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52 Cards in this Set

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Why is drug withdrawal a painful experience for addicts?
Physical dependence, dopamine levels not stable.
Less painkilling neurtotransmitters so always in pain.
Can there be more than one neurotransmitter involved in any singular synaptic connection?
Yes (of course)
What does it mean to be randomly assigned?
The design of a study such that all subjects have an equal chance of being assigned to any group or condition.
What does it mean to be debriefed?
To instruct not to reveal classified or secret information after experiment has ceased.
Explain what a correlation is.
Extent to which 2 or more variables are associated with one another.
What is correlations mathematical representation?
Correlation coefficient. ( how well one variable predicts another)
What is responsible for carrying information from the central nervous system to tissue?
Peripheral Nervous System
What is an independent variable?
The experimental factor that is Manipulated; the variable whose effect is being studied
What is a dependent variable?
The behavior or mental process that is being Measured; the variable that may change in response to the independent variable.
What do we know about Alzheimers disease?
Alzheimers show low acetylcholine levels.
What do we know about Schizophrenia?
Schiz. has too much dopamine.
What is an Agonist?
A chemical that mimics the action of a neurotransmitter. (nicotine)
What is an Antagonist?
A chemical that opposes the action of a neurotransmitter. (curare)
What do we know about Neurotransmitters?
They are chemicals that transmit info between neurons.
What are the two schools of psychology?
Structuralism and Functionalism
What is Structuralism? (Wundt)
Analyzes consciousness into its basic elemnts and to investage how these elements are related.
What is Functionalism? (W. James)
Belief that pyschology should investigate the function or purpose of consciousness rather than its structure.
What is research replication?
Research the same study with different particpants. (over and over to get right answer)
Why do we do research replication?
We do it to see if the basic finding extents to other particpants and circumstances.
What were the Greek philosophers interested in discovering?
Development of the soul?
What were the 3 research methods used in class?
Descriptive, Correlational, and Experimental
What does Descriptive research do?
To observe and record behavior.
What is the problem with Descriptive/Correlational research?
Investigators cannot control events to isolate cause and effect.
What is a positive to Descriptive/Correlational research?
Broadens the scope of phenomena that psychologists are able to study.
What does Correlational research do?
It detects naturally occurring relationships.
What is Experimental Research?
To explore cause and effect.
What is the downside to Experimental research?
Contrived situations often artificial.
Sometimes not feasible and results may not generalize to other contexts.
What is the positive to Experimental research?
Precise control over variables. Ability to draw conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships.
Why do we study animals?
Because they have shown the same effects as a human being and that way we do not have to test on humans.
How do neurons communicated?
Chemicals that transmit information from one neuron to another. (Long thin intertwining fibers)
What are axons?

Fibers that carry signals away from cell body.
What are the Dendrites?

Recieve from axon, carry signals to cell body.
What is a synapse?
Space between neurons.
(neurons do not touch)
What is the Placebo effect?
The subjects expectations lead them to experience some change even though its fake treatment.
What comprises the Limbic system?
Loosely connected structures between the cerebral cortex and sub cortical areas
What comprises the Endocrine system?
Glands that secrete chemicals into blood stream that help control bodily functioning.
What comprises the Somatic Nervous System?
Nerves that connect to voluntary skeletal muscles and to sensory receptors.
What comprises the Peripheral Nervous System?
Nerves that lie outside the brain and spinal cord
What comprises the Central Nervous System?
Brain and Spinal Cord.
According to Ancient Greek Civilizations, What is Psychology?
The Study of the Soul.
Middle Number
Most Frequent
What Type of Neurons make up the majority of your neural system?
What are interneurons?
Central nervous system neurons that internally communicate and intervene between the sensory inputs and motor outputs.
What are Motor Neurons?
Neurons that carry outgoing information from teh central nervous system to the muscles and glands.
What are Sensory Neurons?
Neurons that carry incoming info. from the sense receptors to the central nervous system.
What are the four kinds of Brain lobes?
Frontal, Parietal, Occiptal, and Temporal
Location and Responsibility of Frontal Lobe?
Speaking, muscle movement, make plans and judgements
Location and Responsibility of Parietal Lobe?
Sensory areas
Location and Responsibility of Occipital Lobe?
Location and Responsibility of Temporal Lobe?
Sides (think temples)