
When does body temp reach its max and min/
Max at 6-8pm and min at 4-5am
When does urine formation reach its max?
When does melatonin reach its max/
When is the greatest sleep propensity?