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39 Cards in this Set

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Any stimulus that automatically produces a response
Unconditioned stimulus
The response made to the unconditioned stimulus
Unconditioned Response
An occurrence that currently does not produce a response when it is presented.
Neutral Stimulus
A previously neutral stimulus that has now been conditioned to produce a response.
Conditioned stimulus
The response made to the conditioned stimulus
Conditioned response
Classicial conditioning is a form of learning in which an _______ is formed between one stimulus and another.
Pavlov found that when researchers walked in with white lab coats on the dogs began to salivate even when there was no ____ present?
Occurs when the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented without the unconditioned stimulus.
Occurs when, after extinction, the condition stimulus is presented and the conditioned response reappears.
Spontaneous Recovery
Occurs when a stimulus, similar to the conditioned stimulus, elicits the conditioned response.
Has occurred when the conditioned response is made only to the conditioned stimulus and not to any other similar stimuli.
We have a tendency to repeat responses that give us pleasure and avoid situations that have unpleasant consequences.
Thorndike's Law of Effect
Conducted research on cats in cages and rats in mazes.. trial by error learning.
Thorndikes Law of Effect
Stimuli that are present before a behavior occurs, and they activate the learning process.
Simply the opposite of forward conditioning.
Backward conditioning
A form of learning in which the consequences of behavior are manipulated in order to increase or decrease the frequency of a response or to shape an entirely new response.
Operant Conditioning
Refers to any pleasant or desirable consequence that, if applied after a response, increases the probability of that response occurring again.
Example: rewarding a dog with food for sitting
Which type of reinforcement is this?
Positive reinforcement
refers to a behavior that is likely to occur again because it was followed by the termination of an aversive condition.
Example: confronting a coworker who is gossiping about you.
Which type of reinforcement is this?
Negative reinforcement
Is anything that follows a response that decreases the probability that the response will occur again.
Example: spanking a child for fighting with their sibling.
Which type of reinforcement is this?
Are those that fulfill a basic physical need for survival and do not depend on learning.
Which type of Reinforcers is this?
Are acquired or learned by association with other reinforcers..
Example: money
Which type of reinforcers is this?
Learned and self-given
Example: praise
Which type of reinforcers is this?
A pigeon pecking a key and getting grain after every 5th response.
Which schedule of reinforcement is this?
Fixed ratio
Checking for your newspaper in the morning and never knowing what time it will be delivered.
which schedule of reinforcement is this>
Variable interval
Setting a gold star in class for every 5 minutes you are quiet.
Which schedule of reinforcement is this?
Fixed interval
A students grade improves for every third class assignment turned in
which one?
Fixed ratio
A person looking for shooting stars at night and seeing them randomly?
Variable Interval
An author receives a 1$ royalty for every book that sells.
Fixed ratio
A student rewards himself with a break after every hour of studying
Fixed interval
Checking the oven to see if a cake is done, never knowing how much time it will take
Variable interval
Putting quarters in a slot machine and never knowing when you will get quarters back
Variable ratio
A softball player gets a hit every third time at bat
Fixed ratio
Buying state lottery tickets and sometimes winning
Variable ratio
For every week of packing computer components, a factory worker recieves a 15$ bonus.
Fixed interval
Going online and checking to see if the instructor has posted the assignment she said she would post.
Variable interval
Albert Bandura..
Results when people observe the behavior of others and note the consequences of that behavior, thereby repeating or avoiding it themselves.

Example: modeling a cooks behavior and improving upon it
Observational Learning
Videotaped a women aggressively beating a Bobo doll and saying "sock him in the nose!"
What did the children do after they saw this?
They imitated her aggressive behavior.
Wolfgang Kohler
Learning which arises in a new situation based on experience in prior unrelated situations.
Insight Learning
The "____" experience- is a mental process marked by the sudden and expected solution to a problem.
"ah ha"