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41 Cards in this Set

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What is learning?
a process through which experience produces lasting change in behavior or mental processes
What is habituation?
learning not to respond to repeated presentation of a stimulus
What is the mere exposure effect?
learned preference for stimuli to which we have previously been exposed
What is behavioral learning?
forms of learning that can be described in terms of stimuli and responses (e.g. classical & operant conditioning)
What is classical conditioning?
a basic form of learning in which a stimulus that produces an innate reflex becomes associated w/ a previously neutral stimulus, which then acquires the power to elicit essentially the same response
What is a neutral stimulus?
any stimulus that produces no conditional response prior to learning
What is acquisition?
initial learning stage in classical conditioning; conditional response becomes elicited by the conditioned stimulus
What is an unconditioned stimulus?
the stimulus that elicits an unconditioned response
What is an unconditioned response?
the response elicited by an unconditioned stimulus w/o prior learning
What is a conditioned stimulus?
a previously neutral stimulus that comes to elicit the conditioned response
What is a conditioned response?
a response elicited by a previous neutral stimulus that has become associated w/ the UCS
What is extinction (classical conditioning)?
weakening of a conditioned association in the absence of an unconditioned stimulus or reinforcer
What is spontaneous recovery?
reappearance of an extinguished conditioned response after a time delay
What is stimulus generalization?
involves giving a conditioned response to stimuli that are similar to CS
(diff. tone --> still causes salivation)
Describe the Little Albert Experiment.
UCS (loud noise) --> UCR (crying & fear)
NS (white rat) + CS (loud noise) --> crying & fear)

- conditioned Albert to fear rats
- to relate to generalization --> placed similar items to rats which also lead to crying & fear
What is stimulus discrimination?
involves responding to one stimulus but not to stimuli that are similar (being able to distinguish/differentiate between similar stimuli)
What is confusing stimuli?
may cause experimental neurosis
What is taste-aversion learning?
biological tendency in which an organism learns to avoid food w/ a certain taste after a single experience, if eating it is followed by illness

tuna melt (NS) + mystery sick thing (US) --> throw up (UR)

tuna melt (CS) --> nausea to food (CR)
How do we learn new behaviors by operant conditioning?
in operant conditioning, the consequences of behavior, such as rewards & punishments influence the chance that our behavior will occur again

operant = observable bx
What is trial-and-error learning?
learning gradually discovers the correct response by attempting many behaviors and noting which ones produce the desired consequences

*edward thorndike - law of effect
What did B.F. Skinner believe?
B.F. Skinner believed that the most powerful influences on behavior are its consequences
- operant chamber ("skinner box")
What are positive reinforcers?
stimulus presented after a response that increases the probability of that response happening again
What are negative reinforcers?
removal of an unpleasant stimulus, contingent on a particular behavior
What are primary reinforcers?
reinforcers, such as food and sex, that have an innage basis b/c of their biological value to an organism
What are secondary reinforcers?
stimuli, such as money or tokens, that acquire their reinforcing power by their learned association w/ primary reinforcers

also called conditioned reinforcers
What is continuous reinforcement?
reinforcement schedule in which all correct responses are reinforced
What is shaping?
rewarding any behavior that is close to the goal of behavior
What is partial reinforcement?
reinforcement schedule in which some, but not all, correct responses are reinforced

also called intermittent reinforcement
What is extinction (operant conditioning)?
a process by which a response that has been learned is weakened by the absence or removal of the reinforcer
What are ratio schedules?
What are interval schedules?
ratio schedules: provide reward after a certain # of responses

interval schedules: provide reward after a certain time interval
What is fixed ratio?

What is variable ratio?

What is fixed interval?

What is variable interval?
FR: rewards appear after a certain set number of responses
(factory workers getting paid after every 10 cases of product are completed)

VR: rewards appear after a certain number of responses, but that number varies from trial to trial
(slot machine pay-offs)

FI: rewards appear after a certain fixed amount of time, regardless of number of responses
(weekly/monthly paychecks)

VI: rewards appear after a certain amount of time, but that amount varies from trial to trial
What is punishment?
an aversive stimulus which diminishes the strength of the response it follows
What is the difference between punishment and negative reinforcement?
punishments DECREASE the behavior
(punishment/omission training weaken the bx)

neg. rein. INCREASE the behavior
(positive/negative reinforcement strengthen the bx)
What is positive punishment?

What is omission training (negative punishment)?
positive punishment: the application of an aversive stimulus after a response

omission training: the removal of an appetitive stimulus after a response
What does punishment do?
- often triggers aggression
- may inhibit learning new & better responses
- is often applied unequally

Power usually disappears when threat of punishment is removed
What are the alternatives to punishment?
- extinction
- reinforcing preferred activities (PREMACK PRINCIPLE)
- prompting & shaping
What is the difference between classical conditioning and operant conditioning?
Classical conditioning involves the association of two stimuli (UCS + CS) before the response or behavior

Operant conditioning involves a reinforcing (reward) or punishing stimulus after a response or behavior
How does cognitive psychology explain learning?
some forms of learning must be explained as changes in mental processes, rather than as changes in behavior alone
What is insight learning?
Who found this?

What are cognitive maps?
Who found this and what else did they find?
Insight Learning: problem solving occurs by means of a sudden reorganization of perceptions
- Wolfgang Kohler

Cognitive Maps: a mental representation of physical space
- Edward Tolman

Latent Learning: still learn even without rewards (Edward Tolman)
What is observational learning?
Who found this?
Observational Learning/Social Learning: form of cognitive learning in which new responses are acquired after watching others’ behavior and the consequences of their behavior
- Bandura
(Bobo doll experiment - violence)
What is long-term potential?
Biological process involving physical changes that strengthen the synapses in groups of nerve cells; believed to be the neural basis of learning