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90 Cards in this Set

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neurobiology of depression: reduced ____ volume commong among depressed patients and directly correlates w/ freuqnecy and length of depressive episodes


neurobiology of depression: ___ & ___ areas demonstrate differential metabolic rates, reflecting aberrant neural activity thought to contribute to depressive symptomatology

prefrontal; limbic

Neurobiology of depression: reduced GM volume noted in the ___-___ regions and functional alterations in the temporal regions and cerebellym in patients w/ MDD

parietal; temporal

The Monoamine Hypothesis: The structure and function of these brain regions are modulated by ___ ___

monoaminergic neurotransmission

Monoaminergic neurotransmission is the neural basis for what 5 things?

Mood, reward, pleasure, motivation, and executive functions

The Monoamine hypothesis: 3 neurotransmitters associated w/ the hypothesis?

serotnonin, norepinephrine, dopamine

What neurotransmitters associated with motivation and deficits in EF?

DA and NE

Impaired neurotransmitter ___ associated with anhedonia, guilt, and similar negative affects of depression

5HT (serotonin)

Serotonin and norepinephrine have descending ___ pathways.


Descending spinal pathways of 5HT and NE mediate ___ and related ___ sx.

Physical fatigue; somatic

What 3 behavioral sxs is serotonin involved in?

appetite & weight changes; guilt and feelings of worthlessness; SI

What 3 things are dopamine and norepinephrine involved in?

apathy, EF deficits, fatigue

What 3 sxs are serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine involved in?

depressed mood, sleep disturbances, psychomotor disturbances

6 types of SSRIs?

Citalopram, Escitalopram, Fluoxetine, Fluvoxemine, Paroxetine, Sertraline

Consumer Electrical Show for Final Fantasy People

SSRI: SSRI works by preventing the reuptake of serotnin back into the ___ nerve. This results in ___ sertonin being available in the synapse and thus an amplified transmission

presynaptic; more

The action of antidepressants in neurotransmission is almost ___, but clinical response is usually more gradual. Patient's may see clinical improvements witin ___ weeks, with further improvements in symptoms over several weeks

immediate; 2

Common side effects of SSRIs: 4 main areas?

Gastrointestinal, psychomotor agitation, sleep changes, sexual side effects

SSRI common side effects for gastrointestinal? Sleep? psychomotor agitation/retardation?

nausea, vomiting, indigestion, diarrhea; insomnia or fatigue; jitteriness, nervouness, excessive sweating, headaches

SSRI common side effects for sexual side effects?

decreased libido, ejaculatory disturbance, ED, difficulty achieving orgasm.

SSRIs can trigger a ___ episode in patients with bipolar disorder


2 other adverse reactions to SSRI?

Serotonin syndrome; Syndrome of inappropriate antiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH)

serotonin syndrome: always a risk when multiple ___ medications are combined


Serotonin syndrome: occurs due to ___ serotonin in CNS


serotonin syndrome: can be ___-___; must STOP offending medications immediately and go to ED


Symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome: 7

lethargy, confusion, restlessness, flushing, profuse sweating, tremor, and uncontrollable muscular twitching/ jerking

Lee Could Really Flex Strong Tree Tops

What happens if sertonin syndrome is untreated? 7 step process?

elevated temperature and blood pressure, excessive muscle tension, muscle breakdown, kidney failure, coma, death

Tell BP not to be Tense, can lead to muscle tension, breakdown, KF, coma, and death

SIADH: what are the 5 steps?

SIADH: Antiduetic hormone is released by the ___ and stored where?

hypothalamus, posterior pituitary

When is ADH released?

Changes in blood volume (dehydration)

What does ADH react on?

Kidneys, leads to retain/reabsorb more water.

When blood volume returns to equilibirium, this is sensed by the ___, which then decreases secretion of ADH


SIADH: ___ and other meds can induce excessive release of ADH leading to excessive reabsorption and rention of water by the kidneys


Excessive release od ADH can lead to higher blood volume (___)


SIADH: having excess water can also lead to a dilutional lowering of the blood's volume concentration (___).


SIADH: sxs associated w/ mild vs. severe hypoatremia?

mild: loss of appetite, headache, nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, fatigue, cramps; severe: irritability, restlessness, confusions, seizures, LOC, coma, death

Hypoatremia signs and sxs?


SSRIs: if discontinuing, the medication should NOT be stopped abruptly, as this will result in ____ ___

discontinuation syndrome

Withdrawals sxs from SSRIs

headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, tremors, paresthesia

HINT, it's not DVP

antidepressants may increase risk SI and behavior in children and adolescnce


SSRIs: Babies exposed to SSRI antidepressants late in ___ trimester of pregnancy may develop complications after birth. What sxs affected by it?

third; respiratory distress, cyanosis (bluish skin tone from lack of oxygen), irritability, tremors, constant crying, feeding difficultty).

SSRIs w/ pregnancy and breast feeding: may be caused by toxicity of the antidepressant or may be a manifestation of ___ sxs following materal exposure in utero


SSRIs pregnancy/breast feeding: SSRIs pass into ___ ___,

breast milk, if patient cannot stop emdication, breast-feeding should not be started

SSRIS: potential drug interactions: ___ and the antibiotic ___ are contraindicated

MAOIs; linezolide

The ____ actions of MAOIs and the antibiotic linezolide greatly increase the risk of what?

serotonergic; serotonin syndrome

How long does washout period last for potential drug interaction


What are other sertonergic drugs that may interaction w/ SSRIs?

triptans used for migraines, tramadol, tricyclics

Mr. Triple T

Citalopram: Brand name?


Citalopram FDA approved for ___


Off-label use Citalopram for what? 6 dxs

OCD, panic dx, GAD, SAD, PTSD, premenstrual dysphoric dx

potential drug interactions of citalopram? (3)

oral antifungals; anti-HIV drugs, some antibiotics

citalopram metabolized in the ___; dose may need to be decreased to prevent ___

liver; toxicity

citalopram: safer than ___ & ___. (TRUE FOR ALL SSRIs)

tricyclics and MAOIs.

fatalities are ___ w/ SSRIs, most cases of fatalaties result from combining w/ other drugs. Effects of overdose depends on ___. TRUE FOR ALL SSRIs

rare; amount

___ is purified form of citalopram (celexa)


Escitalopram brand name?


Escitalopram FDA approved what what?

Depression and Anxiety

Offlabel use of escitalopram? 5 dx

OCD, Panic dx, SAD, PTSD, premenstrual dysphoric dx

escitalopram; approved for what special group / age?

children, ages 12 - 17

Fluoxetine: Brand names? (3)

Prozac, Prozac Weekly, and Sarafem

Fluoxetine FDA indicated for what? 6 dx

depression, OCD, panic dx, eating dx (bulimia), premenstrual dysphoric dx, depressive episodes w/ bipolar I dx

Off-label use for fluoxetine: 5 dx

anxiety dxs, PTSD, fibromyalgia, diabetic neuropathy, postherpetic nerve pain

Side effects of fluoxetine?

decreases appetite, may led to weight loss

Fluoxetine is one of the more ___ SSRIs


4 medications that can interfere with breakdown of fluoxetine in the liver?

Bupropion, duloxetine, quinidine, and cimetidine

Fluoxetine can also inhibit the metabolism of what other 3 drugs?

antipsychotics, tricyclic antidepressants, beta-blockers

Fluoxetine has a ___duration of action; an overdose may involve ___ serious complications than with other SSRIs

long; more

Sxs of fluoxetine overdose?

somnolence, confusion, nausea, vomiting, rapid heart rate, and seizures. In severe cases, serotonin syndrome, mania, arrhythmia, low blood pressure, elevated temperature, and coma

FDA approval for Fluvoxemine?


Off-label use of Fluvoxemine?

depressive dx, panic dx, anxiety dx, PTSD, and eating disorders (bulimia)

Brand name for Fluvoxemine?


Fluvoxemine can inhibit breakdowns of what 7 other medications?

tricyclic antidepressants, clozapine, theophylline, propranolol, alprazolam, diazepam, and warfarin

Paroxetine brand names (4)

Paxil, Paxil CR, Brisdelle, Pexeva

What is Paroxetine FDA approved for (6)?

MDD, OCD, panic dx, PTSD, premestrual dysphoric dx, and SAD

Off-label use for Paroxetine?

OCD and Anxiety dx in peds; aggression after TBI

Paroxetine is one of the more ___ SSRIs.


Use of paroxetine in first trimester of pregnancy associated with increased risk of what?

Teratogenicity (congenital malformations)

Paroxetine w/ other drug metabolisms? (4)

tricyclic antidepressants, antiarrhytmic drugs, antipsychotics, beta-blockers

Sertraline brand name?


Sertraline FDA approved for what 6 things?

Depression, OCD, SAD, panic dx, PTSD, premenstrual dysphoric dx

sertraline is approved for ___ in children 6 years or older


Off-label use of sertraline? (4)

GAD, aggression in TBI, smoking cessation, children w/ depression

Sertraline: patients who are taking what may be predisposed to risk of bleeding?

Warfarin (Coumadin)

3 broad categories of Mixed Action Antidepressants?

SNRIs (Serotonin, Norepinephrine, Reuptake Inhibitors), Atypical Agents, and Serotonin Modulators

4 types of SNRIs?

Desvenlafaxine, Duloxetine, Levomilnacipran, Venlafaxine

2 types of atypical agents?

bupropion; mirtazapine

3 types of serotonin modulators?

trazadone; vilazodone; vortioxetine

SNRIs: work by preventuing reuptake of ____ & ___ back into the presynaptic nerve

serotnin; norepinephrine

SNRIs: this results in more serotonin and norepinephrine being available in the synapse and thus an ___ transmission


Babies exposed to SNRIs late in the ___ trimester may develop complications at birth


Drug interactions: ____ and the antibiotic ___ are CONTRAINDICATED

MAIOs and linezolide