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48 Cards in this Set

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True or false: Developmental disorders are restricted to childhood or adolescence.
False. Most likely have your whole life if diagnosed.
True or false: If there is no real medical basis for the problem, then a psychological level is considered for developmental disorders.
True or false: There is no longer the "Pervasive developmental disorders" category in DSM 5.
True. It is now the "Autism Spectrum Disorder".
True or false: DSM 5 called mental retardation "intellectual disabilities",
What must you have to have a diagnosis of ADHD?
Inattention OR hyperactivity/impulsivity. You need either/or not both symptoms.
True or false: ADHD symptoms must be present before age 7 in DSM 5
False, they have raised the age to age 12.
True or false: You can get a diagnosis of ADHD if your symptoms are only present in one place.
False. Symptoms need to present themselves in at least 2 areas.
How many of either inattention or hyperactivity/impulsivity sypmtoms do you need to get a diagnosis of ADHD?
at least 6 symptoms
Do boys or girls have more diagnoses of ADHD?
Boys outnumber girls 4:1
Is ADHD persistent throughout the lifespan?
True, 70% will continue to struggle with the disorder.
What kind of disorders is ADHD often comorbid with?
mood and anxiety disorders (perhaps due to the pressures caused by the disorder)
substance and impulse control disorders too
What does Dr. Russell Barkley say about the disorder ADHD?
"It is a disorder of dysregulation" - instead we name it according to its symptoms.
What are some causes of ADHD?
links to genetics in families
no precise area of brain damage - frontal cortex/basal ganglia/right hemisphere
maternal smoking during pregnancy increases risk
negative feedback can contribute, not cause
What is Hartmann's evolutionary theory on ADHD?
Humans moved from "Hunter" (alert, energetic) actions into "Gatherer" (agriculture)
How is ADHD assessed?
can't just interview child, talk to parents
standardized rating scales done by parents and teachers
gather school info
IQ test to make sure not intellectual problem
child diagnostic interview
physical assessment so no physical issues
What is Ritalin and what is the controversy surrounding it?
stimulant medication for ADHD
concern that overdiagnosing and over medicating children
has side effects of edginess and headaches
want to use behavioural treatments more (mindfulness)
true or false: ADHD is primarily biological in its causes.
What are the 3 areas involved in mental retardation?
1. intellectual functioning deficits
2. adaptive functioning deficits
3. onset during developmental period
true or false: DSM 5 got rid of the before age 18 requirement in mental retardation.
True. Arbitrary point, cultural age of "adulthood"
true or false: DSM IV defined the various levels of mental retardation by IQ.
True, but this is no longer done in DSM 5. There is no particular number assigned to a certain degree of functioning.
What are some causes of mental retardation?
largely unknown
exposure to drugs, infectious diseases, accidents pre and post natal
psychosocial abuse or deprivation can contribute
genetic disorders: Fragile X, Down's syndrome
What kind of treatment is their for mental retardation?
the focus is support not curing
with learning, there is need for support
behavioural intervention takes tasks and breaks them down
communication training: sign language, gestures, picture books
community assistance: if severe enough, e.g. to find a job
What is eugenics?
Controversial movement that wanted the sexual sterilization of all who have mental retardation.
true or false: mental retardation involves impairments in intellectual and adaptive functioning.
what are the three areas of impairments seen in Autism Spectrum Disorder?
social, language and behaviour problems
What are the social interaction problems ASD experience?
problems with joint attention
don't do pretend play (social imitation or symbolic play)
difficulty perceiving others emotions and perspectives
What are the communication problems ASD experience?
50% don't develop useful language
struggled with pragmatics and social language use
lots of mutism or deviant language use (echolalia, speed)
What are the patterns of behaviour seen in ASD?
lower level: repetitive motor movements
higher level: need for schedule and routine
What is a savant?
not as popular as media makes it same
but someone with unique strengths
What causes ASD?
not a single gene, but some genetic involved
risk increases with increasing maternal age during pregnancy and any bleeding after 1st trimester
brain damage involved
NOT vaccinations
How can ASD be treated?
early intervention is crucial
behavioural intervention (reward/punishment)
not a cure, but hoping to improve
true or false: One theory says that developmental disorders can arise when a stage in learning is disrupted.
True. Children learn in stages
e.g. Autism: no relationship with parents, later no communication
Define endophenotype:
specific traits that link to brain dysfunctions
What are the two areas of treatment in ADHD?
Biological: reduce impulsiviting/hyperactivity/increase attention
Social: academic performance, social skills, decrease disruptive behaviour
What is a major concern with giving medication to children with ADHD?
there is high risk of comorbidity with substance abuse disorders
What is a learning disorder?
substantially lower than expected based on IQ in a certain area of school (math, reading, writing)
true or false: Learning disability is the most common disability in children from StatsCan
What is stuttering?
interrupted flow of speech
treated with regulated breathing and speech therapy
What is expressive language disorder?
This affects more boys when they have a limited speech ability
What is selective mutism?
Often seen with autism and more so in girls
caused by anxiety
treat with reward method
What is TIC disorder?
involuntary motor movements
treat with self monitoring, relaxation, meds
true or false: Learning disorder research indicated a high role of genetic involved.
True. Brain abnormalities are also involved.
How can you treat learning disorders?
first assessment done by school psychologist
educational efforts:
- remediate basic processing of provlem
- improve cognitive skills
- give tools to compensate and advocate
In ASD, what are some biological theories of causes?
Theory of the amygdala: enlarged as a child then decreases in size
lower levels of social chemical, oxytocin
true or false: ASD children avoid first person pronouns.
True. This could indicate they have not developed adequate self awareness.
Define echolalia:
repeating words
thought to be a distinct sign of ASD but now acknowledged as normal stage in language development
How can severity of an intellectual disability be assessed?
can have an arbitrary IQ cut off (DSM IV)
can range from mild-moderate-severe-profound based on communication inability or basic self care)
or you can assess the levels of training that could be done
true or false: All intellectual disabilities have a clear genetic cause.
False. Another group can be called "cultural familial intellectual ability" to indicate the combination of causes. They go through the same developmental stages, just slower and wouldn't without the support they receive. More mild intellectual disability.