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29 Cards in this Set

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The theory that parts of the brain are spontaneously actived during REM sleep and that a dream is the brain's attempt to synthesize these sensations into a coherent patter
activation-synthesis theory of dreams
A class of molecules that includes methanol, ethanol, propyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol), and others
A rhythm of activity and inactivity lasting approximately 1 day
circadian rhythm
The subjective experience of perceiving oneself and other entitites
Drugs that predominantly decrease arousal
A device that measures and amplifies slight electrical changes on the scalp that reflect brain activity
electroencephalograph (EEG)
Chemicals produced by the brain that have effects resembling those of opiates
The theory that sleep evolved primarily as a means of forcing animals to conserve their energy when they are relatively inefficient
evolutionary theory (or energy-conservation theory) of sleep
A sensory experience not corresponding to reality, such as seeing or hearing something that is not present or failing to see or hear something that is present
Drugs that induce sensory distorions
Excessive but unrefreshing sleep
A condition of increased suggestibility that occurs in the context of a special hypnotist-subject relationship
The discomfort and inefficiency that travelers experience in a new time zone because their internal clocks are out of phase with the light-dark cycle of their new environment
jet lag
The hidden content that is represented symbolically in a dream experience, according to Freud
manifest content
A method of inducing a calm, relaxed state through the use of special techniques
A condition characterized by suddenly falling asleep, or at least feeling very sleepy, during the day
Drugs that produce drowsines, insensitivity to pain, and decreased responsiveness to events
The approach that treats dreams as just another example of thinking, except that they occur under special conditions
neurocognitive theory
A condition that occrs during sleep, marked by unpleasant sensations int he legs and many repetitive leg movements strong enough to interrupt sleep
periodic limb movement disorder
A condition whereby a habitual drug user is driven to seek the drug to escape or aoid the unpleasant withdrawal effects tht occur during abstention from the drug
physical dependence
A device that measures sleep stages using a combination of EEG and eye-movement records
posthypnotic suggestion
A strong repetitive desire for something without any physical symptoms of withdrawal
psychological dependence
A stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movements, a high level of brain activity, and deep relaxation of the postural muscles; aka paradoxical sleep
rapid eye movement (REM)
The theory that the purpose of sleep is to enable the body to recover from the exertions of the day
repair and restoration theory
A condition causing a person to have trouble breathing while asleep
sleep apnea
Drugs that boost energy, heighten alertness, increase activity, and produce a pleasant feeling
The wakened effect of a drug after repeated use
Drugs that help people to relax
Experiences that occr as a result of the removal of a drug from the brain
withdrawal effects