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40 Cards in this Set

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What is the psychoanalytic model?
assumes that abnormal behavior comes from childhood conflict
psychoanalytic and psychodynamic are the same. kids play with dynamite.
What is the behavioral model?
abnormal behavior is a learned response
What is the cognitive model?
assumes abnormal behavior comes from cognition (thoughts and feelings)
pre-cogs experience thoughts and feelings
What is the medical model?
suggests that psychological causes are not the root of abnormal behavior
the root of weird behavior is not caused by what?
What is the humanistic model?
emphasizes people's control and responsibility for their own behavior
people have be responsible and they have to have control
What is the sociocultural model?
assumes that abnormal behavior is shaped through family, society, and culture
socio- = society
-cultural = culture
sociocultural = society and culture
Rosenhan Study
Rosenhan and 7 others acted 'abnormal' and went to get admitted into a hospital. When they were admitted, the started acting 'normal' and were still labeled 'severely abnormal'
Way to classify abnormal behavior; universal classification system; 4 of the major categories: anxiety disorder, dissociative disorder, schizophrenia, and substance disorder, and more
DSM-IV can stand for 'disorder; system; manipulation 4'
Pros/Cons for DSM-IV
Pros: descriptive and doesn't show the cause
Cons: labels people
Pros: descriptive; no suggestions of cause; shows what behavior is manifested

Cons: relies a lot on medical model; label someone abnormal which is bad for self-esteem and hinders them in life
Anxiety Disorders
Getting VERY anxious for no external reason
Psychological problem where anxiety occurs without external justification
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Long term and consistent fear/anxiety without knowing what or why
Long-term, consistent anxiety without knowing why; afraid of something but doesn't know what
Panic Disorder
Someone who has panic attacks, which last from seconds to hours
Phobic Disorder
Intense, irrational fear of something
Thought or idea that keeps recurring in someone's mind
The need to carry out an action that even they may feel is strange and unreasonable
Urge to repeatedly carry out an action that seems strange and unreasonable even to them
O.C.D. (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
Someone with obsessions (can't stop thinking about something) and compulsions (actions that they feel have to be carried out)
What is psychogenic amnesia?
Can't remember past experiences but the experiences are still stored in the memory (the person just can't remember them)
Failure to remember the past; the past is simply forgotten but not gone; past experiences are still in the memory
What is psychogenic fugue?
FORM OF AMNESIA; someone goes on a trip, changes their identity, and one day does not remember the trip at all
A form of amnesia where people oftentimes take a trip and assume a new identity and after a period of time, they realize that they are in a strange place and they have completely forgotten they were wandering
What is dissociative identity disorder?
Someone who shows two or more identities or personalities (multiple personality)
What is a dissociative disorder?
Psychological problems characterized by some sort of personality split (amnesia, personality disorder, etc)
Psychological dysfunctions characterized by the splitting apart of critical personality facets that are normally integrated, allowing stress avoidance by escape
What is a somatoform disorder?
Psychological-and-physical-connected difficulties
Psychological difficulties that take on a physical form of one sort or another
What is hypochondria?
Constant fear of illness; they feel (nonexistent) pain
Constant fear of illness; they experience pain and physical problems that don't actually exist
What is a conversion disorder?
PSYCHOLOGICAL inability to use a sensory organ (blindness, complete numbness in a body part, etc)
What is a sociopath?
Someone with no morals, ethics, feels no remorse; very impulsive and manipulative; CANNOT UNDERSTAND FRUSTRATION
What is narcissistic personality disorder?
Someone who thinks highly of themselves; expects special treatment; lacks empathy
What is disorganized schizophrenia?
Disorganized speech; silly; strange obsene behavior
What is residual schizophrenia?
Minor signs of schizophrenia after a more serious episode
What are the two courses schizophrenia can take?
Progressive (schizophrenia that starts early and subtly) and Reactive (sudden and obvious/dramatic)
What is bipolar disorder?
Either up or down; has the euphoria of mania and major depression
What are the general characteristics of schizophrenia?
Social withdrawal; disturbances in speech; *DELUSIONS*; *PERCEPTUAL DISORDERS* emotional disturbances
What is learned helplessness?
Someone who can't escape/avoid stress, causing depression
What is paranoid schizophrenia?
Delusions and hallucinations of greatness; erratic and unpredictable behavior
What is major depression?
Feeling of sadness so severe that it affects normal/daily life, decision making, sociability
What is affective disorder?
Disturbances in emotions severe enough to interfere with everyday life
What is schizophrenia?
Loss of grip on reality
What is undifferential schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia with symptions that fit into various major schizophrenia types; 'other'
What is lithium?
Treatment for bipolar disorder
What is catatonic schizophrenia?
Major muscle and movement disturbances
What is a personality disorder?
Someone who has an inflexible, maladaptive personality; cannot function in a normal society
What is mania?
Someone who has a LONG sense of eurphoria; always happy; think that they are invulnerable/superman