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37 Cards in this Set

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Define Pyschology

The science of behavior and mental processes

Define Conscienceness

our awareness of ourselves and our environment

Define Belief

A principle accepted as true or real without a proof

Define Sensation

Bringing info from the outside world into our mind such as sight,taste,touch,smell,hear.

Define Perception

recognizing meaningful objects and evens by organizing and interpreting sensory information

Define Emotion

state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.

Define Thought

use one's mind actively to form connected ideas

Define Behavior

the way in which an animal or person acts in response to a particular situation or stimulus

Define Placebo

a harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effec

Define Placebo Effect

Experimental results caused by expectation alone

Define Altered state of conscienceness

Deviating from waking conscieneness like from sleeping or drugs

List and give examples of the two behaviors associated with psychology

List two causes of insomnia

stress, anxiety

Explain two separate reasons or theorys on why we need sleep

To let our bodys repair themselves; To rest our body after a day of hyperactivity

name each stage of sleep and describe what happens in each stage

Stage 1- "tansition stage" Go from not sleeping to sleeping

Stage 2- "baseline sleep" Dream, body slows down, light sleep

Stage 3 and 4- "deep sleep" confusion of mind. dream.

Stage 5- deep sleep, muscle paralysis, high mind activity


The scientific study of periodic biological phenomena in relation to climatic conditions.


the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes

nightmare vs night terror

Nightmares are rememberable and night terrors are not able to be remembered

case study

on person is studied in depth in the hope of revealing universal principles


finding out about a particular group by questioning a representative, random sample of the group

naturalistic observation

Observing behaviors in there natural situations without interfering with them

dependent and independent variable

Independent- the experimental factor that is manipulated

Dependent- the outcome factor, the variable that may change in response to change in the independant variable

hindsight bias

The tendency to believe, after learning an outcome that one would have foreseen it

which goals of psychology answers the why questions

difference between stimulant and depressent

Simulants- excite the CNS

Depresents- Slow the CNS


the extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to

predictive valitity

The success with which a test predicts the behavior it is designed to predict

circadian rythym

The biological clock; regular body rhythms

suprakiesmatic nucleaus

controls the circadian rhythm

addictive drugs vs psychoactive drugs

psychoactive drug- a chemical substance that alters perceptions and moods

average time of one sleep cycle

90 minutes

role that meletonin plays in sleep

helps control sleep and wake cycles

frueds theorys on dreaming (manifest content, latient content)

manifest content- the remembered story line of a dream

Latent content- the underlying meaning of a dream

milgram experiment

the Shock one

Stanford prison experiment

the prison one

In 3-4 sentances explain the casue and effect relationship in pyschology

Something causes another thing to happen

What is the first sleep cycle and were does the second cycle start


2nd starts at the 2.