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88 Cards in this Set

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What is personality?
An individual's characteristic way of thinking, feeling and acting
What are the 3 main elements of the psychodynamic perspective?
unconscious mind, psychosexual stages, defense mechanisms
Free association
unconscious mind; say the first things that comes into mind from picture (Freudian slips)
Burger study
Experiment on male participants, sexy RA or another male asking them o fill in blanks in sentences; then the sexy RA was there they used more inuendos
Latent content
underlying symbols in dreams, hidden psychologican meaning in dream
manifest content
actual literal subject-matter of dream
What are two tests that dig deeper into the subconscious?
rorscach test, interpreting pictures; thematic apperception test in which patient tells a story by looking at picture
pleasure principle
executive in personality
social restraints
Oral stage
(0-18 months) pleasure center on mouth
Anal stage
(18-36 months) pleasure focuses on bowel and bladder elimination
Phallic stage
(3-6 years) pleasure zone is genitals - oedipus complex
Latency stage
(6 to puberty) dormant sexual feelings
Genital (puberty on)
maturation of sexual interests
defense mechanism- banishes anxiety-arousing feelings thoughts, and memories from consciousness
defense mechanism- leads to an individual faced with anxiety to retreat to a more infantile psychosexual stage
Reaction formation
Defense mechanism; causes the ego to unconsciously switches unacceptable impulses into their opposites. People may express feelings of purity when they may be suffering anxiety from unconscious feelings about sex.
Leads people to disguise their own threatning impulses by attributing them to others
- the thief thinks everyone else is a thief
offers self-justifying explanation in place of the real, more threatning, unconscious reasons for one's actions
Shifts sexual or aggressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object or person, redirecting anger toward a safer outlet
Humanistic theories about Freud
focus on present and future (not past)
ex: Henry Ford T model and hybrid cars
Self actualization
according to Maslow, one of the ultimate psychological needs that arises after basic phhysical and psychological needs are met and self-esteem is achieved; the motivation to fufill one's potential
What was right with Freud's theory?
The unconscious mind, modern research shows the existence of nonconscious information processing; schemas that automaticaly control perceptives and interpretations; implicit memories; emotions that activate instantly without consciousness; we defend ourselves from anxiety
What was Freud wrong about?
Personality develops throughout life, gender identity may develop before 5-6 years of age, verbal slips can be explained on the basis of cognitive processing of verbal choices-

ex: now adays sexual inhibition has decreased, but psychological disorders have not.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
physiological needs- eating, dispose
safety- safety from violence, financial destituitino\
belonging needs- friends, family, sexual intimacy
esteem needs- to be respected, respected by others
self actualization- make most of our lives
Ways to encourage self actualization
Genuine- open to own feelings; dropping fascades
Accepting- unconditional positive regard
Empathetic- listen, reflect and respond to feelings of others
Humanistive Perspective of Mavlow
humanistic perspective has a persuasive impact on counseling, education, child and management
Concepts in humanistic psych have vague and subjective and something scientific basis
The Big 5 (know this)
Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Neuroticism, Openness, Extraversion
personal control
whether we learn to see ourselves as controlling, or as controlled by, our environment
external locus of control
refers to the perception that chance or outside forces beyond our personal control determine our fat
Internal locus of control
refers to the perception that we control our own fate
Definitions of mental illness
Statistical definitions, structural pathology, brain structures, neurotransmitters, inability to function/distress, societal norms
the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, widely used system for classifying psychological disorders
Axis I
Is a clinical syndrome present?
cognitive, anxiety, mood disorders (16 syndromes)
Axis II
Is a personality disorder or intellectual disability present?
Axis III
Is a General medical Condition, such as diabetes, hypertension or athritis also present?
Axis IV
Are psychosocial or environmental problems also present?
Axis V
what is the global assessment of the person's functioning?
the extent to which the systems categories are clinically meaninful
On being sane in insane places
biological perspective on mental disorders
mental disorder as physical diseas
psychodynamic perspective
result of unconscious conflict
cognitive perspective
learned maladaptive thought patters cause mental disorders
behavioral perspctive of mental disorders
result of conditioning (classical or operant)
sociolcultural perspective of mental disorders
larger culture important to development of mental disease
predisposing causes; multiple causation
in place before onset and make person susceptible, inherited, learned beliefs
precipitating causes; multiple causation
immediate events that bring on the disorder, loss, when predisposition high, precipitating event may be small
maintaining causes; multiple causation
consequences of the disorder that keep disorder giong once it begins
sometimes positive- attention
often negative- lack of friends
diffuse, vague feelings of fear and apprehension
generalized anxiety disorder
more or less constant worry about many issues
refers to an enhanced state of sensory sensitivity and heightened attention to environmental threat detection and avoidance
intense, irrational fear of specific things
treatment- exposure therapy
obsessive compulsive disorder; must spend at least 1 hour a day in compulsive behaviors,
irrational, disturbing and intrusive thoughts
repetitive actions done to alleviate obsesions
panic disorder
panic attack, helpless terror high physio. arousal
post traumatic stress disorder; nightmares, flashbacks and depression after a traumatic event
where do anxiety disorders come from?
learning: conditioning, observational learning
natrual selection
symptoms include sadness, feelings of worthlessness, changes in sleep, changes in eating, anhedonia, suicidal behavioral
major depression
prolonged, severe depression which lasts about 2 weeks
less severe, but long-lasting depression of about 2 years. can have both at same time and women are diagnosed more often than men
biological basis for depression
neurotrasmitter theories:
- drugs that increase serotonin relive depression (Prozac)
-genetic component
- more closely related people show similiar histories of depression
cognitive basis for depression
- depressed people tend to make negative attributions about themselves and distort information to fit these views
hopelessness theory:
negative experiences are due to STABLE, GLOBAL AND INTERNAL cases
Swann, Wenzlaff, Krull and Pelham
self verification, depressed students chose the person with negative comments for them
treatment for depression
cognitive therapy:
- collaborative empiricism to investigate negative thinking
ex; nobody likes me
- rational emotive therapy
ex: more direct, confronts irrational beliefs, abc model
bipolar disorder
manic-depression in which the person cycles between mood levels of very low (depression) and very high (mania)
treatment for bipolar disorder
lithium or depakote
dissociative identity dosorder
2 or more distinct personalities by same person at different times; linked with abuse
spanos study
asked college students to pretend they were accused murderers being examined by a psychiatrist, and when hypnotized they expressed a 2nd personality
culture bound?
happened 2 a year before and now it is very much in culture
antisocial personality disorder
lack of conscience, lack of emotional reactions, irresponsible, lack of interest in social rewards
social risk factors for antisocial personality disorder
stealing, fighting, unrestrained sexual behavior,
biological risk factors for antisocial personality disorder
low levels of arousal to stress, genes predispose some kids to respond worse to maltreatment
means "split mind", refers not to a multiple-personality split but rather to a split from reality that shows itself in disorganized thinking, distrubted perceptions and inappropriate emotions
positive symptoms of schizophrenia
hallucinations, delusions
negative symptoms of schizophrenia
absence of normal cognition or affect
disorganized symptoms
disorganized speech, behaviors
disorganized symptoms; jumping from idea to idea without logical association
disorganized symptoms; on the surface, seems logical, but seriously flawed
what are the subtypes of schizophrenia?
paranoid, disorganized, catatonic, undifferentiated, residual
subtype; preoccupation with delusions or hallucinations, often with themes of persecution or grandiosity
subtype; disorganized speech or behavior, or flat or innaprpropriate emotion
subtype; immobility, extreme negativism, parrotlike repatin of other people
subtype; many and varied symptoms
subtype; withdrawal, after hallucinations and delusions have dissapeared
biological bases for schizophrenia
brain amnormalities (6x more d4 receptors)
brain shrinkage/ large ventricles
traumatic birth: low birth weight, oxygen deprivation, a mid-pregnancy viral infection that impairs fetal development
what is an artist that had schizophrenia?
Louis Wain
Behaviorial therapies for schizophrenia
primarily drug treatments, clozapine and risperadal (dopamine drugs) and patients requiring supervision