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28 Cards in this Set

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Memory, transmits messages between brain and spinal cord
Learning, sleep, mood
Sex, concentration, mood, sleep
GABA ( gamma-amino butyric acid)
Helps to fire neurons, inhibitory receptor
Stimulates the hypothalamus to make hormones, pleasure and reward, memory, emotion
Excitatory receptor
Opiates, natural painkillers
Transportation system for neurotransmitters; long fiber extending from neuron body
terminal endings on axon branches; synaptic vesicle, neurotransmitter storage area
Gap between neurons; electrical signals trigger release neurotransmitter and flows through synapse and received by next dendrite
branches off neuron body; receive signals from other neurons
Motor Neuron
Carry info to muscles
Connect between sensory and motor neurons
Sensory neurons
carry info from sensory organs
Action Potential (Electrical Potential)
Message received by the cell body and thus sent via electrical signal down the axon

What is a neuron's resting state?

A neuron will be poised and ready to fire due to the voltage difference where the inside of the neuron is more negatively charged than the outside.

What is passive resistance?

At rest, the membrane is semi-permeable

What is active transport like?

It's like the bouncer at a club. It takes (+) ions outside and lets (-) ions in.

Is sodium more abundant outside or inside of the cell?

It is more abundant outside. It wants to go inside the cell but at rest, the cell membrane is not permeable.

What do sodium-potassium pumps do?

They actively pump K+ into the cell and Na+ ions out.

How do you get a neuron to fire?

An action potential occurs when an ion gets a chance to change its distribution

What happens when a sufficient depolarization occurs at the axon hillock?

Voltage-gated Na+ channels along axon open and Na+ rushes into the cell. Na+ goes in negative interior across gradient

Wht happens when Na= enters the cell?

We get a reversal of charge

What is hyperpolarization?

This occurs because during an action potential, K+ leaves the cell and when Na+ leaves, there is an excess negative charge. This results in hyperpolarization where the voltage difference is to great for an acton potential to occur.

What does the all-or-none law state?

all action potentials have the same strength regardless of the triggering stimulus

What is the presnyaptic neuron?

The sending neuron

What is the postsynatpic neuron?

The receiving neuron

What did Otto Loewi discover?

That neural communication is not just loalized electrical signals, but chemicals signals that spread as well