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31 Cards in this Set

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How do we measure growth in early childhood? And what is the rate of growth in comparison to infancy? What is is average growth between 2 and 5 (This is a physical change)

Compared to infancy growth is slower. Between 2 and 5 the average growth is 2 1/2 inches and 4-5 pounds (Extra not, birth length typically doubles in the 4th year.)

The ways me measure growth is through growth chars such as BMI. A pediatrician can help parents interpret these numbers

Body mass index (BMI)

A measure of body fat calculated as a ration of weight to height.


Being at or above the 85th percentile and lower than the 95th of the BMI compared to children of the same age and sex.


Being at or above the 95th percentile of the BMI for children of the same age and sex.

What are the changing body proportions (a physical change) and what factors could negatively affect this?

Dramatic change, the body catches up with the size of the head. Loss of fat, gain of muscle. (5 year old fat half that of 9mth old infant)

Nutritional deficiency, infections, and other stressful environmental conditions during early childhood have a relatively greater impact on the leg bones than head.

Motor skill development (a physical change)

Amount of physical activities they can partake in increase. Follows proxmidistal *torso towards extremities* they can stride, gait, and jump *gross motor skills* and cut with scissors, feed and dress themselves *Fine motor skills*

Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) PG256

A condition in which delays in reaching motor milestones interfere with daily living and/or academic performance

Body awareness

Conscious knowledge of one's own body parts and movements


The sense of knowing where the parts of your body are located in space.

Body image

How a person subjectively sees and feels about his or her physical characteristics.

What has poor body image been associated with? What has positive body image been associated with?

Developmental problems such as depression anxiety and eating disorders.

Positive image has been associated with confidence and self-esteem

At what age do people become aware of societal standards when it comes to body image?

5 and 6. They show an anti-fat bias. Girls see thinness as desirable, boys see being big as being a bully.

What is children forcing sexual play onto other children a sign of?

Sexual abuse. Sexual play is considered okay if both children are okay and not stressed out and stop when told so. Children are naturally curious about bodies so it is best to be frank, but age appropriate with questions they may have.

Typical brain development

Corupus callosum mylanates further. Synaptogenesis for vision hearing and langauge have diminished, production in the prefrontal cortex is just reaching its peak. Volume of brain increase 25%.


The localization of a function in one hemisphere of the brain or the other.

Atypical brain development( a focus on autism.) What is the change in percentage of diagnosis

30% higher than 2008 This is due to a change in the DSM which influenced how many was diagnosed. This does not mean more people are being born autistic, they simply aren't being overlooked anymore. This is good because the two years of intensive treatment they need is best done at 3.

Why is a healthy diet important in early childhood? And what is the current trend with obesity?

1. The food eaten in early childhood is the food the child grows to prefer.

2. Overweight children are a indication of an overweight adult.

Obesity trend shows lowering rates.
What households are at risk to food insecurity

Female headed, ethnic minority, low -income.

Food insecurity

A situation in which food is often scarce or unavailable, causing people to overeat when they do have access to food.

What are the effects of children who experience food insecurity?

Higher rates of illness lower academic achievement, and more aggression, withdrawal, and emotional distress.

What are the most common food allergies that account for 90% of all allergies?

milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy , and wheat.

How does sleep change in early childhood?

They require more hours of sleep (11-13) to adjust to the higher level of executive functioning.

What is the main difference between Chronic illnesses and common illnesses

They are long lasting and do not resolve themselves. Common illnesses run their course and get resolved.


The most common chronic illness in childhood in which a child's airways constrict making it difficult to breath.

Hygiene hypothesis

The idea that living in a germ-free environment is causing our immune system to become more reactive to allergies. Support for this hypothesis in not unequivocal.

Childhood cancer, where is it trending, fatalities and diagnosis?

Fatalities are declining, diagnoses and rising.


Any act committed by a parent or caregiver that results in harm or potential harm to a child.




Failure to provide for the basic physical, emotional, medical, or educational needs of a child or to protect the child from harm or potential harm.

How does the child protective services handle reports of child abuse?

After receiving a call, they determine whether it falls into law, then set a local agent to determine if it was substantiated, indicated, or unsubstantiated

Mandatory reported

Individuals who work with children who are required by law to report suspicions of child maltreatment to the authorities.