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39 Cards in this Set

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Stress refers to the ________ usually created by a threat, a situation, circumstance, or event that threatens the individual.
Emotional arousal created by enviromental change
Emotional Enviroment
In Navaho Indian cultures illness was thought to result from ____ in one's life.
you know this!
A state in which 2 or more motives cannot be satisfied because they interfere with each other.
Your so stupid if you dont know this.
What are the four types of conflicts?
Approach Approach (+,+)
Avoidance Avoidance (-,-)
Approach Avoidance (+,-)
Double Approach Avoidance (+,-) (-,+)
Plus and minus.
Selye proposed the _______ to account for the basic pattern of physical response.
General Adaptation Syndrome
Alarm > Resistance > Exhaustion...what are these three patterns of?
G.A.S. The three patterns of bodily responses to stress.
I am soo stressed out!
What are five factors that influence stress?
1. Prior Experience
2. Age & Developmental Level
3. Predictablity
4. Degree of Control
5. Amount of Social Support
What are two effective ways to deal with stress?
1. Deal with the source of the stress. 2. control one's reaction to stress.
Attempts to deal with the source of stress or to control one's reactions to it, or both.
Return to an earlier stage of life.
Transferring of ideas.
Channeling of primitive impulses into positive, constructive efforts.
Making sense of everything that goes wroing even when it doesn't make sense.
Unique qualities and distinctive behavior patterns of an inidividual across time and situation.
Defined by Zimbardo.
"_" functions at an unconcious level. Latin for I, Me, Mine
Seek pleasure and avoid pain.
Pleasure Principle
Primary responsibility is to contorl the id. Rational, realistic, best for self.
What are the five stages of a persons life?
Oral Stage
Anal Stage
Phallic Stage
Latency Stage
Genital Stage
At this stage, children become aware of their genitals, and begin to touch and explore.
Phallic Stage
*As defined by Carl Jung.
Extroversion:Open and Friendly
Introversion:Shy, Focus of Attention on Self
______ unconciousness contains motives that have been represed for various reason.
_______ unconcious contains the general kinds of information common to us.
According to _____, dealing with feelings of inferiority is the key to proper development.
Karen Horney believed that anxious ___ causes developmental problems.
_____ are formed through learning.
The power to produce change or to control what is happening in one's life.
_______ Psychology believes in the basic good of people and all people possess an internal force that leads them to grow and improve.
Carl Rogers referred to "___" as a person's assessment of his or her own skills, behavior, and personality.
______ Error is when you think someone is clumsy because he falls and drops his books.
Fundamental Attribution
Unrealistic fear of particular things, places, or situations.
Person is tense and anxious all the time, but are unaware of the source.
Generalized Personality Disorder
Pattern of anxiety with long periods of excessive calm borken by intensely uncomfortable anxiety attacks.
Panic Disorders
Intense and persistant feelings of anxiety and helplessness following a distressing event that exceeds the range of normal human experience.
Post-Traumatic Disorder
A seperation of mental processes such as thoughts, emotions, identity, memory, or consciousness.
Dissociative Disorder
Individual experiences the symptoms of physical health problems that have psychological rather than physical causes.
Somatoform Disorders
Person shows little or no concern over their problem when a normal person would be extremely upset.
LaBelle Indifference
Persistant belief that one has a medical disorder despite lack of medical findings.
Disturubances in expressed emotions, generally involving depression or elation.
Mood Disorders.
Disturbances in thoughts manifested through verbal and other behavior.