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32 Cards in this Set

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scientific study of behavior and mental processes (any observable/recordable action; and internal subjective experiences inferred from behaviors)
knowledge from expiernece
tabula rasa
john locke; mind at birth is a blank slate
the entire (whole) does not equal the sum of the parts
titchener; engagement of introspection to reactions and sensations; the elements and structures of the mind
william james; explain why we do what we do.... consider the evolved functions of thoughts and feelings
wundt; objective sensations andsubjective feelings to deduce
natural selection
adaptive values/evolution
biopsychosocial approach
approach combining the influences of biology psychology and social-culuturally
medical specialty related to the study and treatment of mental disorders
clinical psychology
asses/treat the mental, emotional and behavioral disorders of patients
francis galton
psychology studying eugenics; hereditary values
john locke
tabula rasa, empiricism psychologist
g stanley hall
set up the first psych labs int eh united states; president of the APA, began teh first amer psych journal
wilhelm wundt
father of psychology; introspection
edward titchner
structuralism psychologist
max wertheimer
gestalt psychologist
william james
wrote the first psych textbook; functionalism psychologist
charles darwibn
scientist of natural selection
mary calkins
first woman to earn her psych pHD
margaret floy washburn
first woman to recieve her phd in psychology
sigmund freud
father of psychoanalysis, personality theorist/therapist, the unconcscious mind; ionstincts->personal gratification dictate individual behaviors
john watson
psychologist establishing psychology as the science of behavior
B.F. Skinner
bevhavioral approach psychologist
carl rogers
humanist approach psychologist
psychoanalytic approach
theory states bheavior comes from unocnscious drives and conflicts
behavioral approach
theory states that we learn how to behave thru responses to behavior
evolutionary approach
theory/approach states natural selection promotes certain genes
humanist approach
theory/approach that emphasizes the ability and capacity for human growth/developments
cognitive approach
theory/approach that studies how we encode process store and retrieve information
sociocultural approach
approach/theory that states behavior and thinking differs due to situations and cultures
neurobiological approach
approach.theory that states that the body and brain physically develope emotions and memory and senseory experiences