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35 Cards in this Set

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the urge to move toward one's goals; to accomplish tasks
inherently biological states of deficiency (cellular or bodily) that compel drives
any external object or event that motivates behavior
the process by which all organisms work to maintain physiological equilibrium or balance around an optimal set point
the perceived states of tension that occur when our bodies are deficient in some need, creating an urge to relieve the tension

set point
the ideal fixed setting of a particular physiological system, such as internal body temperature
Yerkes-Dodson law
the principle that moderate levels of arousal lead to optimal performance
the inherent drive to realize one's full potential
a simple sugar that provides energy for cells throughout the body, including the brain
sexual behavior
actions that produce arousal and increase the likelihood of orgasm
sexual orientation
the disposition to be attracted to either the opposite sex (heterosexual), the same sex (homosexual), or both sexes (bisexual).
achievement motivation
a desire to do things well and overcome obstacles
extrinsic motivation
motivation that comes from outside the person and usually involves rewards and praises
intrinsic motivation
motivation that comes from within a person and includes the elements of challenge, enjoyment, mastery, and autonomy
perceived organizational support

employees' beliefs about how much the organization appreciates and supports their contributions and well-being

brief, acute changes in conscious experience and psychology that occur in response to a personally meaningful situation
affective states that operate in the background of consciousness and tend to last longer than most emotions
affective traits
stable predispositions toward certain types of emotional responses

basic emotions
set of emotions that are common to all humans; includes anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise
self-conscious emotions
types of emotion that require a sense of self and the ability to reflect on actions; they occur as a function of meeting expectations (or not) and abiding (or not) by society's rules
broaden-and-build model
Fredrickson's model for positive emotions, which posits that they widen our cognitive perspective and help us acquire useful life skills
antecedent event
a situation that may lead to an emotional response
the evaluation of a situation with respect to how relevant it is to one's own welfare; drives the process by which emotions are elicted
emotion regulation
the cognitive and behavioral efforts people make to modify their emotions
expressive suppression
a response-focused strategy for regulating emotion that involves the deliberate attempt to inhibit the outward manifestation of an emotion
an emotion regulation strategy in which one reevaluates an event so that a different emotion results
emotional response
the physiological, behavioral/expressive, and subjective changes that occur when emotions are generated
Facial Action Coding System (FACS)
a widely used method for measuring all observable muscular movements that are possible in the human face
Duchenne smile
a smile that expresses true enjoyment, involving both the muscles that pull up the lip corners diagonally and those that contract the band of muscles encircling the eye
term referring to something that is common to all human beings and can be seen in cultures all over the world
subjective experience of emotion
the changes in the quality of our conscious experience that occur during emotional responses
James-Lange theory of emotion
the idea that it is the perception of physiological changes that accompany emotions that produce the subjective emotional experience
Add to dictionary theory of emotion
Ekman's explanation that some aspects of emotion, such as facial expressions and physiological changes associated with emotion, are universal and others, such as emotion regulation, are culturally derived
display rules
learned norms or rules, often taught very early, about when it is appropriate to express certain emotions and to whom one should show them
emotional intelligence
the ability to recognize emotions in oneself and others, empathic understanding, and skills for regulating emotions in oneself and others