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32 Cards in this Set

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What's the definition of the term Sex?

A biological term that tells us whether the individual is male or female

A _______ term.....

What's the definition of the term Gender?

A psychological term that tells us whether the individual is masculine, feminine or androgynous

A _______ term...

What's the definition of the term Masculinity?

A gender term associated with male traits/ roles

A gender term...

What's the definition of the term Femininity?

A gender term associated with female traits/roles

A gender term...

What's the definition of the term Androgyny?

A type of gender where an individual shows high levels of both masculine and feminine traits

High levels of both...

When does the Biological Approach suggest that an individual's gender is decided?

At conception

What's the role of Chromosomes?

A pair of chromosomes decides whether a foetus will be male or female

Decides whether a foetus will be...

What's the Chromosome pair associated with Females?


What's the Chromosome pair associated with Males?


What are Gonads?

Sexual Organs

E.g~ Ovaries & Testes

When do the chromosomes have an effect on the Development of the Gonads?

6 weeks

What's the name of the Male Hormone?


Sounds like Testes

What's the name of the Female Hormone?


Sounds like ovaries

How can Evolution explain sex differences in human behaviour?

-Females are naturally more caring and sensitive as they carry and then raise the young. They need to be better equipped to deal with needy babies

-Males are more aggressive and competitive because they have to fight for resources to provide for their partner and children.

Qualities? Roles?

What are the Three Criticisms of the Biological Approach?

-The Biological Approach ignores the idea that gender roles are learnt

-If all men are biologically similar and all women are biologically similar, why do the two sexes show such a range of behaviours?

-Biology is relatively fixed, yet gender roles can change


Range of Behaviour


What's meant by the Oedipus Complex?

A conflict that occurs when boys unconsciously desire their mother but fear their father finding out

Boys ---> Mother

What's meant by the Electra Complex?

A conflict that occurs when girls unconsciously desire their father but fear losing their mother's love

Girls ---> Father

What's Castration Anxiety?

Boys are afraid their fathers will find out about their desire for their mother and cut off their penis

They hide their penis...

What's Penis Envy?

Girls desire their father because they desire a penis

Dream of being in a big tower...

How does the Psychodynamic Approach explain Gender Development?

In order to solve both the Oedipus and Electra Complex, girls and boys identify with their same sex parent and develop either a feminine or masculine identity


What's the Procedure of Diamond & Sigmundson's study?

-It was a case study

-An 8 month old boy, Bruce, had a routine circumcision and accidentally had his penis burnt off

-Dr. Money recommended that Bruce's parents should raise him as a girl

-Bruce's parents agreed and at 17 months, his testes were removed and his name was changed to Brenda

-He was given a doll to play with and they dressed him in feminine clothes

-Brenda and her brother were frequently interviewed and observed

What are the Results of Diamond & Sigmundson's study?

-Money reported that Brenda adapted to her new gender role well

-However, when Brenda reached puberty she started to develop a masculine identity

-She preferred more masculine activities and wanted to 'hang out' with her brother

-At 13, Brenda's parents told her the truth

-Brenda was relieved and decided to live the rest of her life as a man

What was the Conclusion of Diamond & Sigmundson's study?

Gender is more of a product of nature rather than nurture

What are the Three Methodological Limitations of the study?

-Case studies rely on small samples, so it's hard to generalise to the rest of the population

-Case studies are based on naturally occurring situations so it's impossible to control key variables

-Case studies are thorough investigations, so researchers may become too involved in what they're studying and might become objective

-Too small

-Key variables


What Real Life Situations can research into Sex & Gender be Applied?


What's meant by the term Gender Gap?

The gap between male and female achievement

Who's achieving higher in Schools?


What are Boys naturally better at in school?

Maths, PE and Geography

What are Girls naturally better at in school?

English and Languages

What's Positive Discrimination?

Treating boys and girls differently in schools to try and close the gender gap

How can positive discrimination be used with Girls in schools?

Female students may need more instructions for map reading skills in Geography and more assistance in problem solving for Maths

How can positive discrimination be used with Boys in schools?

Male students may need more help with their literacy and reading skills