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89 Cards in this Set

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behavior and mental processes
three basice types
three basice types
descriptive, experimental, correlational
naturalist observation
everything is natural
you do nothing to them, they are in their enivorment doing their own thing
case study
study that individual as much as you can
detail on one person, not doing anything to that person
describes a population that you studying
is what your studying
a group of people from the population,
because population is takes up time u have to pull out a ______ out of the population
representive sample
every member from the population have to be the same.
if half is black of one group is black then the other half of the group has to black
correlation research
take two measurments of the subjects
not change anything and you put the two measurment in a formula to see how closely they are related.
always occor between a plus one and minus one
strong relation ship
closer to a +1 or -1
closer the number is to a zero
weak coorlation
means no coorlation
postive coorelatin
both go in the sam e dirrection
the more you study for the finial exam the more point you will have on the test the opposite if you dont study
negitive coorlation
oppistie correlation, one goes up the other goes down
more you drink the less your able to drive
why something happens
correlatin can not tell you why.
experiment group
you have two groups you do something special to one group but not the other
you do
radaom assigned
one group expermimental and one control
experminmental group
you do something to them
like the rat will have a needle in the back for cocaine
control group
they are natural you dont do nothing to them
have to have a guess before you start a experment.
indepent varible
measurment on the experiment drug
dependent varible
the measurment you take on everybody
placebo effect
subject expectation disort the octcome of the experiment
75 % of the people took the drup there stomach felt beter. 45% was given the sugar pill they also said there stomach felt beter becase they knew they took a pill that made them feel better
fake pill in the control goup
double blind method
experimental can cause changes that are not suppost to occur
sometime the experimenter is ignogrant to the contol and experimental group
basic building block of the nervous system
three types of the neurons
cell body, dendrites, axon
send informatin
long arm
action potential
electical charge travels down the axon to the cell body
one neuron communitcates from another neuron
empty space
nureon transimmtier
nureon transimmtier
store in the axxon
memory learning
moves mm
in your brain
move your body, not haveing enough give you parkinson diease, to much dopamine gives schizophrenia,
pain relief, pleasure, drug addiction
endo means internal
memormy and learning mood disorder stress
allows you any motion sleep, hunger, control over emotion
recyeled of the neuron transmitter by the axxon terminal
reused after the synapse do not used them
electo on your scalp
meausure your elctro activity on your brain
exray of your brain
measure brain damage, quick can be dagerous
use magnitic radio ways
much more detail than cat scan and safe
show the what part of the brain is working look at brain funtion
PET scan
similar to the fMRI shows but produses gluclose look at brain funtion
central Nervous system
right down your spinal cord
periphearal nervorus system
outside your spinal cord
broken down number of braches
two parts of the periphearal nervorus system
somatic and autonomatic
internal organs
Two parts of the autonomic
sympathetic, parasympathetic
stress, the accerate of your body
speeds you up
slow you down dont run out of energy
keeps your heart going
reticular fomation
stretches from the medulla to your brain
allow you pay attention
corridnate your brain you can
maintain your balance, reflexes are stored in your cerebella
cerebal cortex
outter covering
thinking, language, memory
frontal lobe
include the moter cortex
voluntary movement, movement of the mouth and tounge
limbic system
three parts that are inter connect
hippo campuis (limbic system)
amyadala(limbic system)
hypothalamus(limbic system)
bylogical motivation,
sex drive, hunger, thirst
left hemi
control the right side of the body
lanaguage, math and science, logical thinking
right hemi
control the left side
non verbal communcation, better at reading emotion, art and musical, space reading, direction, end relastic
corpus callosum
that combine the t and the left hemi
pituitary gland
master gland
tell everyone what to do send messages
tell the pituitary gland what to do
remolde itself neurons can grow new dyndrites to take ove the NS
plastic can be melted and remolded into something else
lasting change in the behavior of knowledge due to experience
do something in 30sec you will not be able to do it again
three learning
classiscal conditioning, operant, cognitive
cclassical condition
food made a dog that drip spit, but a bell did not. so he rang a bell than waited a second gave the dog food and drip spit after that did that several time then the dog drip spit to the bell because that meant food
take two stimil
unconditional learning
dont have to learn
uncondition response in Talbo experment was the spit
condition stimil
producing condition stimius to a condition response
same response to something that is similar
anything with white hair made little albert afraid
diferent response,
one dog bit you and that is the only dog you are afraid of
operant conditioning
learning from the consequence of your behavior
get what you want you will do it again, if you dont get what you want nothing at all happens
token economy
removing the stimuls
observational learning
copy behaivor
died out, classical condintion when you present the condition by it self you will get a disapperance of behavior
dies out
spontanus recover
when the you put the dog back into it old evoriment give the dog a rest and you ring the bell and the old response comes back
anything that stregthen behavior (skinner)
something that weaken a behavior
breaking it down, one step at a time
skinner box
put a animal and you provide it number ways for it to get food and ect.
postive and negitive
strethens behavior, means rithmetic
you get something, you do it more,
you get smile at you and you smile back
taking somehting away
head ace you take a pill to get rid of the ace.
stop a behavior,punshiment can lead to fear and fear can lead to escape
make sure the punshiment that fit the crime
behavior modification
using operant condition to change a behavior
observation learning
learning without reinforcement
modeling, rosie competion isw what i learn for my competion