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61 Cards in this Set

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Feerless Peer technique
watching someone else interact with the feared object -you see nothing is wrong....phobia treatment
minumum/maximum amount of sleep
min: 4 hrs.
max:7 1/2 to 8 hrs.
brain goes into sleep mode with its deprived of sleep, sometimes for only a few seconds or up to minute
What stages of sleep are necessary?
REM and 3&4 sleep
Stages 1
-light sleep, theta waves, replaying events of the day
Stage 2
breathing becoming more regular, less sensitive to external sounds, still theta waves,ocacsional bursts of activity=sleep spindles
Stages 3 & 4
delta waves, extremely hard to wake someone from 3&4, deepest sleep stage
REM (rapid eye movement)
brain activated, beta waves, dreams, heart and respiration vary greatly
Peter Tripp
late 60's, went without sleep for 10 days for a radio broadcast fundraiser
symptoms:irritable, dilusional, aggresive
Randy Gardener
wanted to break record for going longest without sleep, showed very mild symptoms
Tripp vs. Gardener
tripp drank lots of caffiene and probably on drugs contributed to bad symptoms, Gardener just stayed awake naturally so didnt have symptoms
consequences of sleep deprivation?
-animal tests show:skeletal, develop sores, and eventually die b.c. immune system shuts down
humans: become irritable, and less attentive, cannot think strategically
Familial Autosomnal Insomnia
genetic disorder when middle aged people in family stop sleeping and eventually die in 1 1/2 - 3 yrs. caused by prion
Gender Differences in sleep
Men sleep sounder then women
Men sleep better with a partner then women
Functions 3&4 sleep
growth hormones released:repairs muscles and helps children grow; brain tempurature regulation
Functions of REM sleep
1.memory consolidation:if you dont get REM sleep you will suffer at logical and conceptual tasks
2. Brain Development: required to make connections between nuerons
3.Prevents comas
4.Vigilance: we can monitor enviroment since not in such deep sleep (alarms, crying, etc)
Why do we dream? Fruedian Concept: Royal Road to Unconsious
Frued believed that all dreams were suppressed urges and desires that were socially unacceptable and that you expressed these urges through dreams sybollically
evidence to disprove:animals dream, people have undisquised sex in dreams, cannot be disproved
Why do we dream? Hobson and McCarley: Activation Synthesis
focuses on REM dreams,
evidence: brain imaging,and PGO spikes
manifest content
the plot of a dream, the way it is remembered
ex. hunter kills threatening bear in woods
latent content
what a dream symbolizes
ex:hunter=you, and bear=girlfriend
Night Terrors
-occurs in Stages 3&4
-common in children
-feel like a weight is on chest suffocating them, scream in sleep, cannot wake up
-occurs in stages 3&4
-more in boys then girls
-can be triggered by stress, alcohol use, caffiene, sleep deprivation
occurs in stages 3&4
SIDS: children cannot transition for stages 3&4 to REM, very dangerous because you can go into a coma or die
Sleep Apnea
occurs in 3&4 sleep
-inability to sleep and breath
-seen most often in men who are overweight and snore
-occurs in REM sleep
-cataplexy:sudden total lose of muscle tone
-go immediatly into REM sleep
REM without Atonia
-occurs in REM sleep
-act out dreams, inhibit area
-preventing movement is damaged
Memory Myth: Memory is like a video camera
FALSE: memory is not a literal record of what happened, it can be altered over time
Memory Myth: Memories are stored in one place
FALSE: different parts of memories are stored in different places in the brain, then we construct it
Memory Myth: Memories are unalterable
FALSE: it is easy to change distort, or to remember non-exsistant things
Memory Myth: Emotional Events are remembered with exceptional accuracy
FALSE: may be very inaccurate, just because it is vivid does not mean that it is real
Gender difference in Corpus Callosum
Larger and wider in women
Gender Difference in naming center (vocab)
-back of brain for men
-front of brain for women
Gender Difference in Hypothalamus:sexual preference
-larger in men than in women
-larger in straight men then in gay men
UCR: unconditioned response
response that does not have to be learned, such as a reflex=dog salvates when sees food
UCS: unconditioned stimulus
a stimulus that elicits a response without any prior learning ex:food which leads to salvation
CS: conditioned stimulus
a stimulus that elicits a response only after learning has taken place
ex: ringing the bell produced salvation after learning
CR: conditioned response
a response that has been learned
ex: dog salvates at sound of bell
process of getting rid of a conditioned response
ex:present bell and dont follow with food, dog stops salvating
show a similar response to stimuli that closely resembles CS
ex: sound of bell is a different pitch, dog still salvates, but farther away pitch gets, less salvation
dont show the same response to a stimuli that is siffieciently different from CS
Spontaneous Recovery
reoccurance of the CR following extinction
characteristics of CR
latency:CR occurs later then UCR
Amplitude:CR is smaller then UCR
Form: CR can be same as UCR or opposite
Little Albert
Rat:initially nuetral
-rat then paired with scary, loud noise
-created a phobia of rat
CS: rat
UCS: loud noise
CR:fear of rat
Clive Wearing
-lost ALL memory and cannot form new memories
-5 second memory span
-only recognized his wife
H.M. Case Study
-he was hit by a car and doctors thought they could remove hippocempi to make his epilepcy better
-siezures improved, but he couldnt form new memories
-remembered his past life
-remembers one new thing :watergate
Antergrade Amnesia
failure to form new long term memories
-H.M. and Clive Wearing
Retreograde Amnesia
failure to remember past memories
-ONLY Clive Wearing
Explicit Memory:Episodic and Semantic
memory that you have conscious awareness
1.Episodic:memory for ones personal past experiances
-Clive Wearing lost all episodic memory(except for wife) and H.M. remembered his past
2.Semantic:knowledge of trivial or important facts
Implicit Memory: Procedural and Priming
memory w/out conscious awareness of
ex:pin prick=no shake hand
1. Procedural: classical conditioning (Dwight example)
ex: mirror drawing task for H.m>
2. Priming: subliminal messages, give H.M. a list of words, 20 min. later have him fill in the blanks and he would remember words unconsciously
advirtising strategies
ex: hear a song and relate it to a TV show
ex: sexy girl+car=car sells because of relationship in head between sex and car
girl=UCS, car=CS
Which is more effective reinforcement or punishment
positive reinforcement
giving a person a pleasent stimulus
ex: money for good grades
negative reinforcement
take away an unpleaseant stimulus
ex: if you clean room you wont be grounded anymore
positive/presentation punishment
give an unpleasant stimulus
ex: squirt cat with water so wont jump on table
negative/removal punishment
take away a pleasant or valuable stimulus
ex:bad grades = no car
Bandura and Bobo Doll experiment
-if a child saw an adult walk into a room and punch a Bobo doll they were more likely to do it
-if adult did same thing and was rewarded even more children punched Bobo doll
-if adult did same thing but was punished, less to none punched Bobo doll
Vicarious punishment
kids behavior is increased/decreased by watching someone else get punished/rewarded
systematic desensitivation
-phobia treatment
-patients are taught to relax their muscles and think about feared object, then after a while are presented with feared object in their relaxed state...think that the fear can be replaced by a new CR: relaxation
applications of classical conditioning
used to create or treate phobias
stimulus that is presented after a response, increased the likelihood that the response will be repeated.
reiforcing behavior that is increasingly similar to desired behavior
ex:teaching a dog to roll over you reward it for anything close to rolling over