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152 Cards in this Set

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A developmentalist studying how memory changes over the lifespan specializes in

Cognitive development

Your family, friends and classmates are part of your


The behaviour patterns, beliefs, and all other products of a group that are passed on from generation to generation


A researcher studies how people born during the 1920's compare to people born during the 1940's with regard to political participation. The groups are called:


During the 30th week of Joan's pregnancy, she was exposed to rubella. Even though she lacked immunities for the virus, it will not affect her developing baby. This exemplifies:

A critical period

The number of years that have elapsed since birth is known as

Chronological age

According to Freud, what personality structure is present at birth and operates the pleasure principle


How many stages are in Erickson's human development


At age 39, Jan constantly has something in her mouth. According to Freud Jan is fixated at

The oral stage

Erik Erikson's psychological stages of development focus on

Conflicts throughout the lifespan

Emily is 12 months, according to Freud, what psychological stage of development is she experiencing


Theorist not associated with behavioral theory

Jean Piaget

Haley is likely to practice her violin if she receives praise from her instructor. His praise is called


Operant conditioning was introduced by

B.F. Skinner

Critics of the evolutionary perspective say that it does not focus enough on

Social and environmental factors

The strength and direction of a relationship between two factors is represented by a mathematical score called a

Correlation coefficient

Best describes the role of a dependent variable

It is the variable that the researchers measure

Human life begins with a single fertilized cell. What is the first cell called


A cell replication process in which cells divide and duplicate themselves exactly is called


Chromosomal pair that determines the sex


When a pregnancy results from the fertilization of 2 separate sperm the twins are


What is the genetic makeup of a given individual


Under what genetic circumstances can a child inherit PKU

If both parents carry the recessive gene

What disorder is the most frequent cause of mental retardation

Down syndrome

Genetic counselors typically

Work with couples prior to conception

What test involves the most risk the the fetus

Chorionic villus sampling

The prenatal period of development that begins 2 months after conception and last for 7 month on average

Embryonic stage

What is the first stage a prenatal development


Term used for newborns


A caregiver who provides continuous physical, emotional and educational support for the mother before, during and after childbirth


Perfect apgar score


Thick, greasy substance on newborn


Minutes after birth, Patty and Rob and their infant son began forming a relationship this is called


Physician who specialises in delivering babies


Main factor used to determine the degree of risk faced by preterm babies

Child's birth weight

When baby is born feet first

Breech birth

Test given 24-36 hours after birth to assess newborns, neurological development, reflexes, and reactions

Bragelton neonatal behavioural assessment

A low birth weight infant weighs less than

5 1/2 LB

A way of holding a preterm infant so there is skin to skin contact

Kangaroo care

Women who have strong feelings of sadness, anxiety or despair for at least a two week period after the post partum period suffer from

Post partum depression

Principle states that growth follows a pattern that begins with the head and upper body


Principle that states different body systems grow at different rates

Independence of systems

Basic nerve cells of the nervous system


A specific, limited time span during which the organism is particularly susceptible to environmental influences related to some facet of development is known as

Sensitive period

How long do newborns sleep on a daily basis

16-17 hours

An unlearned, organized, involuntary response to stimulus



Weight is greater than 20% above the average for a given height

The active process of interpreting sensory information


According to Jean Piaget infants acquire knowledge from

Direct motor behavior

When an infant realizes something out of sight is not gone forever

Object permanence

Approach that compares cognitive development to a computer

Information processing approach

Process by which information is initially recorded, stored, and retrieved


Two areas Bayley scales focus on

Mental and motor skills

A child's understanding of the spoken or written word is called

Linguistic comprehension

First words generally are spoken somewhere near the age of

10 to 14 months

Theory that language acquisition follows the basic laws of reinforcement and conditioning

Learning theory

When infants display distress because their usual caregiver departs

Separation anxiety

The intentional search for information to help explain the meaning of uncertain circumstances and events

Social referencing

Children's knowledge and beliefs about the mental world is

Theory of mind

Positive emotional bond that develops between a child and a particular individual


Harry Harlow classic study with cloth and wire monkeys illustrate that

Food alone is insufficient to bring about attachment

What is Fred most likely to spend time doing with his newborn daughter

Play with her

The sum total of the enduring characteristics that differentiate one individual from another


Erik Erikson's trust versus mistrust stage extends from

Birth to 18 months

Preschool years are defined as the years between

3 and 6

Preschoolers are most at risk for


The process​ in which certain functions are located more in one hemisphere of the brain than the other is


What is Jean Piaget second stage of intellectual development

Preoperational period

Concentrating on one limited aspect of a stimulus and ignoring other aspects


If you try to recall your earliest memory it is most likely to be

An event that occurred after the age of 3

Who proposed the zone of proximal development

Lew Vygotsky

The way in which an individual combines words and phrases to form sentences is


Set of beliefs about ourselves as individuals is called

Self concept

Children in Western cultures are most likely to develop an independent view of the self which reflects

Individualistic orientation

The fact that the corpus callosum is proportionally longer in women than in men has been suggested as evidence that gender differences may be produced

Biological factors

According to Freud, girls identify with their mothers in order to resolve their

Penis envy

Play that involves doing something for the sake of being active, rather than with the aim of creating some end product


Parents who provide las and inconsistent feedback are


Child abuse occurs most frequently in

Families living in stressful environment

The understanding of what another individual feels is called


Middle childhood extends from

6 to 12 years

Between the ages of 6 to 8 increased myelin in the brain is reflected in

Improved motor skills

Heath problem of middle school that has increased in incidence in the last several decades


Ron remains stuck in the early stages of reading, making errors such as confusing letters b and d what learning disability does he have


According to Piaget, what period of cognitive development occurs between 7 and 12 years of age, and is characterised by the active and appropriate use of logic

Concrete operational stage

All of the following processes are necessary for a child to remember a piece of information except


Rules governing the use of language to communicate in a social context are


An intelligence test score showing the age groups with which a child's performance most closely compares is

The mental age

Who compared intelligence to information processing

Robert Sternberg

Goal of mainstreaming

End segregation by intelligence

Desire to evaluate one's own behaviour, abilities, expertise and opinions by comparing them to those of others

Social comparison

Your ability to see yourself as someone with specific positive and negative characteristics

Self esteem

Which of Lawrence Kohlberg's level of morality do people follow unvarying rules based on rewards and punishment


In early adulthood, the human senses

Are as sharp as they will ever be

Senescence is

Biological aging

A condition that substantially limits a major life activity is called a


What is the most frequent cause of death for young adult African Americans


Law that mandates full access to public establishments

American with Disabilities Act

The response to events that threaten or challenge us is called


The effort to control, reduce, or learn to tolerate the threats that lead to stress is known as


According to K. Warner Schaie young adults enter the

Achieving stage

Intelligence that is learned primarily by observing others and modelling their behaviour

Practical intelligence

Average age of community college students


Psychological timepiece that records the major milestones in a person's life

Social clock

Erik Erikson's stages of development characterizes the crucial issued for young adults

Intimacy versus isolation

Strong affection that we have for those whom our lives are deeply involved, such as our parents

Companionate love

What kind of love has intimacy, passion, and commitment

Passionate love

Tendency to marry someone who is similar in age, race, education, religion and other basic demographic characteristics


Whose theory of career choice emphasises how an individual's​ personality affects decisions about a career

John Holland

Individuals who would value good clerks, secretaries, and bank tells fit into what personality type described by John Holland


The evaluation of a role or person by other relevant members of a group or society is


Notion that work is important in and of itself is known as the

Puritan work ethic

Status associated with particular jobs affects people's satisfaction with their work. The higher the status of the job

The more satisfied people tend to be

Middle adulthood extends from ages


What disease is associated with the loss of bone mass


A condition where pressure in the fluid of the eye increases, either because the fluid cannot drain properly, or because too much fluid is produced


What is the female climacteric

Period of transition from being able to bear children to being unable

Estrogen replacement therapy is administered to alleviate the worst of symptoms in

Menopausal women

Most common disease middle age men die from

Heart disease

Josh is competitive, impatient, and tends to get frustrated easily and be hostile with others​ he has behaviour pattern

Type A

Information processing capabilities reasoning and memory are part of

fluid intelligence

The process by which people concentrate on particular skill areas to compensate for losses in other areas is called

Selective optimization

Type of memory is stored on a relatively permanent basis

Long term memory

Middle adulthood corresponds with Erik Erikson's stage of


What approach suggests that the timing of particular events in an adults life, rather than age per se determines the course of personality development

Normative crisis model

During Daniel Levinson's midlife transition, people confront the knowledge that

They will be unable to accomplish all of their aims before they die

According to Daniel Levinson

Females have more conflict between goals of career and family

For many couples, marital satisfaction begins to decline after the wedding and it continues to fall until it reaches its lowest point following the

births of the couple's children

Divorce rate for second marriages

Slightly higher than for first marriages

Young adults who return, after leaving home for some period, to live in the homes of their middle age parents

Boomerang children

What grandparenting style is most actively engaged in grandparenting


During what stage of marital aggression does physical abuse actually occur

Acute battering incident

The emotional exhaustion that often affects middle-aged people in the helping professions

Job strain

Specialist who study aging


Fastest growing segment of the US population

Oldest old

Widely prevalent social attitude that overvalues youth and discriminates against the elderly


A condition in which cloudy or opaque areas on the lens of the eye interfere with passing light


High blood pressure is also known as


Confusion, forgetfulness, and declines in other mental functioning that may be associated with of age and are linked to a variety of primary and secondary causes is


Common form of dementia


Theory that suggests that our body's DNA genetic code contains a built in time limit for the reproduction of human cells

Genetic programming theory

Degree to which a developing structure or behaviour is susceptible to modification


Memory of general knowledge and facts

Semantic memory

Final stage of Erikson's theory of the life cycle

Ego-integrity-versus despair

The point in life in which people examine and evaluate their lives is

Life review

What theory suggests that successful aging occurs​ when people maintain the interests, activities, and social interactions with which they were involved during middle age

Activity theory

A community that offers an environment in which all the residents are of retirement age or older and need various levels of care

Continuing-care community

Psychological state in which people develop apathy, indifference, and a lack of caring about themselves


Facility that provides full time nursing care for people who have a chronic illness or recovering from a temporary medical condition

Skilled nursing facility

During what retirement state does the retiree consider his/her options and become engaged in new, more fulfilling activities


First stage of adjusting to widowhood


Kinds of social support that is most affective and appropriate in late adulthood

Reciprocal relationships