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17 Cards in this Set

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What curve did Ebbinghaus create?

The forgetting curve

What is a technique that allows you to remember more information in short term?

Chunking; separating parts in units

What did the serial position curve show?

The memory recall is best for items that were presented earlier or at the end of a test

How could you decrease the primacy effect?

Say the list faster

How could you decrease the recency effect

Have the subjects do a distracting task immediately after encoding

What does the "levels of Processing" memory module suggest?

- Items encoded at a deeper level (more attention, more elaboration) result in longer lasting memory than items encoded at a shallow level (less attention and less elaboration)

- meaning > rhyme > case

What does encoding specificity imply?

When we encode a particular item the item is not processed in isolation but together with the surrounding context

Why can false memories occur?

Memory is a highly reconstructive process, which is subject to alteration and manipulation

Why might something/someone feel familiar?

If it is easily processed, it is a fluent experience

Attribution does what?

Ties together causes with effect

What is sensory memory?

Transient maintanence of perceptual and physical information from the very recent past.

What is the amount of information that can be held in short term memory?

7 (+/-) 2 items

What is the difference between short term and working memory?

Working memory is involved in more conscious control; short term 2.0. A central executive which coordinates and manipulates info

Whats the difference between declaritive and non-declaritive memory?

Declaritive is memory for specific facts or episodes; non-declaritive memory is not overtly recalled but apparent in functioning

The hippocampus plays a role in long term memory. T/F.

False; plays a role in STM

_________ interference occurs when knowledge prior to a memory prevents its retrieval.


______ interference occurs when new knowledge prevents the retrieval of old memories.
