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28 Cards in this Set

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What is Clive Wearing's day to day life like?

Clive is constantly living in the present, he thinks that every waking moment was his first waking moment from being unconscious.

"I havent seen anything, touched anything, smelled anything.. it is like being dead"

Discuss Clive Wearing

Clive wearing was diagnosed with an infection of the brain which destroyed his ability to store any new memories

He knows what his wife looks like and can remember skills such as how to play the piano but cannot remember anything since his illness

What does Clive have?

Profound anterograde amnesia

AND retrograde amnesia (lost past memories)

What does clive write in his journal?

2:00 pm - I am only now conscious

2:10 pm - This is the first time i am conscious

2:14 pm - NO. I am properly conscious now

- Each time he would cross out the previous entry

What is memory?

Memory is the ability to store and retrieve information over time

Who proposed the MODAL model of memory?

Atkinson and Shiffrin

Describe the modal model of memory (briefly)

Information passes through three separate stores - Sensory - Short term memory store - Long term memory store

Describe the sensory memory store

Sensory information is kept here for a few seconds or less

In between the sensory memory store and the short term memory the information is processed into nonsensory information

Describe the short term memory store

Nonsensory information is kept in this store for more than a few seconds but less than a minute. Information can then be discarded if the individual does not put effort into keeping the memory alive

Describe the long term memory

A place where information is stored for hours, days, weeks, months and years.

Go into more detail about the sensory memory

The sensory memory has mini stores within it for each of the senses. One store is the iconic store which stores visual information and the other store is the echoic store which stores auditory information.

How long does it take for iconic information to decay?

One second

How long does it take for echoic information to decay?

Five seconds

How long can information be held in the short term memory?

15-20 seconds

What is rehearsal

Repeating information and mentally rehearsing it so it stays in the short term memory - for example when someone tells us to get them a pencil we repeat "pencil" over and over

Why does rehearsal work so well?

Each time we rehearse something it gives that bit of information another 15-20 seconds worth of "shelf life"

What is the capacity of the short term memory

The short term memory can store seven (+-2) meaningful items

What is chunking?

Chunking is the process of grouping smaller items of information together into larger chunks that are more easily held in the short term memory

What is the working memory?

Active maintenance and manipulation of information in short term memory storage

Contains subsystems that store and manipulate information

What is the visuospatial sketchpad?

A slave system to the central executive Briefly stores visual and spatial information

For example: you want to remember the layout of the chessboard so you know how to make your next move

What is the Phonological loop?

A slave system to the central executive Made up of short term memory store and a articulatory process

Briefly stores auditory information

Articulatory rehearsal - repeats the words back to keep the memory active

Central executive

An attentional system that coordinates and controls plans of action and outputs

Episodic buffer

Information from the long term memory can be integrated from long term memory into the working memory

Temporary store


The drop in accuracy and response time performance when two tasks tap into the same slave system

Two key differences between short and long term memory?

Duration: STM (15-20 seconds) LTM (up to years)

Capacity: STM (7 memorable items) LTM (unlimited)

Who is HM?

Suffered from epilepsy

Had temporal lobes removed - including the hippocampus

He could not remember what had happened to him AFTER the operation

Short and long term memory stores are separate

What is consolidation?

The process whereby information must pass from short term memory into long term memory in order for it to be remembered

