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34 Cards in this Set

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what is personality?
the "unique constellation of consistent behavioral traits." what a pretty definition! remember this!!!!
what is personality all about? (what do the traits have to be to be considered part of a personality?)
what is distinctiveness?
every one person has a unique combination of traits. this is distinctiveness
what are traits of neuroticism?
anxiety, self conscious, insecure, more likely to divorce
what does the psychodynamic theory focus on and who did it descend from?
unconscious mental forces / freud
what is the psychoanalytical behavior the outcome of?
unconscious conflicts and motives, early childhood experience, and coping methods for sexual and aggressive urges .... mmmmm
what are two basic biological drives?
sex and aggression. ;)
what are freud's 3 levels of awareness?
the conscious (above the surface), preconscious (right under the surface), and the unconscious (well below surface - think ice berg!)
which level of awareness exerts greatest influence on behavior?
the unconscious!
what does the ego operate according to? and where is it located (iceberg)
reality principle / partly above the surface, but mostly below
what is the ID, and where is it located (iceberg)
its the primitive instinctive - operates according to the pleasure principle and primary process thinking / located near the unconscious (well below the surface)
what is the super ego?
the referee that says what is right and wrong
what are the psychosexual stages and who's it by? see if you can list them!
developmental periods with a characteristic sexual focus and adult personality / Freud / oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genitals
Oral psychosexual stage - give me the age, erotic focus, and fixation!
0-1 / mouth / sucking or biting
anal psychosexual stage - give me the age, erotic focus, and fixation!
2-3 / anus / expelling or retaining feces
phallic psychosexual stage - give me the age, erotic focus, and fixation! also, what complex is this stage associated with?
4-5 / genitals / masturbation (also associate this stage with the oedipal complex (identifying with adult role models)
latency psychosexual stage - give me the age, erotic focus, and fixation!
6-12 / none (sexually repressed) / expanding social contacts
genital psychosexual stage - give me the age, erotic focus, and fixation!
puberty onward / genitals (being sexually intimate) / establishing intimate relationships - contributing to society through working
what are defense mechanisms?
unconscious reactions that protect a person from unpleasant emotions
repression - defense mechanism - what happens here?
bury distressing thoughts in the unconscious (a fire from childhood!)
projection - defense mechanism - what happens here?
attributing your own thoughts to someone else, while repressing your own (gossip!)
reaction formation - defense mechanism - what happens here?
behaving in a way opposite of your true feelings (church people going out of their way to be nice, when they really don't like those people they talk to... lol)
regression - defense mechanism - what happens here?
reverting back to immature patterns of behavior (temper tantrums)
rationalization - defense mechanism - what happens here?
create false but plausible excuse to justify an unacceptable abuse (student watches tv instead of studying, saying that "additional study wouldn't do any good anyway." that was the example from my book. sounds like someone i know :) )
denial - defense mechanism - what happens here?
refuse to admit reality or emotions
what are the layers of the analytical stage? (2)
1. personal unconscious 2. collective unconscious
what is the collective unconscious?
latent memory traces inherited from ancestral past
what are archetypes?
emotionally charged images or thought forms with universal meaning
who was the first person to suggest introversion and extroversion?
adler's belief in striving for superiority - what is this?
the universal drive to adapt, improve oneself, and master life’s challenges (because unconsciously, they believe they are inferior)
1. Short fiction that *illustrates a moral lesson * through the use of allegory *
2. A short allegorical story:
* designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson
adler's belief in the inferiority complex - what's this?!
excessive feelings of feelings of inadequacy, caused by parents either pampering or neglecting
adler's belief in overcompensation - what is this?
to hide the inferiority from yourself
who was the first to suggest birth order?