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21 Cards in this Set

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alteration in consciousness that occurs seemingly without effort, typically when we want to momentarily escape the demands of the real world
daydreaming and fantasy
factors of our biological clock
metabolism, stomach activity, alertness, body temp., blood pressure, and level of most hormone rhythms
waves that mirror the sense of relaxed wakefulness that we experience; irregular and low voltage
alpha waves
sleep stage characterized by rapid eye movement; where most vivid dreams occur
non rapid eye movement stages of sleep that alternate with REM stages during the sleep cycle
stage with "tight" and very low amplitude, slow pulse, muscle relaxation, side to side eye movement, sleeper is easily aroused
Stage 1
stage where brainwaves increase in amplitude and become slower; heart rate, blood pressure, and temp. drop
Stage 2&3
stage when brain emits delta waves; heart rate, blood pressure, and temp. are as low as possible; occuurs in 15-20 min segments with lighter sleep in between
Stage 4
vivid visual and auditory experiences that occur primarily during REM periods of sleep
20% of sleep walking and sleep talking occur during
REM sleep
most sleep walking and sleep talking occurs in
Stage 4 (delta)
sleep disorder characterized by difficulty in falling asleep or remaining sleep thru out the night
sleep disorder characterized by breathing difficulty during the night and feeling of exhaustion during the day
hereditary sleep disorder characterized by nodding off during the day and sudden loss of muscle tone floowing movements of emotional excitement
consequences of sleep deprivation
reaction time slows, behavior becomes unpredictable, accidents and errors in judgement increase, and productivity and the ability to make decisions decline
any of the various methods of concentration, reflection, or focussing of thought undertaken to suppress the activity of the sympathetic nervous system
trencelike state in which a person responds readily to suggestions(means by which hypnosis occurs)
hypnotic suggestions
our awareness of various cognitive processes such as sleeping, daydreaming, concentrating, and making decisions
mental state that differs noticeably from normal waking consciousness
altered state of consciousness
stage of sleep characterized by irregular, low-voltage alpha waves and a relaxed wakefulness
the extreme reduction of sensory stimuli
sensory deprivation