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38 Cards in this Set

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Human memory consists of multiple systems that have the ability to store information for periods of time that range from ____ to ____

seconds; our lifetime

When u finish a test and turn it in then realize there were a few more things to add the problem is with


Which model of memory suggests that memory processes occur throughout a neural network simultaneously

parallel distributed processing model

You can enchance your memory for specific words if u think about its meaning how it can be used. This is best accounted for by which model of memory

levels of processing

____ memories are said to linger in the mind for a few seconds


Information enters into short-term meory through a process known as

selective attention

When u want to remember a name so u remind urself the name has the same name as a capital of nevade. This transferring of information from short-term meory to long term meory is an example of what type of rehersal


Brenda has been able to tie her shoes since she was 4 but now finds it difficult to explain to her baby brother how to tie his shoes, but can easily demonstrate it for him. Brenda memory fo shoe tying is best characterized as a ____ memory


When youtake a final exam. What type of memory will u most certainly need to access to answer each question


What concept suggests the best place to study for a psychology final is your psychology classroom

encoding specifity

When u can rememebr the first and last sections of a grocery list what is that an example of

serial position effect

Multiple choice test questions typically rely on ____ while essay questions rely on __

recongnition; recall

Studies by Elizabeth loftus find that memroy is

highly fluid and can be altered by the person even when the person is unaware.

Studies show that as time passes, memories

tend to become more and more inaccurate

In the Loftus 1978 study subjects viewed as slide presentation of an accident. Later some of the subjects were asked a question about a yield sign when the actual slides contained pictures of a stop sign. When presented with this inaccurate information how did these subjects typically respond

many subjects overall accuracy dropped when confronted with conflicting information

Aaron has no memory of how he got home from a party. He then convinces himsellf that he must have been abducted by aliens while walking home. Subsequently he is hypnotized in an attempt to help increase his memories ofthat evening based on the research of memory recall through hypnosis what might we learn

Aarn created false memories of what happened that night to justify

A key component for anyt person to believe that a false event is in fact true is to make sure that the false info is

as plausible as possible

Raven has just finished learnign a list of nonsense words given to her. She had 100 percent recall at the end of class. How quickly will raven likely forget about 40% of the information.

Within 20 mins of leaving the class

Collins is asked to repeat what his mother just told him. He says he forgot. But in reality he wasnt paying attention. This is an example of ___

encoding failure

Shantel spent a year living abroad in span. During that time her ability to read and speak sapansih grew. Two years later she feels she cannt even go back because she cant remember anything. Her problem is likely due to

decay theory

H.M suffered from profound anterograde amness after his ____ were surgically removed in an attempt to control his seizures


Which neurtoransmitter is no longer readily produced in Alzheimer patients


Which type of memory best explains the "what" phenomenon

echoic sensory memory

For information to travel from snesory memory to short term memory it must be first ______ to and then encoded primarily into _____ form

selectively attended to : auditory

You are introduced to someone at a party. Shortly after while talking to the person u have forgotten their name. What is the amount of time it takes before imforation is lost from short term

typically between 12 to 30 seconds

Early studies of capacity of short term memory sgessted that most people could remember approximately ____ bites of information


____ memory includes what people can do or demonstrate were as ___ memory is about what people know and can report


The semantic network model of momemory suggests that the ____ nodes u must pass through inforatmion the longer it will take to recall


When u walk to a room and forget why u were there what do u do

return to where u came from to help u femember what he had forgotten

Which of the following is an example of a test using recognition


When giving a presentation develop a strong opening or attention getter, What aspect explains these suggestions

serial position

Dress for success. People remember the first thing they see. This is a belief is in line with what element of memory

the primacy effect

Research by elizabeth loftus shows that eyewitness recognition is very prone to what psychologist call

a false positive

The tendency of certain elements to enter long term memory with little or no effect to encode and organize them is what defines

automatic encoding

The ability to remember what u were doing during 9/11 is an example of

flashbulb memory

In Herman classic study on memory and the forgetting curve how long after learning does the list does most forgetting happen

one hour

Failure to remember whether abraham lincoln head faces right or left is a

encoding failure

HM was unable to form new declartive memories he suffered from

antergrade amnesia