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23 Cards in this Set

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Unconditioned Stimulus
Stimulus that produces a reflexive response without prior learning
Unconditioned Response
Unlearned, automatic response to a stimulus
Conditioned Stimulus
A stimulus that, through learning, causes a conditioned response
Conditioned Response
A response that has been learned
Stimulus Generalization
Organism learns to respond to stimuli that were not present during conditioning but are similar to the CS
A conditioned response is weakened by presentation of the CS without the UCS
Spontaneous recovery
CR reoccurs when paired again with the UCS
Factors affecting classical conditioning
Interstimulus interval ,Learning History, Preparedness to learn
Operant Conditioning
Learning to act on the environment in order to produce a consequence
Law of effect
The tendency of an organism to produce a behavior depends on the effect the behavior has
Classical Conditioning vs Operant Conditioning
Classical - Stimulus Triggers a response
Operant - Behavior produces a response that will dictate further behavior
Characteristics of effective punishment
Clear, Explaination, alternative behavoir rewarded
Fixed Interval
Reinforcement for responses after a fixed amount of time PAYCHECKS
Variable Interval
Reinforcement after a variable amount of time AUDIT AND POP QUIZES
Discriminative Stimuli
A stimulus which signals that reinforcing situation is in effect
Teaching new, complex behaviors, by reinforcing closer and closer approximations of the target response
Teaching complex behaviors by reinforcing sequences of behaviors step by step
Latent learning
Learning that has occurred but is not currently manifested in behavior
The sudden ability to perceive a connection between a problem and a solution
Internal locus of control
= Individuals who believe they control their own fate
External locus of control
Individuals who believe life is determined by forces outside themselves
Vicarious Conditioning
Learning by observing the consequences of a behavior for someone else
Learning from verbal explanation & instruction