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54 Cards in this Set

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Inborn Tendency to turn toward a new event
Orienting Response
Decline in the tendency to respond to an event that has become familiar through repeated presentation
Increased responding to an event that has been repeated
Usually occurs with intense of punishing stimuli
When you first get a new kitten, it scurrys away everytime you come near it when it trys to eat. Now when you come near it while it is eating, it continues to eat. The kitten's change in responsiveness illustrates the learning process know as what?
Technique developed to study how simple associations form which allow us to prepare ourselves for future events
Classical Conditioning
What famous physiologist noticed that salivation often began before food was placed into dogs mouths?
A stimulus that automatically leads to a response prior to training
Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
The response that is produced automatically, prior to training
Unconditioned Response (UR)
Conditioned Stimulus
Neutral stimulus that is paired with US during classical conditioning
Ccnditioned Response
The learned response produced by the conditioned stimulus
In classical conditioning, the ____ should function as a signal that the ____ is about to occur.
A signal between the CS and the US is most effective when?
1. The CS comes before the US
2. The US follows closely in time.
True or False:
The CS must provide new information about the US
True or False: The CR is always the same as the UR
True or False: The CS substitutes for the US
Procedure in which an established CS is used to condition a second neutral stimulus
Second-order Conditioning
Responding to a new stimulus in a way similar to the response to an established CS
stimulus generalization
Responding differently to a new stimulus than one responds to an established CS
Stimulus discrimination
Presenting a CS repeatedly,after conditioning, without the US, resulting in a loss of responding
Spontaneous Recovery
Recovery of an extinguished CR after a period of nonexposure to the CS
Learning that the event signals the absence of the US
Conditioned Inhibition
Conditioned inhibitors can serve as what when US is something dangerous?
safety signals
Classical conditioning is useful because it is adaptive to...
learn what events in the environment signal
Procedure for studying how organisms learn about the consequences of their own voluntary actions
Operant conditioning
What law states "If a response is followed by a satisfying consequence, it will be strengthened; if follwed by an unsatisfying consequence, it will be weakened"?
Law of effect by Thorndike
Stimulus situation in which a response will be followed by reward or punishment
Discriminative Stimulus
Event that, when presented after a response, increases likelihood of that response occuring again
Positive reinforcement
Event that, when removed after a response, increases likelihood of that response occuring again
Negative reinforcement
What does positive reinforcement usually involve?
an appetitive stimulus (something the organism needs, likes, wants
Response deprivation
Event is reinforcing if it allows you to engage in something that you're deprived of
In this type of reinforcement, response leads to remocal of some stimulus.
Negative Reinforcement
Consequences that decrease the likelihood of responding a similar way again
What is a limitation of Punishment?
It does not promote better, alternative behavior
What works better than punishment?
Reinforcing an alternative response
True or False:
Punishment does effectively suppress behavior but may also increase aggression.
Rule that an experimenter uses to determine when particular responses will be reinforced
Schedules of Reinforcement
Continuous Reinforcement
Every response is followed rapidly by reinforcement
Partial Reinforcement
Reinforcement delivered only some of the time
On a fixed-ratio schedule the number of responses for reinforcement does or doesn't change?
Which kind of partial schedules tend to produce steady, consistent rates of responding, but might stop for a period after reinforcement?
Fixed-Ratio Schedule
For this type of Schedule of reinforcement extinction comes when reinforcement is no longer given
Fixed-Ratio Schedule
A certain number of responses required for reinforcement but this number changes
Variable-Ratio Schedule
For this type of Schedule of reinforcement extinction takes much longer
variable-ratio schedule
For this type of Schedule of Reinforcement, reinforcement is delivered for first response after a fixed interval rate
Fixed Interval
For this type of Schedule of Reinforcement, time until reinforcement changes
A procedure in which reinforcement is delivered for successive approximations of the desired response
Complex behaviors are unlikely to occur ____, so they are _____ to reinforce.
spontaneously, hard
True or False:
Genetic constraints do not influence what can be learned.
Learning that occurs as a result of observing the experiences of others
Observational Learning
Does Observational learning occur in species other than humans?
The natural tendency to imitate behavior of significant others
When is modeling strongest?
1. Model is viewed positively
2. Model is rewarded for the behavior
True or False:
Television may produce modeling of negative behaviors.