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40 Cards in this Set

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Stages of visual processing

retina --> info to optic nerve --> optic nerves cross paths at optic chiasm --> transmit info to thalamus --> info is sent to the primary visual cortex on the occipital lobe

long-term potentiation

increased likelihood that presynaptic input will trigger an action potential in the postsynaptic neuron

secure attachment

between child and caregiver: child feels confident leaving his or her parent to explore the surroundings


insecure attachment

dismissive, preoccupied, and unresolved


validity of a study

represents accuracy

statistical significance


p<.05 means the values are significant

p-value: represents the statistical probability that a difference between groups occurred due to chance, rather than reflecting a true value

familial aggregation

evidence for a genetic basis of disease

negative reinforcement

promoting a certain behavior by removing an undesirable outcome

positive punishment

something unpleasant is added to avoid a certain behavior

conditioning a subject to avoid certain behaviors by introducing an undesirable outcome resulting from the behavior

pineal gland

responsible for the release of melatonin (hormone that regulates sleep) in concordance with the circadian rhythm

occipital lobe

process visual input


regulating and coordinating motor activity


part of the limbic system

performs various functions associated with memory


causes an increase in the elicited behavior

individual becomes more sensitive to a stimulus


prolonged or repeated exposure to a stimulus leads to a reduced response elicited by the stimulus

hint: becomes a habit


form of behavior therapy based on principles of respondent conditioning

i.e. exposure therapy or prolonged exposure therapy

for treatment of phobias, anxiety, and PTSD

dispositional attribution

when someone's internal qualities are used to explain the cause of a situation or event

hint: disposition refers to personality, which is an inherent quality

situational attribution

environmental external factors are used to explain the cause of a situation or event

fundamental attribution error

when a person tends to use dispositional attributions when judging the behaviors of others (esp. if there is not a lot of background info offered)

self-serving bias

the tendency of people to attribute their successes to internal factors but their failures to external factors


imposed on an individual by society b/c of color of skin or physical appearance

*primarily biological


closely tied with individual's culture and familial upbringing

*primarily cultural

*can be changed depending on which culture individual associates with during lifetime

efferent neurons

carry nerve signals from the CNS towards muscles

working memory

keeps track of multiple pieces of information being used during a task

long-term memory

stores information over lengthy periods of time

episodic memory

sub-type of long term memory that involves recall of past specific events and experiences

events (times,places), who, what, where, when, and why

collection of past personal experiences that occurred at a particular time and place

cued memory recall

ability to remember information based on cues associated with each piece of information

PTSD symptoms

exaggerated fight-or-flight response

amnesia related to the triggering event

auditory and visual hallucinations (rare)

reduced ability to maintain concentration

stereotype threat

when there is a fear of contributing to a stereotype associated with one's group

Hawthorne effect

where subjects of a study change their behavior and performance based on the nature of the study

they know they're being watched so they adjust accordingly

observer-expectany bias

a form of bias where data collected from a subject is influenced by the behavior of the study observer

social desirability bias

bias where participants answer a question based on what is socially acceptable, not necessarily what is true

retroactive interference

when newly learned information interferes with the retrieval of older information

proactive interference

when older memories block the retrieval of recently formed memories

memory construction

when new memories get in the way of older memories

i.e. when someone misremembers what they ate for breakfast 2 days ago because they remember what they ate for breakfast that morning as it

source-monitoring error

when someone recalls a fact but gives the wrong source from where they learned it

i.e. friends tells a person about a news event, but later when that person recollects news event to someone else, they say they learned it from the TV news station


most closely associated with serotonin issues

SSRIs are used as main treatment for depression


associated with dopamine and glutamate

histrionic personality disorder

when a person needs to be the center of attention and feels uncomfortable when they are not



rest and digest response