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15 Cards in this Set

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A Mental Disorder

A mental disorder is a group of emotional (feelings), cognitive (thinking), or behavioral symptoms that cause distress or significant problems.
Abnormal Psychology
Abnormal psychology is the scientific study of troublesome feelings, thoughts, and behaviors associated with mental disorders.
Criteria for Abnormality
1) Deviance from the norm
2) difficulties adapting to life's demands
3) experience of personal distress

Deviance from the Norm

Less frequent or less probable behaviors are considered to be abnormal or statistically deviant (Note that really low and extremely high scores are considered abnormal)
Maladaptive Behavior
A maladaptive behavior is one that interferes with a person's life, including ability to care for oneself, have good relationships with others, and function well at school or at work

Dimensions Underlying Mental Disorders Are Relevant to Everyone

Emotions, thoughts, and behaviors associated with mental disorders are present, to some degree, in all of us
Deviance from the Norm
Advantages: We use our own judgment or gut feeling
Once statistical or objective cutoff scores are established they are easy to apply

Limitations: Different cultures have different ideas about what normal behavior is.
"Statistically deviant" behaviors may be vauled (ex. intelligence). Arbitrary cutoffs (e.g., is a score of 80 much different from a score of 81?)

Difficulty adapting to life's demands

Advantages: Typically easy to observe if someone is having difficulty.
Often prompts people to seek psychological treatment.

Limitations: Unclear who determines impairment or whether a consensus about impairment is required. Thresholds for impairment not always clear.
Experience of personal distress
Advantages: Hallmark of many forms of mental disorders. Individuals may be able to accurately report this.

Limitations: Some psychological problems are not associated with distress. Thresholds or cutoffs for distress are not always clear.
The behavior was viewed spiritually, so the primary form of treatment was exorcism, or an attempt to cast out a spirit possessing an individual.
Involved cutting a hole in a person's skull to help release a harmful spirit
Hippocrates recommended treatments for abnormal behavior that would restore brain functioning, including special diets, rest, abstinence from alcohol, regular exercise, and celibacy.
Individuals became victims of a tarantula's "spirit" after being bitten
this is a belief that a person has been transformed into a demonic animal such as a werewolf
Aslyums were places set aside for people with mental disorders