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36 Cards in this Set

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What is sensation?

What is perception?
Sensation: an early stage of perception in which neurons in a receptor create an internal pattern of nerve impulses that represent the conditions that stimulated it - either inside or outside the body

Perception: a process that makes sensory patterns meaningful and more elaborate
How does stimulation become sensation?
the brain senses the world indirectly because the sense organs convert stimulation into the language of the nervous system (neural impulses)
What is transduction?
transformation of one form of energy into another - esp. the transformation of stimulus information into nerve impulses
What are receptors?

What is the sensory pathway?
receptors: specialized neurons that are activated by stimulation and transduce (convert) it into a nerve impulse

sensory pathway: bundles of neurons that carry information from the sense organs to the brain
What is sensory adaptation?
loss of responsiveness in receptor cells after stimulation has remained unchanged for a while
What is the absolute threshold?

What is the difference threshold?

What is Weber's law?
AT: amount of stimulation necessary for a stimulus to be detected

DT: smallest amount by which a stimulus can be changed and the difference be detected (aka just noticeable diff - JND)

Weber's law: the JND is always large when the stimulus intensity is high, and small when the stimulus intensity is low
What is the signal detection theory?

What are hits? misses? false alarms? correct rejections?
perceptual judgment as combination of sensation and decision-making processes

stimulus event --> neural activity --> comparison w/ personal standard --> action/no action

- Hits: detecting signals when they are present
- Misses: failing to detect signals when they are present
- False Alarms: detecting signals when they are absent
- Correct Rejections: not detecting signals when they are absent
What is subliminal perception?
the registration of sensory input without conscious awareness
- subliminal: below threshold
What are the stimuli and receptors for the 5 senses?
stimulus - electromagnetic energy
receptors - rods & cones in the retina

stimulus - sound waves
receptors - hair cells of the inner ear

stimulus - chem. subs. in air
receptors - receptor cells in nose

stimulus - chem. subs. in saliva
receptors - taste buds on tongue

stimulus: pressure on skin
receptors: nerve endings in skin
What is the retina?
What are photoreceptors?
What are rods and cones?
What is the fovea?
retina: light-sensitive layer at the back of the eyeball

photoreceptors: light-sensitive cells in the retina that convert light E to neural impulses (transducers)

rods: sensitive to dim light but not to colors (peripheral & dark)

cones: sensitive to colors but not dim light (center - center vision)

fovea: area of sharpest vision in the retina
What is the optic nerve?

What is the blind spot?
optic nerve: bundle of neurons that carries visual information from the retina to the brain

blind spot: point where the optic nerve exits the eye and where there are no photoreceptors
What is the transduction of light in the retina?
incoming light stimulus (retina)
> ganglion cells
>> brain (optic nerve) > thalamus > occipital lobe (visual cortex)
>> bipolar cells
>> rods & cones
>> bipolar cells
>> ganglion cells
What is the visual cortex?

What is color?
visual cortex: part of the brain - the occipital love - where visual sensations are processed

color: psychological sensations derived from the wavelength of visible light - color, itself, is not a property of the external world
What is the trichromatic theory?

What is the opponent-process theory?

What are afterimages?
trichromatic theory: 3 cones (red, green, blue) that mix colors

opponent-process theory: each color has an opponent color (red-green, yellow-blue)
(if eye is fatigued - it sees opp. color)

afterimages: sensations that linger after the stimulus is removed
What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

What is the visible spectrum?
ES: entire range of electromagnetic energy, including radio waves, x-rays, microwaves, & visible light

VS: tiny part of the ES to which our eyes are sensitive
What is color blindness?
color blindness: vision disorder that prevents an individual from discriminating certain colors

wavelength = color
intensity = brightness
R = longest wavelength
V = shortest wavelength
What is conduction deafness?

What is nerve deafness?
CD: acquired; an inability to hear resulting from damage to structures of the middle or inner ear

ND: born with; an inability to hear, linked to a deficit in the body's ability to transmit impulses from the cochlea to the brain, usually involving the auditory nerve or higher auditory processing centers
What is the vestibular sense?

What is the kinesthetic sense?
VS: sense of body orientation with respect to gravity

KS: sense of body position & movement of body parts relative to each other
What is olfaction?
What are olfactory bulbs?
What are pheromones?
olfaction: sense of smell

olfactory bulbs: brain sites of olfactory processing

pheromones: chemical signals released by organisms to communicate with other members of the same species
What is gustation?

What are taste buds?

What are supertasters?

What is taste?
gustation: sense of taste

taste buds: receptors for taste (primarily on the upper side of the tongue including sweet, salty, bitter, & sour)

supertasters: have majority of bitter taste buds

taste: most resistance to damage
What are the skin senses?
- touch
- warmth
- cold
What is a placebo?
What is the placebo effect?
What is the gate-control theory?
placebo: subs. that appear to be drugs but are not

placebo effect: a response to a placebo caused by subjects' belief that they are taking real drugs

Gate-control theory: neurons (fast/large) with extra myelin sheath rush up to close the "gate"
(PAG - periaqueductal grey - neurons)
- Melzack & Wall
What is percept?
meaningful product of perception
What are feature detectors?

What is the binding problem?
feature detectors: cells in the cortex that specialize in extracting certain features of a stimulus

binding problem: a mayor unsolved mystery in cognitive psychology, concerning the physical processes used by the brain to combine many aspects of sensation to a single percept
What is bottom-up processing?

What is top-down processing?
bottom-up: analysis that emphasizes characteristics of the stimulus, rather then internal concepts

top-down: emphasizes perceiver's expectations, memories, and other cognitive factors
What are perceptual constancies and what are they? (3)
ability to recognize the same object under diff. conditions, such as changes in illumination, distance, or location
- shape constancy
- size constancy
- color constancy
What are illusions?

What are ambiguous figures?
illusions: demonstrably incorrect experience of a stimulus pattern, shared by others in the same perceptual environment

ambiguous figures: images that are capable of more than one interpretation
What is learning-based inference?

What is a perceptual set?
learning-based inference: view that perception is primarily shaped by learning, rather than innate factors

perceptual set: readiness to detect a particular stimulus in a given context
What is gestalt psychology?
Who found it?
view that much of perception is shaped by innate factors built into the brain
- Max Werthemer
What is figure?
What is ground?
figure: part of a pattern that commands attention

ground: ground of a pattern that does not command attention; the background
What are the gestalt laws of perceptual grouping? (5)
Similarity: items that are similar tend to be grouped together

Proximity: objects near each other tent to be grouped together

Continuity: lines are seen as following the smoothest path

Common Fate: seeing similar things as grouped together

Pragnanz: perceiving things as we thing them to be
What are subjective contours?

What is closure?
subjective contours: boundaries that are perceived but do not appear in the stimulus pattern

closure: tendency to fill in gaps in figures and see incomplete figures as complete
What is depth perception?
moreso innate, and learned (Gibson & Walk's Visual Cliff)
Result: everyday depth perception in older children & adults involves a combination of cues
- binocular & monocular
What are the binocular cues? (2)
(2 eyes)

1. Binocular Convergence: both of our eyes --> muscle converges in different angles

2. Retinal Disparity: seeing images at diff. angles with each eye
What are monocular cues? (5)
(1 eye)

1. Relative Size: when looking at a distance, objects seem smaller (perceptual/size constancy)

2. Light & Shadow: objects that are more bright are closer; dark are farther

3. Interposition: objects that block other objects are closer; hidden are farther

4. Relative Motion: (motion parallax) when you're moving, objects closer to you look like they're speeding by; farther away seem slower

5. Atmospheric Perspective: cue to perceive depth in fog
What is the Phi Phenomenon?
we perceive motion when its not really there
(movie seems flowing, but it's motion pictures)